HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-10-17_DoverPlace_LandscapeDESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY:BYAPR.DATESHEET NUMBER:DESCRIPTION REUSE OF DRAWINGSTHIS DOCUMENT, AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATEDHEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, IS THEPROPERTY OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.AND IS NOT TO BE USED, INWHOLE OR PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE EXPRESSWRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.NO.BYREVISIONAPR.DATEBYAPR.DATEJUB PROJ. # : LAST UPDATED: 10/17/2017 10-17-089_LP-101X INCH, SCALE ACCORDINGLYAT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE ONE INCH FILE :F:\PROJECTS\JUB\BOISE OFFICE\10-17-089-DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISION\CAD\SHEET\LANDSCAPE\10-17-089_LP-101X.DWGPlot Date:10/17/2017 9:28 AM Plotted By: Jenna McRoryDate Created:10/17/2017CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARYNOT FORPLANSJ-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.Boise, ID 83709-0944Suite 201J-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.250 S. Beechwood Ave.www.jub.comFax: 208.323.9336Phone: 208.376.7330DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISIONCALDWELL, IDAHO PLANTING NOTES 10-17-089 JMM JMM GHG LP-001 PLANTING NOTES 1.The Contractor shall be familiar with the planting and irrigation technical specifications -- failure to do so will not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to fulfill all requirements in said specifications. 2.Prior to any planting operations, the irrigation system shall be fully operational and all planting areas shall be thoroughly moistened. 3.The planting plan is diagrammatic, and all plant locations are approximate. Plant symbols take precedence over plant quantities shown on the plans and in the Plant Material Schedule. The Contractor shall verify all plant quantities and notify the Landscape Architect of any discrepancies between the quantities and the symbols shown. The Plant Materials Schedule is for the Contractor's convenience only. 4.No substitution of size, grade, variety or any species shall be permitted except by written permission of the Landscape Architect. Upon receiving Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall provide written proof that the specified plant material is available and has been secured or reserved specifically for this project. Obtain nursery stock and other plant materials from reliable and stable sources prior to order and delivery. 5.Final Grade Preparation A.The subgrade Material Shall be rough graded to plus or minus one tenth (+0.1) foot of the final rough grade, which will allow the Contractor to achieve final finished grade through the placement of the topsoil. B.Protect existing trees, shrubs, lawns, existing structures, fences, roads, sidewalks, paving, curb and gutter and other features during Construction. C.Protect above or below grade utilities. Contact utility companies to repair damage to utilities. Contractor shall pay all cost of repairs which he causes. D.Maintain all benchmarks, control monuments and stakes, whether newly established by surveyor or previously existing. Protect from damage and dislocation. E.Grading Intent: Spot elevations and contours indicated are based on the best available data. The intent is to maintain constant slopes between spot elevations. F.Conduct work in an orderly manner. Do not create a nuisance. Do not permit soil accumulation on streets or sidewalks. Do not allow soil to be washed into sewers and storm drains. G.Grade slopes to provide adequate drainage after compaction. Do not create water pockets or ridges. Use all means necessary to prevent erosion of freshly graded areas during construction until surfaces have been constructed and landscaping areas have taken hold. H.Grades shall be smooth, even, and maintain a consistent uniform slope. Grades with undulating surfaces will be rejected and require re-grading. I.The Contractor shall maintain a minimum of two (2) percent drainage away from all buildings, structures, and walls. Finished grades shall be smoothed to eliminate puddling or standing water. J.All finished grades shall be approved by the Landscape Architect prior to installation of any plant materials. 6.All planting areas shall receive a minimum of four (4) inches of imported topsoil in turf areas and twelve (12) inches in planting beds. All topsoil used on this project shall meet the following criteria: A.pH:....................................................................................................5.5 - 8.0 B.EC (electrical conductivity):..............................................................<2.0 mmhos per centimeter C.SAR (sodium absorption ratio):........................................................<3.0 D.% OM (percent organic matter):.......................................................2% E.Texture (particle size per USDA classification): I. Sand:..............................................................................