HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-15 City Council AgendaPage 1 of 3
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we invite interested parties to participate in public hearings either electronically or in
person. If you have a cough, fever, or are not feeling well, please contact Planning & Zoning staff to arrange
participation remotely. The City of Caldwell follows the CDC guidelines to allow for distancing in the public meeting
area and provide masks/hand sanitizer on site.
Virtual Participation Option: Register in advance to provide public comments electronically or by telephone. During the
registration process, you will be asked what item on the agenda you wish to speak about. Please use the case number as
listed within the written notice.
On-line registration must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Click on the green “public meetings”
button on the center of the page. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about
joining the virtual meeting. REGISTER HERE: https://www.cityofcaldwell.org
Written comments must be received at least eight (8) days in advance of the meeting to the Planning & Zoning
Department at P&Z@cityofcaldwell.org to be included within the staff report. All comments received after the staff
report has been transmitted will be included in the case file and provided as late exhibits at the appropriate public
Live Stream Viewing: If you are not planning to speak, members of the public are encouraged to view the meeting via
the live stream option: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCci7S1A0UJNK6asXxxugLGA
Monday, November 15, 2021
6:00 PM
A workshop to discuss the following items:
1. The new Caldwell Swimming Pool proposal, construction timeline, budget and features.
2. Caldwell Airport Master Plan Update – Review of Final Draft.
Monday, November 15, 2021
7:00 PM
a. Update Report: Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council
b. Update Report: Caldwell Public Library Trustee Board
c. Update Report: Republic Services (Rachele Klein, Municipal Services Manager)
1. Approve acceptance of the minutes of the Regularly Scheduled City Council meeting held on November
1,2021, the Caldwell Youth Master Plan Committee meeting held on August 26, 2021; and the Caldwell
Traffic Commission meeting held on November 3, 2021
2. Approve the Order of Decision and Development Agreement for Case Number ANN21-000007/SUB21-
000012 (Sterling Ridge Annexation and Preliminary Plat) - Approval and signature contingent upon receipt of
signed Development Agreement by all affected parties available for City Council approval or shall be removed
from the Consent Calendar and placed on a future agenda.
3. Approve Order of Decision for Final Plat for SUB21-000037 (North Ranch Business Park Phase 4);
4. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of 18 Avon C-50 gas masks from Safeware in the amount of
$17,386.56 for use by the Caldwell Police Department;
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5. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of three Motorola APX6000 700/800 Model 2.5 portable digital
radios from Motorola Solutions in the amount of $16,752.96 for use by the Caldwell Police Department;
6. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of in-car Motorola radios (6), opticoms (6), and arbitrator
systems (6) in the amount of $94,275.18 for use by the Caldwell Police Department;
7. Approve request to set the public hearing meeting date for Monday, December 6, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. for
consideration of an increase of the Parks, Fire, and Police Impact Fees above five percent (5%) of that
previously charged based on changes to the Engineering New Record Construction and Building indices since
capital improvement plan estimates were last computed;
8. Approve Resolution authorizing the City Clerk to notify Gem State Planning LLC of the denial of its Request
for Reconsideration for PUD20-000001 (Escalon Park);
9. Approve request for the transfer of the Alcohol Beverage License (liquor/beer/wine) from Beer Guys Caldwell,
LLC (Beer Guys) to JJT Enterprises, Inc. (The Dutch Goose) located at 2502 Cleveland Boulevard;
10. Approve the Caldwell Airport Master Plan Update prepared by Coffman Associates, Inc;
11. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the City Service Agreement Addendum with Caldwell Rural
Fire Protection District for FY-2021-2022
12. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the FY-2021-2022 Addendum Contract Services Fee
Agreement with Caldwell Rural Fire Protection District;
13. Approve Resolution authorizing the ratification of the Trustees of the City of Caldwell Employee Benefit Plan
Trust to execute the amendment to the Administrative Blueprint between the City of Caldwell Employee
Benefit Plan Trust and Regence BlueShield of Idaho with an effective date of October 1, 2021;
14. Approve Resolution authorizing the ratification of the Trustees of the City of Caldwell Employee Benefit Plan
Trust to execute the amendment to the Administrative Services Contract and the Administrative Services
Contract Fee Schedule Addendum with Regence BlueShield of Idaho with an effective date of October 1,
15. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the Independent Contractor Agreement with Elizabeth
McNannay doing business as Resource Consultants for administration of the Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) Activities Agreement;
16. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the Independent Contractor Agreement with Elizabeth
McNannay doing business as Resource Consultants for administration of the Community Development Block
Grant COVID-19 (CDBG-DV) Activities Agreement;
17. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the Agreement to Administer the Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) funds for the Improve Safety and Livability Award in the amount of $35,000.00;
18. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of card reader motion sensors in the amount of $23,000.00
(APRA funds) from Integrated Security Resources for use at the Caldwell Event Center;
19. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of a Xerox Atlalink Multifunctional Copier from Boise Office
Equipment in the amount of $6,895.00 for use at City Hall;
20. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of a Buffalo Tera Station Storage System to be used with the
Rubrik Backup System from Orion Integration Group in the amount of $16,050.00 for use by the Information
Technology Department;
21. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of a Hach LDO sc Model 2 DO Probes from Hach Company in
the amount of $23,742.00 for use by the Waste Water Treatment Plant;
22. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of four (4) A-ISE se Ammonium Probe units from Hach
Company in the amount of $36,000.00 for use by the Waste Water Treatment Plant;
23. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of one (1) Phosphax sc Phosphate Analyzer from Hach Company
in the amount of $27,843.00 for use by the Waste Water Treatment Plant;
24. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of a Nitratax with sc Controller from Hach Company in the
amount of $20,366.00 for use by the Waste Water Treatment Plant;
25. Approve Resolution accepting the Dedication of Sewer, Water, Storm Drain, Pressure Irrigation and Street
Light Facilities in the Klamath Falls Subdivision, Phase I;
26. Approve Resolution accepting the Award of Bid for the North 21st Avenue Parking Lot Project to Central
Cove Paving, LLC in the amount of $1,298,800.00;
27. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with
Design West Architects and associated fees in the amount of $213,948.00 for the Parks and Recreation
Building Project;
28. Approve the Resolution authorizing the execution of a Joint Funding Agreement with United States Geological
Survey (USGS) in the amount of $26,100.00 for gauging stations to meet the NPDES permit requirements;
29. Approve Resolution authorizing acceptance of an Agreement for Removal of Personal Property at 5015 E.
Ustick Road, Space #5 with Carlos Gutierrez and Maria Rodriguez in the amount of $2,500.00;
30. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of a Purchase Agreement with Jeanette R. Farrell in the amount
of $250.00 to grant a temporary easement associated with the Ustick Road Widening Project;
31. Approve Resolution authorizing acceptance of an Agreement for Removal of Personal Property at 5015 E.
Ustick Road, Space #7 with Gabriel Hernandez in the amount of $2,270.00;
32. Approve Resolution accepting Dedication of off-site Sewer and Water constructed as part of the Mandalay
Ranch Subdivision Project;
33. Approve Resolution accepting Dedication of Sewer, Water, Pressure Irrigation, Storm Drain and Street Light
Facilities in the Mandalay Ranch Subdivision Phase I;
34. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of a Use Authorization with the Department of Interior Bureau
of Reclamation (Contract No. 21-07-11-L5554) for the US Hwy. 20/26 Sewer Trunk Line Extension Project;
35. Approve request for the appointment of Christina Byrne to the Planning & Zoning Commission for a term to
expire December 31, 2024;
36. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the Agreement Regarding Animal Shelter with West Valley
Humane Society in the amount of $75,380.00 effective November 1, 2021 thru September 30, 2022.
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1. ACTION ITEM: Consider Bill No. 30 (Ordinance No. 3350) for Case No. ANN21-000007 (Sterling Ridge
Annexation) with a request to waive the rules, pass on the first reading, and approve the summary for
publication. (Approval and signature contingent upon receipt of signed Development Agreement by all
affected parties available for City Council approval or shall be continued to a date certain.)
2. ACTION ITEM: Public Hearing (Legislative): Case No. OA-21-08 (Continued from August 16, 2021) a
request by the Planning and Zoning Department amending Chapter 10, Article 12, City Center Zoning District,
of the Caldwell City Code and with a new designation of Central Business Zoning District and text changes to
3. ACTION ITEM: Consider Resolution No. 381-21 authorizing the use of General Fund Contingency for the
addition of two (2) new police officer positions at the Caldwell Police Department for FY-2022.
