HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-05-07 City Council Agenda #DWI�I,
Monday,May 7,2018
6:00 PM
CONTINUED WORKSHOP: Presentation concerning proposed EVENT ZONES to be located within
downtown Caldwell to address the issuance of catering permits, sale and/or consumption of alcohol in public
places,and requirements for organizers planning events in the downtown area.
Monday,May 7,2018
7:00 PM
A. Caldwell Youth Master Plan: "We the Family"City-wide Campaign(Fiona May)
B. Caldwell Youth Master Plan-Youth Forum: IVallivue High School "It's On Us"Club(Kelly Emry)
1. Approve acceptance of the minutes of the Regularly Scheduled City Council Meeting held on April
16,2018;the Special City Council Meeting held on April 19,2018;the Caldwell Planning&Zoning
Commission Meetings held on February 13,2018 and April 10,2018;the Caldwell Hearing Examiner
Meeting held on March 13,2018;the Caldwell Pathway&Bike Routes Committee Meeting held on
February 20, 2018; the Youth Master Plan Committee Meeting held on February 27, 2018; the
Caldwell Housing Authority Meeting held on March 16, 2018; the Caldwell Saves 1st Meeting held
on March 30,2018;and the Caldwell Senior Center Board Meeting held on April 11,2018;
2. Approve the Order of Decision for Case No.ZON-18-01 &SUB-I8P-01(Dover Place);
3. Approve request for the issuance of an Alcohol Beverage License(beer and wine)for Gallegos Meat
Market,LLC located at 3110 Cleveland Boulevard;
4. Approve request for the issuance of an Alcohol Beverage License(beer)for Rick's Caldwell Meats,
LLC located at 2609 Blaine Street;
5. Approve request from Canyon County Juvenile Probation to waive the Special Event Permit fee and
ballpark field preparation fee at Griffith Park for the Annual Kicking Truancy Community Event in
the amount of$225.00;
6. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of a Caldwell HUD Community Development Block
Grant(CDBG)Building Improvement Grant with Fireside Mallow located at I I I S.Kimball Avenue
not to exceed$769.50;
7. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of an Independent Contractor Agreement with
Elizabeth McNannay doing business as Resource Consultants for development of the Third-Year
Annual Action Plan for the City of Caldwell's HUD Community Development Block Grant(CDBG);
8. Approve request for the transfer of the Alcohol Beverage License (beer & wine) due to a name
change for Walmart Inc.—Walmart 94494 located at 622 E.Ustick Road;
9. Approve request for the transfer of the Alcohol Beverage License (beer & wine) due to a name
change for Walmart Inc.—Walmart 92780 located at 5108 E.Cleveland Blvd.;
10.Approve Resolution declaring surplus equipment from the Wastewater Treatment Plant to be
disposed as scrap;
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11.Approve Resolution ratifying the repair of sewer line at the Caldwell Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operations Building by All Valley Caldwell Plumbing,LLC in the amount of$38,000;
12.Approve Resolution authorizing the procurement of two (2) Powered Hawk Pedestrian Crossing
Signals in the amount of$17,496.00 pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2803(91)for use at 10"'&Grant;
13.Approve Resolution authorizing alteration to the Caldwell Residential Standard Street Section by
adding two (2) street section details and thereby allowing these new details to be constructed and
implemented throughout the City of Caldwell;
14.Approve Resolution ratifying the AIP 30-Professional Services Agreement with JUB Engineers,Inc.
for the Caldwell Industrial Airport (Project No. AIP 3-16-0045-030-2018) Runway Rehab
Construction Services Project;
15.Approve Resolution ratifying the City-County Partnership Agreement for the Fair and Rodeo
Grounds and to authorize the first group of expenses totaling$27,079.68;
16. Approve the appointment of Betsy Hunsicker to the Planning&Zoning Commission for a term to
expire December 31,2019;
17.Approve Resolution accepting the Dedication of sewer, water, pressure irrigation, and storm drain
facilities located in the Cirrus Point No.5 Subdivision from Vintage Lionwood LLC;
18.Approve Resolution accepting the Dedication of sewer mainline construction as part of the Jacksons
Food Store 9147 Project located at 208 W.Simplot Boulevard from Jacksons Food Stores,Inc.