<70% II. Silt:.................................................................................<70% III. Clay:...............................................................................<30% IV. Stone Fragments (gravels or any soil particle Greater than two (2) mm in size):...................................<5% (by volume) V. Rocks > 1.5”...................................................................None In addition, the topsoil shall be fertile, friable, natural loam and shall be capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth. It shall be free of stones, lumps, clods of hard earth, plants or their roots, sticks, and other extraneous matter. The topsoil shall contain neither noxious weeds nor their seeds. It shall not be used for planting operations while in a frozen or muddy condition. An appropriate fertilizer may be used to provide needed nutrients for healthy and vigorous plant growth. Follow recommendation of topsoil report. 7.The following procedure shall be followed in placing all topsoil: A.All areas to receive topsoil which have a slope of less than ten (10) percent shall be cross-ripped to a depth of four (4) to six (6) inches. B.The surface of the subgrade shall be scarified to a depth of two (2) inches to provide a transition zone between the subgrade and the topsoil. Place the topsoil on the subgrade and fine grade to the final finished grade and topsoil depths as indicated on the drawings and in these notes. C.Any required soil amendments (i.e. organic matter, fertilizer, gypsum, etc.) shall be placed directly on the topsoil at the required rates and spread evenly over the planting area. The amendments shall then be thoroughly blended into the topsoil to a depth of four (4) inches. Where only a dry, granular fertilizer is to be added, it may be applied to the surface and raked in during the fine grading process. 8.The Contractor shall obtain a soil analysis from any authorized soil testing agency of any existing stockpiled or imported topsoil to be used on the project to verify that it conforms to the topsoil specifications. Test results shall include horticultural nutrient recommendations. The soil samples shall be obtained per the testing agency directions. Allow ten (10) working days to obtain test results. The costs for such testing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Prior to delivery of the imported topsoil to the site, the Contractor shall provide to the Landscape Architect the name and location of the topsoil source, along with the certified soil analysis of the topsoil to be used. The analysis shall verify that the proposed topsoil meets the topsoil specifications, and is capable of supporting healthy plant growth. 9.After imported top soil has been delivered to the site, a second soils test may be required to verify that it is indeed the same soil as previously tested and designated for use in this project. No substitution of top soil shall be allowed without prior written authorization from the Landscape Architect. 10.All plants used for this project shall conform to the following: A.Any inspection certificates required by law shall accompany each delivery of plants and such certificate shall be filed with the Landscape Architect. All plants shall be subject to inspection and approval at the place of growth or upon delivery to the site for their quality, size, species, and variety. Such approval shall not impair the right of inspection and rejection at the site or during progress of work for size and condition of the plants, latent defects, or injuries. Any and all rejected plants shall be removed immediately from the premises by the Contractor. The Contractor shall make all replacements at his expense should he fail to comply in full with any of the specifications. Necessary replacements will be made as soon as weather conditions permit and all such plants replaced shall conform to all specifications herein. B.Plants shall be fresh and vigorous, of normal habit and growth, and free of disease, insects and insect eggs and insect larvae, weeds and weed seed. No heeled-in plants from cold storage shall be accepted except on approval by the Landscape Architect prior to installation. 11.All plants shall be installed using the following procedures: A.Plants shall be generally located as indicated by the drawing. The Contractor shall stake out the location of all plants and planting areas, and no excavation or installation shall commence until such locations have been approved by the Landscape Architect. B.All trees and shrubs shall be planted in pits as detailed in the planting details contained herein or as noted on the drawings. Tree and shrub pits shall be circular in outline, with a diameter at least two (2) times the diameter of the rootball of each plant to be installed. They shall be one to two and one half (1 - 2 ½) inches shallower than the rootball depth. When the plant is properly placed in the plant pit, the root collar shall be at or approximately one (1) inch above finished grade. The sides of the plant pit shall be roughened, and