HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-19 City Council Agenda CITY OF CALDWELL
Consistent with Governor Little's guidance relating to the Coronavirus(COVID-19)regarding public meetings and hearings,a
limited number of persons will be allowed on-site with alternative options being provided. Public meetings and hearings will
be conducted remotely via an online conferencing system as well as the availability of live stream viewing for the public.
Details may be found at www.cityofcaldwell.org(see the PUBLIC HEARING easy access option on the page)
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registration must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting at: https://www.cityofealdwell.org/your-
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have questions,please contact the City Clerk's Office at(208)455-4656.
Written Comments: Comments for land-use public hearings(before the Planning&Zoning Commission,Hearing Examiner,
or Caldwell City Council)must be received at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting at P&Z(a�cityofcaldwell.org. Written
comments will be provided within the staff report and/or read into the record.
Live,Sfr°ewn ri w bw: Members of the public who are not planning to speak are encouraged to view the meeting via the live
stream option at: https://www.yout ibe.com/channel/IJCci7S IAOIJJNK6asXxxugLGA
Tuesday,January 19,2021
7:00 PM
a. Employee of the Year Recognition
b. Supervisor of the Year Recognition
c. Annual Update Report: Caldwell Airport Commission(Steve Kahn,Chairman)
d. Annual Update Report: Metro Community Services(Grant Jones,Director)
a. Eric Barboza: Second Amendment Sanctuary City
1. Approve the minutes of the Regularly Scheduled City Council Meeting held on January 4,2021;
2. Approve the Order of Decision for Final Plat Case No.SUB-20E-I I(Smeed Industrial Subdivision);
3. Approve the Order of Decision for Final Plat Case No.ANN-20-01/SUB-20P-08(Guches Subdivision);
4. Approve the appointment of Tim King to the Caldwell Historic Preservation Commission for a terns to expire on
December 31,2023;
5. Approve the re-appointment of Jackie Hernandez to the Caldwell Friends of the Depot Committee for a terns to
expire December 31,2023;
6. Approve the re-appointment of Donna Crockett, Julie Warwick, Russell Weihe, and Dean Pratt to the Senior
Citizen Center Commission for a terns to expire December 31,2022;
7. Approve the correction for the appointment of Vivian Ferkin for a terns to expire December 31,2024 and the re-
appointment of Greg Swanson for a terns to expire December 31, 2024 to the Caldwell Industrial Airport
8. Approve request for the destruction of records from the Parks,Recreation, Caldwell Event Center, Golf,Police
Department, Fire Department, Engineering,Finance, Cemetery, Infonnation Technology, and Human Resources
9. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2018 Ford Edge in the amount of$24,989.00 for use by the
Caldwell Police Department;
10.Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2020 Ford Fusion in the amount of$20,658.00 for use by the
Caldwell Police Department;
11.Approve Resolution ratifying the purchase of a Caterpillar Oil Lube 323 Series Twin system in the amount of
$12,412.11 for use by the Water Department;
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12.Approve Resolution accepting the Award of Bid to L2 Excavation in the amount of$132,720.00 for replacement of
the alley mainline between Blaine&Arthur(1511,Avenue to 161 Avenue);
13.Approve request for the waiver of rental fees in the amount of$68,800.00 for the use of O'Connor Field House as
a storage facility for the PPE COVID-19 Canyon County Response Program;
14.Approve Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the proposal from Bowen Collins to update the Water System
Master Plan in an amount not to exceed$70,280.00 as requested by the Public Works Department;
15.Approve Resolution authorizing the Execution of the Right-of-Way Purchase Agreement with Donald R. and
Wende L.Mai in the amount of$8,860.30 for frontage improvements along 16759 Florida Avenue;
16.Approve Resolution accepting an Easement for water main lines,sewer main lines,pressure irrigation main lines
and ingress-egress from Caldwell Industrial Site,LLC for services to 4120 Challenger Way
17.Approve Resolution accepting a Warranty Deed from Donald R. and Wende L. Mai for future right-of-way
improvements along Florida Avenue;
18.Approve Resolution authorizing the cost share with Canyon Highway District 4 for the Corridor Study of Farmway
Road conducted by 6 Mile Engineering in the amount of$74,617.00;
19.Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of a Walker 24HP Kohler Diesel Mower from Smiths Lawnmower
Sales in the amount of$16,669.00 for use by the Cemetery Department;
20.Approve Resolution accepting Dedication of sewer,water,storm drain,pressure irrigation and street light facilities
from Challenger Development,Inc.for Peregrine Estates Subdivision Phase No.3;
21.Approve Resolution accepting Dedication of sewer,water, storm drain,pressure irrigation and street lights from
Caldwell Industrial Site,LLC for 4120 Challenger Way Development;
22.Approve Resolution accepting Dedication of sewer,water, storm drain,pressure irrigation and street lights from
HDP Mason Creek,LLC for the Mason Creek Landing Subdivision Phase No.1;
23.Approve Resolution accepting Dedication of sewer,water, storm drain,pressure irrigation and street lights from
HDP Mason Creek,LLC for the Mason Creek Landing Subdivision Phase No.2;
24.Approve Resolution accepting Dedication of water and street light facilities from Lone Star Land, LLC for the
Lone Star Ranch Subdivision Phase No. 1;
25.Approve Resolution accepting Dedication of pressure irrigation facilities from Challenger Development, Inc.for
the Saddleback Subdivision Pressure Irrigation Extension Project (formally known as the Wagon Wheel
Subdivision Pressure Irrigation Extension);
26.Approve Resolution accepting the Dedication of sewer, water, storm drain, pressure irrigation and street light
facilities from Challenger Development for the Saddleback Subdivision Phase No.1.
