HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-05-07 Traffic Commission Minutes APPROVED Caldwell Traffic Commission (TC) Minutes May 7, 2018 Date 5 I Z t I1 a Present: Gordon Reed, Robb MacDonald, Brian Billingsley, Brent Orton, Officer Deleon, Guest: Matt Hoffman Secretary:Tamera Frans *MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) *ROW (Right-of-Way) *TC (Traffic Commission) *MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) Old Business—from 4/05/2018 - None New Business— 1. Faith Landing Signs—Randy Deleon Officer Deleon's questioned if signs placed at the entrances of Faith Landing were posted by the City of Caldwell or if the subdivision put them up. Either way CPD is not enforcing these sign at this time. The signs state the following; All roadways are fire lanes, No Parking, Violators will be sited. TC members present at today's meeting were able to confirm that the signs were not placed by the City. It was suggested that the signs may have been a condition placed on the developer by the Fire Marshall. A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to continue this item to June when Chief Wendelsdorf can comment. ACTION: Item will be continued to June agenda 2. Request speed study on Larch— Randy Deleon Officer DeLeon received a complaint of high school kids speeding on Larch. Officer Deleon suggested a speed study so he could share the data with the person. Officer DeLeon is new to the TC and was not aware that this is a familiar complaint. This complaint was previously addressed to the extent that a TC member personally parked and observed the situation at the time the complainant stated the offenders were speeding. It was determined that the majority of the High School drivers are obeying the speed limit. It is the opinion of the TC that a speed study is unwarranted at this time. Now knowing the history of this complaint Officer Deleon will return and speak further with the complainant. ACTION: Officer Deleon will return and speak further with the complainant. 3. Revisit islands on 10th Ave between Blaine and Cleveland — Deleon TC revisited the idea of placing a median on 10th Avenue between Cleveland and Blaine. Traffic flow on 10th Avenue between Blaine and Cleveland is frequently disrupted due to southbound drivers stopping to turn left into Los Betos or northbound drivers turning left out of the strip mall and not getting completely out of the southbound traffic lane while waiting to merge into northbound traffic. TC discussed this request in depth previously. A motion was made and the unanimous determination of the TC is two-fold. • A temporary triangular cross-section median will be placed on 10th Avenue between Cleveland and Blaine now. • Later, and combined with a planned rebuild of the road, design will leave the double yellow lines in place and run a curb down the center. ACTION: Engineering will design and implement the above changes. 4. Request cement trucks not be allowed on Lincoln Street— Delores Spalding IMC cement trucks are routing through the residential area of Georgia between Lincoln and Marble Front. Mrs. Spalding is very concerned for children in the area as well as possible damage to the road and underlying aged irrigation pipes. The cement trucks began using Lincoln/ Georgia as an alternative route while construction was occurring on Middleton road. Construction is now complete and the trucks continue to use this residential area as their route. There are no sidewalks in the area and there are already signs of sink holes where old irrigation pipes run under the road. A similar request about the cement trucks was made in March. As was determined in March, the TC has no legal recourse to stop the trucks from using this route. There are multiple construction projects happening that would draw the trucks in that direction. A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to let the large jobs finish and review the situation again in a month. In the meantime, Officer DeLeon will contact IMC and share with them the complaints from their neighbors. Officer DeLeon will ask if they are open to taking a different route. ACTION: Officer Deleon will correspond with IMC and request their assistance in the matter. 5. Request Speed Limit on Spruce Street—Sara Jordon Spruce Street between Middleton Road and Santa Ana is in a residential area and is having problems with vehicles speeding down this road. There are no posted speed limit signs in the vicinity. The neighborhood residents would like to have the street posted at the appropriate speed. A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to post 35 mph speed limit at that section of Spruce. ACTION: Street department will place speed limit signs along the above section of Spruce. • 6. Request new paint on road and signage on Airport Way at Hampton Way— Dustin Sullivan Airport is a collector and there is currently no Stop sign coming out of Manchester Park at Hampton Way onto Airport Way. Mr. Sullivan witnesses drivers inattentively merging onto Airport Way creating near miss situations. Drivers then swerve towards his home and yard to get out of the way. TC reviewed the area and agreed unanimously that there should be a Stop sign on Hampton Way where it intersects with Airport Way. A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to place a Stop sign and stop bar on Hampton Way at that intersection. ACTION: Street department will place a STOP sign at the above intersection. Item added to the Agenda; 7. Request lighted pedestrian crossing in conjunction with the approved development of the Dover Subdivision — Matt Hoffman Dover Place is a newly approved subdivision. Currently Dover Place is undeveloped ground with a pathway crossing it that follows a sewer easement and connects two existing subdivisions. Mr. Hoffman requests a lighted pedestrian crossing (HAWK) at that pathway. Mr. Hoffman attended the meeting. TC considered Mr. Hoffman's request and can see the benefit of it. However, Dover Place's projected start is in approximately 2 years. Many locations in the City could benefit from a HAWK crossing now. One location is in the same vicinity as this request at an intersection that leads to Vision Charter School.TC finds the intersection leading to Vision Charter School as the priority at this time. Two motions were made and agreed on unanimously by the TC. • Table Mr. Hoffman's request until Dover Place subdivision builds and check back at that time and install if necessary. • Put monies in the 2019 budget for two HAWK cross walks and continue to do so in future budgets ACTION: Brent Orton will budget for two HAWK crosswalks in budgets going forward 8. Parking issue on Ash Street—Stephanie Baldwin Vehicles parking on Ash Street from the college to Farmway road restrict the driving lane to less than ten foot. This road is a marked divided road by yellow lines yet it is impossible to stay in a single lane and still get around parked cars. Traffic commission chose to table this request until the Fire Chief is available for the discussion. Resource/Weather Pending Business: - 1. Homedale and Indiana Avenue intersection — Roundabout/ re-design. (CHD4 will design and implement) 2. Way finding signs for the plaza - Brian Billingsley "Destination Caldwell" is asking the TC if way finding signs can be installed for the new plaza. See TC notes from August 2015. 3. Cross Walk on Blaine in front of Simplot Stadium needs enhancement. —Chris Allgood 11-2015 4. Cleveland/ Blaine at 10th Signals. Long term improvements. 5. 10th Ave vertical curve design — Robb MacDonald Aug 2017 6. Extend red curbing at 20th & Cleveland —CPD is currently working on a package solution for parking and sight issues in this area. Nov 2017 7. Restripe Skyway in late Spring or early Summer. Nov 2017