not smooth or sculpted. C.Plant backfill mix shall be one hundred (100) percent native site soil. D.For container grown plants, remove the container and place the plant vertically in the plant pit, directly on undisturbed soil. The root crown or collar shall be at or approximately one (1) inch above the finished grade. Perennial plants and ornamental grasses shall be planted with root collar at finished grade. E.For balled and burlapped plants, place the plant vertically in the center of the pit, with the rootball resting on undisturbed soil. Cut and remove the wire basket and burlap or other wrapping material from the rootball. This may be done with the rootball in the pit. Any burlap or wire pieces underneath the rootball may be left in place if they cannot be removed. Do not fold the burlap over, but cut away as much as possible without disturbing the rootball. No burlap shall be pulled from under the rootball. Backfill the bottom one third (1/3) of the pit as the wire and burlap are removed. In all cases, maintain the integrity of the rootball. F.Specified backfill material shall be carefully and firmly worked and tamped under and around the rootball to fill all voids. When backfilled and compacted to two thirds (2/3) the depth of the pit, thoroughly water with a hose to completely soak the roots and remove any air pockets. G.The plant pit shall then be completely backfilled with the specified backfill mix and tamped well. A shallow watering basin or rain cup shall be formed around each plant. This basin will be equal in diameter to that of the original planting pit. H.After planting, the following operations shall be performed: I. Stake and mulch all trees per installation details. II. Remove all nursery stakes ties, and tags from all plants. Prune and remove any dead, damaged, or broken branches. Maintain side growth on all trees. 12.Staking shall be performed as follows: A.Two (2) 2"x 2" square or 2” diameter round wood stakes, minimum ten (10) feet in length, shall be used to support each tree planted under this contract unless otherwise indicated. Metal t-posts shall not be used. B.Tree ties shall conform to the staking detail shown on the planting detail sheet. Wire and vinyl hose shall not be used. C.Each stake shall be located adjacent to the rootball, on opposing sides, to provide maximum support to the trunk. Do not penetrate the rootball with the stake. D.The stakes shall be driven into the pit bottom after the tree has been placed in the pit, but before backfilling begins so as to avoid damage to the roots. E.Stakes and ties shall be removed after one (1) full growing season from the time the tree was installed. 13.All plants shall be thoroughly watered immediately after planting. This shall mean full and thorough saturation of all backfill in the pits and beds during the same day of planting. Water shall be applied only by open end hose at very low pressure to avoid air pockets, injury to the plant, or washing away of backfill. When installed, watered, and fully settled, the plants shall be vertical. Subsequent watering shall be provided by the site's irrigation system. The Contractor shall insure that all plants, especially trees, receive sufficient water to maintain healthy growth and vigor. Over-watering shall be avoided, and prolonged saturation of the soil around the trees shall be eliminated by appropriately controlling the irrigation circuit which provides water to that area. 14.Mulch (see plant materials schedule and specifications for size requirements) shall be placed to a depth of three (3) inches on top of the topsoil in all planting beds and over tree planting pits. The finished grade of the mulch shall be as follows: A.Two (2) inches below the surface or finished grade of any paving, mowstrips, or walks adjacent to the planting area. B.One (1) inch below top of metal edging. C.At adjacent finished grade of the turf surrounding tree planting pits. D.In tree pits, the mulch shall be kept six (6) inches away from the base of the tree. E.Just prior to placement of the mulch, the Contractor shall treat the mulched areas with a pre-emergent herbicide according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 15.For projects with turf grass sod, all sod used for this project shall be free of grassy and broad-leaf weeds, contain no bare or burned spots, and be clean and strongly rooted. It shall be of the varieties noted in the plans and Plant Material Schedule. The sod shall be cut using approved methods and equipment. It shall be cut in pieces not exceeding one (1) square yard, with a uniform thickness on all pieces. Sod thickness may vary between a minimum of one (1) inch and maximum one and one half (1 ½) inches, but must be consistent throughout this project. The Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect of the source of the sod prior to placement. The sod shall be stripped and delivered to the site not more than twenty four (24) hours prior to laying. It shall be maintained in a moist and healthy condition to encourage immediate growth. 