HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-30-1990 TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTESTRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING May 30, 1990 Those present: Bob Sobba, Wally Cory, Charles Gray, Grant Gibbons. Absent: Gary Vezzoso, Schuyler Enochs, and Mike Gable. There was not a quorum present. REPORT BY WALLY CORY: 1. Letter from Mike LaMont with regard to a situation on Tenth and Cleveland. His request was to mark Cleveland with painted double lines so traffic turning from Tenth to Cleveland won't slough over to the outside lane. Engineer will have double lines. 2. Letter from Camilo Lopez. Mr. Lopez wants restricted parking on Chicago between Tenth and Fifth. Commission feels that traffic is not sufficient on Chicago to warrant restricted parking. 3. Call from Carol Swan who would like to have stop signs at intersections of Georgia and Spruce. Chief Sobba said he had investigated the intersections and there was no need for stop signs. 4. Mrs. Adams had a compl aint that there was very 1 ittl e signing north of Linden near Walnut. The complaint was unclear and Mr. Cory recommended that all complaints be made in writing. 5. Railroad crossing were discussed. 6. Discussed the yellow curb in front of barber shop on Kimball between Blaine and Cleveland. The Commission will look into lifting restrictions. 7. Request from Jim McGarvin to extend Michigan to Marble Front. The City Engineer will survey. 8. Discussed signing problems related to new building near freeway. The Meeting was adjourned at 8:58 a.m.