19.Approve Resolution accepting the Dedication of sewer, water, storm drain, pressure irrigation, and
street light facilities located in the Virginia Park No.9 Subdivision from Challenger Development;
20.Approve Resolution accepting the Dedication of water, sewer, storm drain, pressure irrigation, and
street light improvements located in the Cumberland Subdivision Phase No. 4 from Bennett Forest
21.Approve Resolution accepting the Easement for domestic water,pressure irrigation,and sewer main
lines from Combs Land Development,Inc.for Cirrus Point No.5 Subdivision;
22.Approve Resolution accepting a Quitclaim Deed from Vern M. Subia and Judy A. Subia for future
right-of-way development of W.Elm Street and W.Logan Street;
23.Approve Resolution accepting a Quitclaim Deed from Latitude 43 Holdings,LLC for future right-of-
way development of Laster Lane;
24.Approve Resolution accepting the Award of Bid to ASC, Inc. in the amount of$49,600.00 for the
replacement of sixteen (16) non-compliant ADA ramps as identified by Idaho Transportation
25.Approve Resolution consenting to the vacation of portions of public right-of-way along the Ash
Street alignment west of Farmway Road and East of its intersection with Evening Drive within the
Caldwell Impact Area;
26.Approve Resolution accepting the Dedication of water and sewer mainline facilities in the East
Chicago Business Park from East Chicago,LLC.
1. Consider Bill No. 16(Ordinance No.3146)for amendments to the Caldwell City Code—Chapter 1,
Article 3, Section 01-03-03 pertaining to depositories with a request to waive the rules,pass on the
first reading,and approve the summary for publication.
2. Consider Bill No. 19 (Ordinance No. 3149)to annex Cirrus Point No. 5 Subdivision (Inst. No.
2018001776) into the Caldwell Municipal Irrigation District with the request to waive the
rules and pass on the first reading.
3. Consider Bill No. 20 (Ordinance No. 3150) to annex Virginia Park No. 9 Subdivision (Inst. No.
2018003271)into the Caldwell Municipal Irrigation District with the request to waive the rules and
pass on the first reading.
4. Consider Resolution ratifying the Purchase&Sale Option Agreement Addendum(Resolution No.97-
18 approved on 3-19-2018)regarding acreage located on El Paso Road between Willis and Purple
Sage Road;
5. Finance Report.
6. Council Reports.
7. Mayor's Comments.
8. Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 74-206, Subsection(c)for the purpose of discussing
the acquisition of or an interest in real property not owned by a public agency and Subsection 0)for the
purpose of considering labor contract matters authorized under section 67-2345A[74-206A](a)and(b).
9. Consider Resolution authorizing approval of a proposal with Maren Ericson,an employee of the law firm
Hamilton, Michaelson &Hilly, for the purpose of representing the City of Caldwell during collective
bargaining with the Caldwell Firefighters IAFF Local 1821 in association with the negotiation of the
Collective Labor Agreement effective October 1,2018.
10. Adjournment.
Next Regular City Council Meeting is on Monday,May 21,2018 at 7:00 p.m.in the Community Room at the Caldwell Police Station at
110 South Fifth.Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact the City Clerk at 411 Blaine Street
or call #455-4656 prior to the meeting. The entire agenda packet and minutes can be viewed on the City of Caldwell's website:
www.citvofcaldwell.com. Cualquier persona que necesita aireglos especiales para participar en la reunion debe comunicarse con el
Secretario de la Ciudad en 411 Blaine Street o llame al#455 a 4656 antes de la reunion.
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