16.The following procedure shall be followed when installing the sod: A.Lay the sod on smooth, moist topsoil, working off planks if required. B.Rake the topsoil to loosen and level prior to placing each course of sod. C.Lay strips perpendicular to the direction of the slope. Strips shall be parallel to each other, with their end seams staggered. The sod shall be neither stretched nor overlapped, and all joints shall be butted tightly together. D.Roll the sod immediately after placing and thoroughly water with a fine spray to a depth sufficient that the underside of the new sod and the soil immediately below the sod are thoroughly wet. E.On slopes two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical or steeper, lay the sod perpendicular to the slope and secure every row with wooden pegs at two (2) feet maximum on center. Drive the pegs flush with the soil portion of the sod. F.Sod pieces shall be laid tightly together. Sod areas with gaps caused by pieces not being laid tightly enough together or areas with ridges from overlapping pieces shall not be accepted and the Contractor will be required to re-lay the sod. 18.Throughout the course of planting, excess and waste materials as well as excavated subsoil shall be continuously and promptly removed. All areas shall be kept clear and all reasonable precautions taken to avoid damage to existing structures, plants, and grass. When planting has been completed in an area, it shall be thoroughly cleaned of all debris, rubbish, subsoil, and waste materials. These shall be removed from the property and disposed of legally. All planting tools shall also be put away. 19.Substantial Completion shall be defined as the complete installation of all plant materials, staking, mulching, and other work on the project in its entirety. Substantial completion shall not be given on designated portions of a project. A.At substantial completion of all planting work outlined in these plans, the Contractor shall contact the Landscape Architect to arrange for a walk through to verify that all aspects of the work have been completed. Work must be fully completed (except for final clean-up) according to all plans, notes, and specifications and exhibit professional workmanship. B.Notice by the Contractor shall be given, in writing, at least three (3) days in advance to the Owner's Representative and Landscape Architect so that proper scheduling can be made for those who are to attend. C.At the appointed time, an inspection of all plant materials, including staking and mulching, shall be made. D.A list of uncompleted items (punch list) shall be generated by the Landscape Architect and distributed to the Contractor and other involved parties within three (3) days of the substantial completion inspection. Each item on the punch list shall be corrected before the project will be approved and accepted by the Owner's representative. The Contractor will be back charged for time spent by the Owner and any consultants who have been brought to the site for a final inspection when the project is not ready for said inspection. 20.The maintenance/establishment period shall begin one (1) day after the substantial completion inspection. The Contractor shall complete all punch list items during this period, as well as maintain and operate the entire irrigation system. The Contractor shall maintain all plantings until the turf is fully established. The turf shall be considered fully established when turf grass stands come in uniform and thick, with no bare or thin spots, and roots have begun to spread and knit together. No weeds shall be allowed in the grass areas. This shall be a minimum period of sixty (60) days. If winter weather interrupts the maintenance period, the maintenance period shall be suspended and the balance of the time shall be carried over to the next growing season and completed then. The Owner and Contractor shall mutually determine when the maintenance period is suspended and when it starts up again. The maintenance work required shall include but not be limited to the following: A.Appropriate watering of all plant materials. B.Weeding and removal of all weeds from groundcover and planting areas. C.Replacement of any dead, dying, or damaged trees, shrubs, perennials, or groundcover. D.Filling and replanting of any low areas which may cause standing water. E.Adjusting of sprinkler head heights and watering patterns. F.Filling and re-compaction of eroded areas, along with any required re-seeding and/or replanting. G.The turf grass shall be mowed when the blades reach three (3) inches tall and maintained to a minimum height of two (2) inches. No more than one third (1/3) of the blade shall be removed per cutting. The cutting frequency shall be once every five (5) to seven (7) days depending upon turf grass height and growth rate. H.Weekly removal of all trash, litter, clippings, and all foreign debris. I.At thirty (30) days after planting, a balanced fertilizer (16-16-16) shall be applied to the turf grass areas at a rate of one half (½) pound of nitrogen per one thousand (1,000) square feet. J.At intervals of thirty (30) days after the first application of fertilizer to the turf grass, apply a balanced fertilizer (16-16-16) at a rate of one half (½) pound of nitrogen per one thousand (1,000) square feet until the turf grass is established. 