HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-13 URA MinutesCALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Monday, May 13, 2019 (ROLL CALL) The regularly scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Caldwell Police Department Community Room with Chairman Hopper presiding. The secretary called the roll. Present: Commissioner Hopper, Commissioner Porter, Commissioner Stadick, Commissioner Allgood, and Commissioner Ramirez (arrived at 7:03 p.m.). Absent: Commissioner Warwick. (CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION) None. (SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS) Kaitlin Brookshire of Treasure Valley Community College (Caldwell Campus) at 205 South 61 Avenue, provided a report highlighting the TVCC Caldwell Campus. She distributed a handout outlining the new Welding AAS Degree (in partnership with Elevate Academy) and the Cyber Security AAS Degree. Both degrees would be based at the Caldwell Campus. The Cyber Security program classes will also be offered on-line. She referenced statistics from the United States Department of Labor concerning projected incomes associated with the skill base for these degrees. Ms. Brookshire requested $50,000 from the TVCC Capital Improvement Fund for the two new programs at the Caldwell Campus in association with the TVCC Lease Agreement, which specifies a portion of the annual rent fee be put aside for expanding educational programs. Chairman Hopper thanked Ms. Brookshire for presenting information about the new courses at TVCC. He stated that the request would be brought back to the URA Commissioners for consideration at the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on June 10, 2019. (PUBLIC COMMENTS) None. (CONSENT CALENDAR) 1) Approve minutes from the Urban Renewal Agency Regularly Scheduled Meeting held on April 8, 2019. MOVED by Ramirez, SECONDED by Allgood to approve the Consent Calendar with a correction on page 4 (Attorney's Report), which should read, "Mr. Hilty will be assisting Mr. Waite ... " MOTION CARRIED OLD BUSINESS: (APRIL 2019 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT — STEVE FULTZ) Current Projects Project Tree: Time lapsed on contract, requesting an additional 90 day due diligence. Project White ... PSA signed, in the due diligence phase. Phase one of project would include the construction of a 96,000 sq. ft. facility, and the creation of 120 jobs. Project also has PSA on an adjacent three -acre site that is privately held property ... this lot is south of the URA property. Page 1 of 5 Airport Project... Easement nearly completed for canal relocation. Also, continued meeting and working with TVCC on A&P program along with the flight schools. Move toward appraisal in acquiring an additional 15 (+/-) acres for airport expansion. Project Grande... Potential new restaurant/brewery considering Caldwell. Project Eagle... Working on a project for downtown that is interested in the Mr. C's Carpet site. Vision for residential and parking on 1St floor, market rate living on upper floors. Project on hold, pending other offer on Eagles Lodge. Project Works...New warehouse/distribution lead for out of state. Looking for location of a 60,000 sq. ft. building. Considering site in the Sky Ranch area. Project Van ... New project for Sky Ranch. Light manufacturing considering Van Auker site. Project Pasta... Meeting with restaurant considering downtown. Working on additional restaurants of a similar type. Potential Innovation Center... Scheduled meeting with potential stakeholders regarding the development of a tech entrepreneur center... including event center potential. Project Union... Working with potential new office/commercial use... considering sites in downtown, Sky Ranch area, and the boulevard. NEW BUSINESS: ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF THE BUSINESS INCENTIVE GRANT APPLICATION FROM AMFEC, INC. Steve Fultz, 411 Blaine Street, provided the staff report noting that this is the second time the company as applied for the $200,000 job creation Business Incentive Grant. He reported that the American Food Equipment Company (AMFEC) opened its doors in 2017 and employs over 120 employees at this time. The company operates at additional sites within the United States. The company is looking to add 60,000 square feet at its facility located in Sky Ranch Business Park. It is estimated that an additional 50 plus employees would be hired at the completion of the expansion project with the jobs exceeding the wage requirements. Construction is estimated to begin by the end of the year. Discussion followed. Commissioner Stadick expressed concern about approving a second grant for a company. Chairman Hopper noted that the company's plan for an expansion of the facility and the creation of additional jobs with substantial wage earnings would qualify the company for the grant. There are no restrictions stated within the B.I.G. application process that would prohibit a company from applying for a second grant if they meet the requirements. The grant is available to new or existing businesses, which are expanding and bringing new jobs into the community. Mr. Fultz recommended approval of the application. MOVED by Allgood, SECONDED by Ramirez to accept the Business Incentive Grant Application from AMFEC, Inc. Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Allgood, Ramirez, Hopper, Porter, and Stadick. Those voting no: none. Absent and/or not voting: Warwick. MOTION CARRIED Page 2 of 5 ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS 5221 E. LINDEN STREET, City Attorney Doug Waterman reported that the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Urban Renewal Agency and Wali Investments, LLC was put in place along with an extension, which was set to expire on April 26, 2019. The transaction did not close; therefore, the contract expired as of April 26, 2019. On the expiration date the attorney for the developer called and asked for an additional 90 - day extension. The developer called again today and expressed a desire to close on the property, if the second extension is granted. No contract is currently in place for the subject property unless the second extension is approved this evening by the URA Commissioners. Steve Fultz reported on a letter of intent from Winco Fireworks International, LLC, which was received for the subject parcel. Discussion followed. MOVED by Stadick, SECONDED by Porter to reject the offer by Wali Investments, LLC to close on, the property located at 5221 E. Linden Street. Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Stadick, Allgood, Ramirez, Hopper, and Porter. Those voting no: none. Absent and/or not voting: Warwick. MOTION CARRIED ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER EXECUTION OF LETTER OF INTENT FROM WINCO FIREWORKS INTERNATIONAL LLC FOR PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS 5221 E. LINDEN STREET. Mr. Fultz presented the Letter of Intent provided by Winco Fireworks International, LLC to purchase 8.22 acres located at 5221 E. Linden Street. He noted that the City Attorney has reviewed the document concerning the proposed use of the site. The purchase price offered was $698,222.00 ($1.95/sf). Commissioner Ramirez noted that the document was set to expire as of May 10, 2019. Mr. Fultz reported that the owner contacted him today regarding their continued interest in the property. The use will be a warehouse/distribution center with no manufacturing taking place on site. Development Services/Planning & Zoning is aware of the potential use. It was recommended the Mr. Fultz contact the owner to negotiate a purchase prize at $2.00/sf with a newly revised Letter of Intent. MOVED by Stadick, SECONDED by Porter to continue this item for further consideration to the next Regularly Scheduled URA Meeting to be held on June 10, 2019. MOTION CARRIED ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER RESOLUTION NO. 2019-09 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE GRANT AGREEMENT AND WRITTEN COMMITMENT WITH COLD STEEL CONSTRUCTORS LLC AT 19212 GOLDFINCH WAY (SKY RANCH BUSINESS CENTER). Chairman Hopper read the resolution by title only: THIS AGREEMENT AND COMMITMENT IS MADE AS OF THE 13TH DAY OF MAY, 2019, BY AND BETWEEN THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CALDWELL, IDAHO, SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS THE CALDWELL EAST URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "URA," AND COLD STEEL CONSTRUCTORS, LLC, AN IDAHO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY OF 19212 GOLDFINCH WAY, CALDWELL, IDAHO 83605, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "COMPANY." MOVED by Allgood, SECONDED by Stadick to approve Resolution No. 2019-09 as presented. Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Allgood, Ramirez, Hopper, Porter, and Stadick. Those voting no: none. Absent and/or not voting: Warwick MOTION CARRIED Page 3 of 5 (ACTION ITEM: CAROL MITCHELL, URA TREASURER PRESENTED THE INVOICES FOR PAYMENT APPROVAL) Ms. Mitchell reported that a joint workshop date has been set for July 11, 2019 for a session with City Council and the URA Commissioners. Alan Dornfest from the Idaho State Tax Commission will be providing information about the dissolution of the URA revenue allocation area. The workshop notice is forthcoming. Ms. Mitchell will work with the City Attorney regarding tonight's funding request from TVCC. VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION City of Caldwell — Economic Development $18,000.00 May: Economic Development Contribution ElJay Waite $1,126.00 Aril: URA Consultant Fees Zions Bank $2,000.00 Series 2018 Bond Trustee Fee City of Caldwell $8,000.00 2019 Admin. Fees Schlindler Elevator Corp. $ 823.54 TVCC Elevator Repair Hamilton, Michaelson and Hilty $5,500.00 Aril: Attorney Services ;:$27;317.00 x MOVED by Stadick, SECONDED by Ramirez to approve the invoices for payment as presented MOTION CARRIED (ACTION ITEM: TREASURER'S REPORT) MONTHLY CASH RECONCILIATION REPORTS.• Carol Mitchell, URA Treasurer at 411 Blaine Street, presented the Monthly Cash Reconciliation Report and recommended its approval: Banner Bank TOTAL $12,471,966.18 Banner Bank, CD $ 250,380.49 LGIP $ 113,204.25 Banner Bank Operating Account $12,108,381.44 Restricted TOTAL $12,108,381.44 Restricted — Other Tax Districts $7,024,300.13 Restricted - Caldwell $2,255,232.69 Restricted — URA TVCC $ 735,258.93 Restricted — URA Job Creation $2,093,589.69 MOVED by Porter, SECONDED by Ramirez to approve the cash reconciliation report as presented. MOTION CARRIED (CONSULTANT REPORT: A. Update Report: Proposed URA Plan E1Jay Waite was not present. Chairman Hopper reported that that the URA proposed plan team is continuing to work on the required maps and the proposed URA Plan outline. (ATTORNEY'S REPORT) Attorney Douglas Waterman concurred with Chairman Hopper regarding the proposed URA Plan, noting that a draft document will be forthcoming for review by the URA Commissioners. Page 4 of 5 URA Commissioner Appointments for 2019: Mr. Waterman reported that the term of office for Commissioner Chuck Stadick and Commissioner Julie Warwick expires on July 1, 2019. Commissioner Stadick stated his desire to remain on the URA board. Contact will be made with Ms. Warwick concerning her plans. Mr. Waterman reviewed the process that would be followed, noting that he will prepare the proper documentation, which will be considered by City Council. (CHAIRMAN'S REPORT) None. (COMMISSIONER REPORTS) None. (ADJOURNMENT) MOVED by Stadick, SECONDED by Porter to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. Ahr)6vr4 a,V wrip6fi this 101' day of June, 2019. MOTION CARRIED Page 5 of 5