1. ACTION ITEM: Correction to Ordinance Number-- Consider Bill No. 1 (Ordinance No. 3321)to anlend the
Caldwell City Code,Chapter 3,Article 05,Section 03-05-09,concerning the powers and duties of the Mayor with
a request to waive the rules,pass on the first reading,and approve the summary for publication.
1. ACTION ITEM: Consider Resolution No.02-21 for Case No.CMP-20-05 (BVA North Ranch)authorizing the
Comprehensive Plan Map amendment.
2. ACTION ITEM: Consider Bill No. 31 (Ordinance No. 3288) for Case No. ANN-20-03 (BVA North Ranch
Annexation)with a request to waive the rules,pass on the first reading,and approve the summary for publication.
3. ACTION ITEM: Public Hearing(Quasi-Judicial): SUB-20P-09: A request by Skyway Industrial Condos LLC
for a Preliminary Condominium Plat on parcel R35305012(2.81 acres)for Skyway Industrial Condos consisting of
8-5000 square foot buildings. The subject property is currently zoned"M-1"(Light Industrial). The property lies
within the Airport Overlay Zone, APO1 Land Use Limitation District and is located at the southeast comer of
Aviation Way and Skyway Street.
4. ACTION ITEM: Public Hearing(Quasi-Judicial): Case Number ANN-20-16/SUB-20P-12 BST DEV,LLC is
requesting annexation of 7.23 acres with a designation of R-1 (Low Density Residential)and seeking approval of
Preliminary Plat for Pappy's Landing Subdivision, consisting of 21 single-family residential lots and 4 common
lots. The subject properties are located at 11246 Hwy 20/26 in Caldwell,Idaho,parcel number R3409200000.
5. ACTION ITEM: Consider Bill No.54(Ordinance No.3301)for Case No.ANN-20-16 with a request to waive
the rules,pass on the first reading,and approve the summary for publication.
6. ACTION ITEM: Consider Bill No.3(Ordinance No.3323)to annex Sienna Hills No. 10 Subdivision Phase No.
10 into the Caldwell Municipal Irrigation District with a request to waive the rules,pass on the first reading and
approve the summary for publication.
7. ACTION ITEM: Consider Corrected Bill No.38(Ordinance No.3295-A)to de-annex a strip of land erroneously
annexed into the Caldwell Municipal Irrigation District(Instrument#200323505)with a request to waive the rules
and pass on the first reading.
8. ACTION ITEM: Finance Report acceptance.
9. Council Reports.
10.Mayor's Comments.
a. ACTION ITEM: Approve request to accept the Mayor's 2020 Year-end Report.
11.Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 74-206,Subsection(1)(f)for the purpose of discussing pending
litigation or where there is a general public awareness of probable litigation.
Next Regular City Council Meeting is on Monday,February 1,2021 at 7:00 p.m.in the Community Room at the Caldwell
Police Station at 110 South Fifth.Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact the City
Clerk at 411 Blaine Street or call 4455-4656 prior to the meeting.The entire agenda packet and minutes can be viewed on the City
of Caldwell's website:www.citvofcaldwell.com. Cualquier persona que necesita arreglos especiales para participar en la reunion
debe comunicarse con el Secretario de la Ciudad en 411 Blaine Street o llame al#455 a 4656 antes de la reunion.
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