21.A final inspection shall be held prior to the end of the maintenance period to insure that all punch list items have been completed and the entire project is ready for acceptance by the Owner. Upon satisfaction that the Contractor has completed all punch list items, the irrigation system is fully and completely functional, and the required As-Built drawings, mylars and maintenance manuals have been submitted, the Owner shall accept the project. An official letter of final acceptance shall be prepared and issued to the Contractor, Landscape Architect, and the Owner's representative. Upon final acceptance of the project by the Owner's representative, the Owner shall assume full responsibility for the project, and the guarantee period shall begin. 22.Upon final acceptance of the project as being properly installed, the Contractor shall guarantee the plant materials as follows: A.All shrubs and groundcovers shall be guaranteed by the Contractor as to growth and health for a period of sixty (60) days after completion of the maintenance period and final acceptance. B.All trees shall be guaranteed by the Contractor to live and grow in an acceptable upright position for a period of one (1) year after completion of the maintenance period and final acceptance. 23.The Contractor shall, within fifteen (15) days after receiving written notification by Owner's representative, remove and replace all guaranteed plant materials which die or become unhealthy or appear to be in a badly impaired condition at any time during the guarantee period. Any plants that settle below or rise above the desired finished grade shall also be reset to the proper grade. A.All replacements shall be plants of the same kind, size, and quality as originally specified in the “plant list” and they shall be furnished, planted, staked, and maintained as specified herein at no additional cost. B.The Contractor will not be responsible for plants destroyed or lost due to occupancy of the project, vandalism on the part of others, or improper maintenance or lack thereof. TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT CAL SIZE QTY KPA Koelreuteria paniculata Golden Rain Tree B & B 2"Cal 20 PCC Pyrus calleryana `Capital`Capital Callery Pear B & B 2"Cal 38 TCO Tilia cordata Littleleaf Linden B & B 2"Cal 14 UFR Ulmus x `Frontier`American Elm B & B 2"Cal 16 EVERGREEN TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT CAL SIZE QTY PSY Pinus sylvestris Scotch Pine B & B 6`-8` Ht.17 SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT QTY BTC Berberis thunbergii `Crimson Pygmy`Crimson Pygmy Barberry 5 gal 16 CSI Cornus sericea `Ivory Halo`Variegated Redtwig Dogwood 5 gal 8 PMS Pinus mugo `Slowmound`Mugo Pine 5 gal 34 VTB Viburnum trilobum `Bailey Compact`Bailey`s Compact American Cranberry Bush5 gal 12 ANNUALS/PERENNIALSCODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT QTY EFI Echinacea x `Firebird`Firebird Coneflower 1 gal 34 GGS Gaillardia x grandiflora `Summer`s Kiss`Yellow Shades Blanketflower 1 gal 66 PAT Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian Sage 1 gal 14 VSB Veronica x `Sunny Border Blue`Sunny Border Blue Veronica 1 gal 40 GRASSES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT QTY MSM Miscanthus sinensis `Morning Light`Eulalia Grass 1 gal 46 GROUND COVERS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT SPACING QTY 1 Poa pratensis Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Blend SOD 112,663 sf 2 Shredded Bark Mulch Placed in Shrub Beds 3" Depth 1,936 sf PLANT SCHEDULE 6" Mow Curb Edging Separation Between Planting and Turf DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY:BYAPR.DATESHEET NUMBER:DESCRIPTION REUSE OF DRAWINGSTHIS DOCUMENT, AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATEDHEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, IS THEPROPERTY OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.AND IS NOT TO BE USED, INWHOLE OR PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE EXPRESSWRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.NO.BYREVISIONAPR.DATEBYAPR.DATEJUB PROJ. # : LAST UPDATED: 10/17/2017 10-17-089_LP-101X INCH, SCALE ACCORDINGLYAT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE ONE INCH FILE :F:\PROJECTS\JUB\BOISE OFFICE\10-17-089-DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISION\CAD\SHEET\LANDSCAPE\10-17-089_LP-101X.DWGPlot Date:10/17/2017 9:50 AM Plotted By: Jenna McRoryDate Created:10/17/2017CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARYNOT FORPLANSJ-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.Boise, ID 83709-0944Suite 201J-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.250 S. Beechwood Ave.www.jub.comFax: 208.323.9336Phone: 208.376.7330DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISIONCALDWELL, IDAHO PLANTING SCHEDULE 