HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-10-01 City Council Agenda A"LOWELILS,.. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Monday,October 1,2018 7:00 PM INVOCATION OFFERED BY REVEREND ROYCE WRIGHT OF THE OASIS WORSHIP CENTER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. ROLL CALL. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. Update Report: Caldwell Public Library(Lacey Welt,Director) B. Update Report: Destination Caldwell—2018 Business Improvement District Budget C. Employee of the Month Recognition AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION. CONSENT CALENDAR: [ALL CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMSAREACTIONITEMS] 1. Approve the minutes of the Regularly Scheduled City Council Meeting held on September 17, 2018 and the revised Caldwell Senior Center Meeting held on August 8,2018; 2. Approve Resolution authorizing the closure of Arthur Street through Indian Creek Plaza as recommended by the Caldwell Traffic Commission; 3. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of a contract with Dorian Studio for exclusive photography service and products to the league and athletes for the Caldwell Recreation Department effective October 1,2018 to September 30,2019; 4. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the Independent Contractor Agreement with Larry Shippy (DBA: LS Refereeing) for the Caldwell Recreation Department Sport Leagues effective October 1,2018 to September 30,2019; 5. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the Independent Contractor Agreement with M. Jerome Mapp for Administrative Hearing Officer services for the Caldwell Planning and Zoning Department effective October 1,2018 to September 30,2019; 6. Approve request for the waiver of the reservation and table/chair fees at the Caldwell Train Depot for Firefighter Darr Johnson's retirement event; 7. Approve resolution authorizing the Trustees of the City of Caldwell Employee Benefit Plan Trust to execute the Amendment to Administrative Services Contract, the Administrative Services Contract ASC Fee Schedule Addendum, the Stop-Loss Fee Schedule Addendum, and the Stop-Loss Rate Cap Guarantee Addendum between the City of Caldwell Employee Benefit Plan Trust and Regence Blue Shield of Idaho with a term of October 1,2018 through September 30,2019; 8. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the GASB 75 Retiree Health Evaluation with Arthur J.Gallagher&Company for the year-ended September 30,2018 in the amount of$7,000.00; 9. Approve Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the City of Caldwell Procurement Policy as the official procurement policy for the City of Caldwell for federal and non-federal procurements as required by Federal Code 2 CFR 200.18(Uniform Guidance for Procurement); 10.Approve Resolution authorizing the contribution of$9,000.00 to Southwest District Health in support of its efforts to organize and oversee the Region 3 Behavioral Health Crisis Center; 11.Approve Resolution ratifying the execution of the United Heritage Insurance Electronic Document Delivery and Communication Consent Agreement with the City of Caldwell Human Resources Department; 12.Approve Resolution approving two (2) Quitclaim Deeds from the City of Caldwell to the City of Caldwell regarding the split of the remaining parcel originally purchased from John and Gene Hansen generally located'/2 mile south of Purple Sage Golf Course,north of Willis Road,and west of El Paso Road; 13.Approve Resolution accepting a Deferral Agreement for Public Improvement Construction between the City of Caldwell and Oscar Luna and Noelia Luna for the purpose of temporarily deferring public improvement construction at 2908 S.Florida Avenue; 14.Approve the Order of Decision for Case No. SUB-18F-08(Cumberland No. 5); 15.Approve the Order of Decision for Case No. SUB-18F-09(Sienna Hills No. 7); Page 1 of 2 16.Approve Resolution accepting the quote from Hi-Grade Underground Inc. to repair existing water main line located on Patriot Avenue at Peregrine Estates No. 2 Subdivision in the amount of $17,665.70. OLD BUSINESS: 1. ACTION ITEM. Protest Hearing to receive comments concerning the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 16-2 for the construction and replacement of concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveway approaches within the Caldwell City Limits. 2. ACTION ITEM: Consider Bill No 47 (Ordinance No. 3177) in accordance with the provisions of Idaho Code Section for certain findings and the assessment roll in connection with Local Improvement District(L.LD.)No. 16-2 with the request to waive the rules and pass on the first reading by title only. NEW BUSINESS: 1. ACTIONITEM: Public Hearing (Quasi-Judicial): Case No. ZON-18-06: A request by Idaho Power to rezone 1.6 acres, more or less, from C-4 (Highway Commercial) to M-1 (Light Industrial). The subject property is located at the northeast corner of Aviation Way and Skyway Avenue (Parcel # R35305012130)in Caldwell,Idaho. 2. ACTION ITEM: Consider Bill No. 40(Ordinance No. 3170)for Case No. ZON-18-06(Idaho Power Rezone) with a request to waive the rules, pass on the first reading by title only, and approve the summary for publication. 3. ACTION ITEM: Public Hearing (Quasi-Judicial) Case No. ANN-18-06: A request by Kendall Hopkins to annex 16.5 acres,more or less,with an R-1 (Low Density Residential)zoning designation. The subject property is located on the north side of Ustick Road approximately 400 feet west of the intersection of Meadow Avenue and Ustick Road(Parcel R3568000000)in Caldwell,Idaho. 4. ACTION ITEM: Consider Bill No. 35 (Ordinance No. 3165) for Case No. ANN-18-06 (Hopkins Annexation)with a request to waive the rules,pass on the first reading by title only, and approve the summary for publication. 5. ACTION ITEM: Consider Resolution authorizing the Execution of the Agreement between the City of Caldwell and the West Valley Humane Society for the continuing provision of animal shelter services. 6. ACTIONITEM. Consider Bill No. 48 (Ordinance No.3178)to annex Whitney Springs No. 3,Phase No.3 Subdivision(Instrument No.2018034221)into the Caldwell Municipal Irrigation District with a request to waive the rules and pass on the first reading by title only. 7. ACTION ITEM. Consider Bill No. 49 (Ordinance No. 3179) to annex Windsor Creek East No. 2 Subdivision (Instrument No. 2018034962) into the Caldwell Municipal Irrigation District with a request to waive the rules and pass on the first reading by title only. 8. ACTIONITEM: Finance Report acceptance. 9. Council Reports. 10.Mayor's Comments. 11.Adjournment. Next Regular City Council Meeting is on Monday, October 15, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room at the Caldwell Police Station at 110 South Fifth. Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact the City Clerk at 411 Blaine Street or call#455-4656 prior to the meeting. The entire agenda packet and minutes can be viewed on the City of Caldwell's website: www.citvofcaldwell.com. Cualquier persona que necesita arreglos especiales para participar en la reunion debe comunicarse con el Secretario de la Ciudad en 411 Blaine Street o llame al # 455 a 4656 antes de la reunion. Page 2 of 2