1) ACTION ITEM: Public Hearing (Quasi-Judicial): Case No. PUD21-000003/SUB21-000011: A request by
Toll Southwest LLC for a Planned Unit Development, Passero Ridge Subdivision, on 104 acres in an “R1”
(Low Density Residential) zone. The proposed development includes 326 residential lots with the gross
density of the project at 3.13 dwelling units per acre (DU/acre) with a net density of 5.40 DU/acre. The subject
property, parcel R32856, is located approximately 915 feet north of the intersection of 10th Ave. and Orchard
Ave. intersection adjacent to Mallard Park, Caldwell, ID. The Hearing Examiner forwarded this case with a
recommendation of approval as conditioned on September 14, 2021.
2) ACTION ITEM: Public Hearing (Quasi-Judicial): Case No. PUD21-000002 A for a Planned Unit
Development and Preliminary Plat for Mino’Aka Subdivision on parcel # R27438 located on the NE corner of
Ustick Road and Florida Avenue, Caldwell, ID. The development is proposed for 23 townhomes on 4.56 acres
with a gross density of 5.04 units per acre. Each residential lot is proposed to be 24’x66’ with a square footage
of 1584 square feet. The subject property is zoned “R-2” (Medium Density Residential). The Hearing
Examiner forwarded this case with a recommendation of approval as conditioned on August 24, 2021.
3) ACTION ITEM: Public Hearing (Quasi-Judicial): Case No. TE21-000006: Providence Properties LLC is
requesting a Preliminary Plat Renewal for Mason Creek Landing Subdivision for up to 18 months. Phase 1
(21 SFR) & Phase 2 (59 SFR) Final Plats were recorded on August 8, 2020. Phase No. 3 construction is
nearing completion for projected Final Plat recordation in December of 2021 with Phase No. 4 also under
construction. The development consists of 367 including 311 single-family lots, 34 common lots, 1 park lot,
and 21 4-Plex lots approved by special use permit in an R2 (Medium Density Residential) zone. The subject
properties are located on the southeast corner of Middleton Road and Skyway Street, Caldwell, ID.
4) ACTION ITEM: Public Hearing (Quasi-Judicial): Case No. TE21-000005: J & J Property Development,
LLC is requesting a 24 month Time Extension of a Preliminary Plat for Cirrus Pointe Subdivision specific to
Phase 7 & 8 as required by order of decision case file TE-20-07 approving development of Phase 6 containing
76 residential lots and requiring an additional time extension application for subsequent phases of 7 & 8
reflecting the amendments of the required access to the southerly out parcels, the realignment of Cirrus Drive
and Montana Avenue, and the affected lot layout providing for public review of the proposed amendments to
the original preliminary plat. The original development approval consists of 373 residential lots in an R-1
(Low Density Residential) zone on 162.48 acres. Phases 1-5 containing 159 residential lots were developed
prior to 2020. The applicant is requesting to complete the remaining 214 residential lot development of Cirrus
Pointe. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan designation is Low Density Residential. The development is located at
the southeast corner of Montana Avenue and Orchard Street in Caldwell, ID.
5) ACTION ITEM: Consider acceptance of the Canvass of Votes from the Canyon County Board of Canvassers
of the Consolidated Election held on November 3, 2021 for the Mayor (4-year term) and City Council Seats 1,
2, 3 (4-year term).
6) ACTION ITEM: Consider Bill No. 63 (Ordinance No. 3382) to annex Saddleback Subdivision Phase No. 2
(Instrument No. 2021074747) into the Caldwell Municipal Irrigation District with a request to waive the rules
and pass on the first reading.
7) ACTION ITEM: Consider Bill No. 64 (Ordinance No.3383) to annex Klamath Falls Subdivision Phase No. 1
(Instrument No. 2021036022) into the Caldwell Municipal Irrigation District with a request to waive the rules
and pass on the first reading.
8) ACTION ITEM: Financial Report acceptance.
9) Council Reports.
10) Mayor’s Comments.
11) Adjournment.
Next Regular City Council Meeting is on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room at
the Caldwell Police Station at 110 South Fifth. Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the
meeting should contact the City Clerk at 411 Blaine Street or call #455-4656 prior to the meeting. The entire
agenda packet and minutes can be viewed on the City of Caldwell’s website: www.cityofcaldwell.com. Cualquier
persona que necesita arreglos especiales para participar en la reunión debe comunicarse con el Secretario de la
Ciudad en 411 Blaine Street o llame al # 455 a 4656 antes de la reunión.