HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-03 Traffic Commission Minutes (2) ,
Caldwell Traffic Commission `Date Z�z
March 3, 2021 @ 2:00
Present: Robb MacDonald (RM), Brent Orton (BO), Jake Clinger (JC)Jerome Mapp (JM) Mark
Wendelsdorf(MW) Absent: August Medellin (AM)
Secretary: Tammy Frans
*MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) *ROW (Right-of-Way) *TC (Traffic
Commission) *MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
Old Business—
1. ROW Vacation for New Plaza Skate Shop —Brent Orton
Caldwell Destination wants to build a larger skate shop off the side of the existing building into
Albany Street.
Primary concern is it will reduce the open view of the Plaza from Albany Street and coming across
the bridge.
02-03-21 A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to table further discussion until the Fire
department can weigh in.
03-03-21 A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to table further discussion so Brent Orton
can create and exhibit that represents what the remaining view would look like
04-07-21 A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to table further discussion. More
information is needed, the Subia's must be on board first and Destination Caldwell may be going in a
different direction.
2. Parking around the new Terry Riley complex at Kimball and Clevland—Glen Koch
Terry Reily employees and customers consume the majority of available parking for blocks around
their building. Other issues include parking, lottering and smoking in the alley, animal messes.
Jerome and Robb met with Heidi Hart the Building CEO to discuss possible parking solutions.Ideas
include but were not limited to;
• Proivding 10 parking spaces on the site for public parking. Signage will be provided by Terry
Reilly and the proprty owners of the senior housing facility.
• Lease with nearby Church to use parking for employees
• Tv:o spaces of two hour parking for appointments
• Paint parking spaces for more efficient parking
Brent met with Jeana Lujack, a neighboring business. Her complaints were;
• Tennants walking their dogs in her grass area to do their duty and not picking it up
• People blocking the alley while wating for patients to come out
• People parking in her business parking area
• Tennants park trucks and camp trailers in front of her business for extended periods of time
A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to have P&Z work with Public Works at staff level to
conduct a three-month trial, with the option to extend an additional three months.The trial will
consist of:
• Two hour parking, on both sides of the street, around the entire block
• Make the alley a one-way East to West
TC anticipates a downtown parking study, possibly using the help of summer interns. The intent is
to re-asses the situation in three months.
ACTION: P&Z to preform 3 month trial as outlined above
New Business—
3. Parking near Epic Shine Carwash
Sylvia Bahem stated people are parking erratically near the carwash. Another person complained
because people will not use the un-paved side of the road and drive in the wrongt direction on the
paved side.
These issues are expected to go away when the neighboring business completes their frontage
improvements. In the mean time P&Z will review Epic Shines plans to see if they included empoyee
parking.Jerome will then followup with a letter to the business informinfg them to not allow
employees to park in the stripped area or in the street in front of the unfinished road section.
ACTION: P&Z review approved site plans and send correspondence to Epic Shine managment
4. Florida/Homedale intersection was discussed and a request made to add it to the next agenda.
Resource/Weather Pending Business:
1. A signal is planned at 24th Avenue and Blaine Street in front of the Simplot Stadium. The signal
currently installed at Santa Anna and Ustick Road midblock will be repurposed for this project once
the Ustick/Santa Anna RAB is complete.
2. Extend red curbing at 20th&Cleveland—CPD created a package solution for parking and sight issues in
this area.The Traffic Commission requested a copy for review before the plan is added to the Council
Agenda for approval.Aug 2020
3. Restripe Skyway in late spring or early summer. Nov 2019
4. Engineering to conduct a traffic control and flow study of the greater South Downtown area. Aug