HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-28 YMPC Minutes APPROVED
Caldwell Youth Master Plan Committe V1/4/1C�L
Meeting Minutes, Tuesday August 28, 201 Date l 5 /I
Present: Donna Shines, Carol Mitchell, Denise Milburn, Patrick Precht (CHS), Fiona May,
Debbie Geyer, Josh Williamson, Angie Point, Tricia Combs, Jim Porter, Ken Wien, Marisa
Erickson, Jose Valle, and Ron Bonneau.
Meeting called to order at 10:00am.
Donna motioned and Ken seconded the motion to accept the minutes from the April 24, 2018
Youth Master Plan meeting as corrected. Motion carried.
Welcome to Patrick Precht, 9th grade counselor for Caldwell High School. Patrick will also be
working with the Youth Forum subcommittee over the coming year, and is the point of contact
for this year's Forum students who attend CHS.
Debbie Geyer — Report: "HOPE Conquers ACEs" training in June through the Idaho
Children's Trust Fund:
The training focused on trauma incidents and how they affect children, as well as how to
combat the effects of trauma on children. Information is geared toward training supervisors of
workers with children. Nampa is currently using the curriculum/information in their pre-schools.
The City can use some of the information for training people working with children—for example
the sports coaches and volunteers in our recreation programs.
• There is a new federal law that requires "Darkness to Light" training for every coach in
every sport before coaches can work with children.
• Denise and the new Sports Coordinator for the Recreation Dept. will begin coordinating
training for the many volunteer coaches that work with children through Recreation
Department sports.
o Trainings will happen seasonally — football coaches get the training before
football season, basketball coaches before basketball season, etc.
o Children's Trust Fund may be able to help with scholarships for books.
o AAFV has had the training, and can facilitate other trainings — only cost will be
for materials -- $10 per book per person.
Committee Reports:
Caldwell Youth Forum Subcommittee — Ron Bonneau (via Josh and Angie)
The final walk through is Tuesday, September 4th to make sure everything is in place; the
Forum follows the week after on Wednesday Sept 12th
• We are expecting 70 students and roughly 22 staff, advocates, and college student
• The College of Idaho Co-Presidents, and the Caldwell Mayor will join students at lunch.
• Bukky, a past Youth Forum attendee who is now attending Howard University, will
`Skype in' at the beginning of the day to welcome students and help set the tone for the
• Other past Forum attendees will be leading transition times and `here's what's next'
• Debbie mentioned that she had seen a possible new resource for next year's Ted Talks
session — she will send it to Ron for his review.
• Angie stated that there is a budget shortfall of $400 this year, and that requests were
sent out to a few local businesses asking each of them to consider donating $100 toward
this year's costs.
Let's Move! Caldwell Subcommittee — Marisa Erickson:
Great Family Fun Day this year! There were more than 500 participants, with many
organizations and agencies asking to be involved.
• Several 'vendors' requested involvement this year, but were turned down.
o Consider adding a few food vendors for next year -- perhaps could charge a
vendor fee and have a small source of income to help with event planning.
o We could still provide some free food options, and also ask food vendors to add
more `healthy' options to their menus.
• Consider adding Idaho STEM action center to the day as a vendor. Debbie saw the
display at the fair — they had everything from robotics to science experiments to art,
utilizing a mobile unit and booth spaces. They also do community events, not just those
sponsored through schools.
o Fiona mentioned that May 18, 2018 on the Plaza is Early STEAM Day with the
Caldwell Library. Focus is primarily kids aged Kindergarten through age 8..
Fiona has connections with the STEM action center if anyone needs a contact
• Since the Caldwell Rotary Club is pulling out of Family Fun Day, it might be a good idea
to move Let's Move's primary emphasis to the Family Fun Day.
o Caldwell Housing Authority will do the Fishing Derby, with Mike Dittenber and
Marisela as the contacts. Perhaps use the day as a real opportunity to get
feedback from the community about opinions regarding healthier food choices.
Marisa mentioned that a new employee is joining the SWDH Dept. and it's possible that she
may replace Marisa on the YMPC. Marisa may be pulled to help get the Health Action Team
going, as SWDHD's vision is to get the action team going to implement feedback from the
Health Assessment that was completed last year.