10-17-089 JMM JMM GHG LP-002 CALDWELL LANDSCAPE REQUIRMENTS DESCRIPTION QUANTITY CALDWELL LANDSCAPE REQUIRMENTS DESCRIPTION QUANTITY (1)KPA (1)UFR (1)KPA (1)UFR (2)KPA (2)PSY (3)KPA (1)PSY (2)UFR (3)PCC (6)PCC (6)PCC (3)PCC (1)UFR (1)PSY (1)KPA (1)UFR (2)KPA (1)UFR (3)TCO (1)PSY (2)TCO (1)PSY (3)TCO (1)PSY (1)PSY(3)TCO(1)PSY DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY:BYAPR.DATESHEET NUMBER:DESCRIPTION REUSE OF DRAWINGSTHIS DOCUMENT, AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATEDHEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, IS THEPROPERTY OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.AND IS NOT TO BE USED, INWHOLE OR PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE EXPRESSWRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.NO.BYREVISIONAPR.DATEBYAPR.DATEJUB PROJ. # : LAST UPDATED: 10/17/2017 10-17-089_LP-101X INCH, SCALE ACCORDINGLYAT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE ONE INCH FILE :F:\PROJECTS\JUB\BOISE OFFICE\10-17-089-DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISION\CAD\SHEET\LANDSCAPE\10-17-089_LP-101X.DWGPlot Date:10/17/2017 11:15 AM Plotted By: Jenna McRoryDate Created:10/17/2017CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARYNOT FORPLANSJ-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.Boise, ID 83709-0944Suite 201J-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.250 S. Beechwood Ave.www.jub.comFax: 208.323.9336Phone: 208.376.7330DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISIONCALDWELL, IDAHO PLANTING PLAN 10-17-089 JMM JMM GHG LP-101N03060 SCALE IN FEET MATCHLINESEE SHEET LP-102SHRUB BED ENLARGEMENT 1 SHEET LP-102 (3)PSY (2)KPA (3)UFR (1)PSY (2)KPA (2)UFR (1)PSY (3)KPA (1)PSY (2)UFR (3)PCC (7)PCC (7)PCC (3)PCC (2)UFR (2)KPA (2)PSY (1)KPA (3)TCO (26)GGS (15)MSM (15)VSB (4)CSI (11)EFI (10)PMS (4)VTB (5)BTC (4)PAT (4)PAT (5)BTC(11)EFI (4)VTB (4)CSI (15)MSM (10)PMS (26)GGS (15)VSB (8)MSM (5)VSB (7)PMS (3)PAT (2)VTB (7)GGS (6)EFI (3)BTC (8)MSM (5)VSB (7)GGS (2)VTB (3)PAT (6)EFI (7)PMS (3)BTC DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY:BYAPR.DATESHEET NUMBER:DESCRIPTION REUSE OF DRAWINGSTHIS DOCUMENT, AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATEDHEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, IS THEPROPERTY OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.AND IS NOT TO BE USED, INWHOLE OR PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE EXPRESSWRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.NO.BYREVISIONAPR.DATEBYAPR.DATEJUB PROJ. # : LAST UPDATED: 10/17/2017 10-17-089_LP-101X INCH, SCALE ACCORDINGLYAT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE ONE INCH FILE :F:\PROJECTS\JUB\BOISE OFFICE\10-17-089-DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISION\CAD\SHEET\LANDSCAPE\10-17-089_LP-101X.DWGPlot Date:10/17/2017 11:17 AM Plotted By: Jenna McRoryDate Created:10/17/2017CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARYNOT FORPLANSJ-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.Boise, ID 83709-0944Suite 201J-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.250 S. Beechwood Ave.www.jub.comFax: 208.323.9336Phone: 208.376.7330DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISIONCALDWELL, IDAHO PLANTING PLAN 10-17-089 JMM JMM GHG LP-102N03060 SCALE IN FEETMATCHLINESEE SHEET LP-101SHRUB BED ENLARGEMENT 2 SHEET LP-102 SCALE:1 SHRUB BED ENLARGEMENT NTS SCALE:2 SHRUB BED ENLARGEMENT NTS DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY:BYAPR.DATESHEET NUMBER:DESCRIPTION REUSE OF DRAWINGSTHIS DOCUMENT, AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATEDHEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, IS THEPROPERTY OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.AND IS NOT TO BE USED, INWHOLE OR PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE EXPRESSWRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc.NO.BYREVISIONAPR.DATEBYAPR.DATEJUB PROJ. # : LAST UPDATED: 10/17/2017 10-17-089_LP-101X INCH, SCALE ACCORDINGLYAT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONE ONE INCH FILE :F:\PROJECTS\JUB\BOISE OFFICE\10-17-089-DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISION\CAD\SHEET\LANDSCAPE\10-17-089_LP-101X.DWGPlot Date:10/17/2017 9:51 AM Plotted By: Jenna McRoryDate Created:10/17/2017CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARYNOT FORPLANSJ-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.Boise, ID 83709-0944Suite 201J-U-B ENGINEERS, INC.250 S. Beechwood Ave.www.jub.comFax: 208.323.9336Phone: 208.376.7330DOVER PLACE SUBDIVISIONCALDWELL, IDAHO PLANTING DETAILS 10-17-089 JMM JMM GHG LP-501 TURF GRASS; SOD/SEED 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 6" CONCRETE MOWSTRIP 1 2 6 7 4 5 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 PERENNIAL PLANTING 1 2 3 4 567 8 9 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 2 9 6 DECIDUOUS TREE STAKING W/ WATERING BASIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 8 9 10 11 TREE/SHRUB PLANTING W/ WATERING BASIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5