Caldwell Saves 1st Subcommittee — Carol Mitchell
Thanks to the YMCA for letting us set up during the YMCA rodeo roundup; 11 families signed
up for Caldwell Saves 1st
• Two classes are scheduled (Sept 6th and Sept 13th), and everything is at the Y:
o A meal for the family before each class.
o Childcare while the parents are in class.
o Only 2 classes are needed to qualify.
o Emphasizing eligibility for all children up through 5th grade.
o Josh needs a count for how many children will need childcare (ages 6 and under
in the Kids Zone). Older kids will be able to use the facility.
o Plans are underway to make this a twice-a-year program to involve as many
families as possible.
• August is the month to turn in documentation (grades, service, contribution to account)
to get the annual bonus. So far one family has turned in paperwork for this year's bonus.
We the Family Subcommittee — Fiona May:
We the Family is off and running; here are some ways to help:
• Go to the 'We the Family' Facebook page-- like it and share it—it needs more exposure.
• On the Facebook page, and on the website pages (www.cityofcaldwell.org/live/youth-
master-plan/we-the-family) we are working to capture local events that are free and
o We plan to highlight a different event and resource each month; for example,
people don't know what helpful resources can be accessed through the Health
and Welfare's 211 program.
o Use as an on-going on-line resource; an educational and discovery tool to
showcase resources that build parental resilience. Committee members are
encouraged to suggest resources (and links to more information) to add to our
listings. Highlight what we do or what we need.
o There are also physical resources to include:
• CHS has tennis courts that are available to the public.
• Many schools also have walking/running tracks available to the public.
• Parks and pathways are located all over the city.
o Jim Porter suggested adding the Canyon Bike Project.
o Do a feature on AAFV as the administrators of funding that helps the homeless
and the potentially homeless.
o At some point, create a volunteer page for people helping people.
• Some of the things we all do relate to events in Caldwell and are family related — please
add #familycaldwell at the end of Facebook or Instagram posts.
• We all have pictures of events that we are a part of — like high school events, or events
on the plaza (family-friendly), or events/activities and the Y — hashtag them. Highlight
events you want people to come to.
Jose: 211 is a resource from Health and Welfare. Fiona: people don't know what all
they can access through 211 —add resources that people can discover. Goal is to build
the parental resilience. Talk about possibility of building neighborhoods again.
AAFV are the administrators of funding that helps homeless and potentially homeless
get some help. Hoping to make it an ongoing resource to highlight what we do or what
we need — at some point maybe a volunteer page for people helping people.
YMPC as a 501 c3: Debbie and Carol have been talking about the possibility of making the
YMPC a 501c3 entity. Most foundations will not fund events that do not have a 501c3
• The new YMP Foundation Board:
o Ken Wien as Chair (last day with the City is Sept 30th)
o Ron Bonneau as Vice Chair
o Carol Mitchell as Treasurer
o Debbie Geyer as Secretary
• Applications will first be filed with the State, then at the federal level.
o We are hopeful that this will provide a separate funding source through
foundation grants.
o Cost will be about $7,000 to file the paperwork, but this appears be the best
solution for this situation.
_ . ..
• We are excited about the opportunity, especially in relation to keeping Caldwell Saves
1st funding sustainable.
Compassion Caldwell is on Saturday, September 22, 2018 at CSHS; flyers were passed out at
the meeting; committee members are asked to please help get the word out.
Meet Me Monday will begin meeting at the Flying M Coffee (downtown Caldwell) on Sept 17th
Free SWAG for everyone that comes, and the Mayor will be there. We meet every Monday—
rain-snow-shine-holiday—at 5:15 pm to sign in; at 6:30 pm to give out any awards earned;
there are incentives at specific levels of participation. We have been meeting for just over a
year now, and participation is increasing.
Marisa motioned, and Ken seconded the motion to adjourn at 11:18am. Motion passed. The
next meeting will be Tuesday October 23, 2018 at 10am in the CPD Community Room.
Respectfully submitted,
Angie Point
Youth Master Plan Committee