HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04-12-2016CALDWELL PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES April 12, 2016 Call to Order –Chairperson Doty-Pomoransky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call – Members Present: Ed Doty-Pomoransky, Dana Vance, James Nelson, and Jeremy Feucht. Members Absent: Roger Page. Staff Present: Jarom Wagoner (Senior Planner); Brian Billingsley (Planning & Zoning Director), and Brent Orton (Public Works Director). Staff Absent: April Cabello (Planning Technician), Robb MacDonald (City Engineer). Review of Proceedings – Chairperson Doty-Pomoransky announced the procedures for the public hearing. Old Business: Approve minutes of December 8, 2015 regular meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Feucht. SECOND: Commissioner Nelson. Passed: Unanimous voice vote. New Business: A. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2016. Motion made by Commissioner Vance to appoint Commission Doty-Pomoransky as Chair and Commissioner Nelson as Vice-Chair for 2016. Second by Commission Feucht. Approved unanimously by voice vote. B. Case Number OA-16-01 a request by the City of Caldwell Planning & Zoning Department to update the official zoning map and comprehensive plan map for the City of Caldwell. Testimony: 1) Jarom Wagoner, 621 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, ID 83605, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. 2) Mr. Wagoner stated that both maps are being updated to reflect changes made by the City Council during the 2015 calendar year. 3) Carol Jones of 2811 Hillcrest Lane, Caldwell, ID 83605, signed up “as neutral” and asked if these amendments would affect the property at 520 South Florida Avenue. 4) Mr. Wagoner replied that the zoning and comprehensive plan maps would not be changed because the rezoning request at this location. MOTION TO CLOSE TESTIMONY: Commissioner Vance. SECOND: Commissioner Feucht. Passed: Unanimous voice vote. Findings of Fact: MOTION: Commissioner Vance SECOND: Commissioner Feucht. Passed: Unanimous voice vote. Conclusions of Law: MOTION: Commissioner Vance SECOND: Commissioner Feucht Passed: Unanimous voice vote. RECOMMENDATION: MOTION: Commissioner Feucht that Case Number SUP-16-01 be approved with no conditions or modifications. SECOND: Commissioner Vance. APPROVED by unanimous voice vote. C. Case Number OA-15-05 a request by the City of Caldwell to amend the Area of City Impact boundary. Testimony: 1) Brian Billingsley, 621 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, ID 83605, Planning & Zoning Director, presented the staff report. He presented PZ-1001 (staff report) and PZ-1002 (Power Point presentation and maps. Mr. Billingsley spent a significant amount of time discussing how an area of impact works and does not work. He also showed specific examples of area of impact cases dating back to 2007. A complete record of his presentation, including letters, maps and exhibits, are included in Exhibit PZ-1002. 2) Brent Orton, 621 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, ID 83605, Public Works Director, presented his staff report. He showed examples of older subdivisions in Caldwell’s area of impact that had to hook up to city services because their wells were contaminated or their septic fields failed. Mr. Orton supports the proposed expansions because it would promote health, safety and welfare for new development. 3) Mike Dittenbur, 22730 Farmway Road, Caldwell, ID 83607, Caldwell Housing Authority Director, testified in support. Mr. Dittenbur’s agency manages Farmway Village, which is in Area #1. His agency supports sewer and water expansion in this area and hopes to see new development hook up to those services. 4) Carol Jones, 2811 Hillcrest Lane, Caldwell, ID 83605, testified in neutral. She does not object to expanding the area of impact and she recognizes that the city needs to grow. 5) Gene Shaffer, 2715 Polk Street, Caldwell, ID 83605, testified in support. He represents a client who owns land near the Highway 20/26 interchange, which is in Area #1. His client is extending water lines to his properties and is extending Chicago Avenue to Highway 20/26. Mr. Shaffer presented three aerial photographs of the site that were submitted as Exhibit PZ- 1003. Mr. Shaffer’s client supports the area of city impact expansion in Area #1. 6) Randy Peterman, 3865 North Jullion Way, Boise, ID 83704, testified in support. Mr. Peterman bought the property in Area #7 in 2013. He testified that his property is annexed into the City of Nampa and he supports the swap that would place this property in Nampa’s area of city impact. 7) Patricia Nilsson, 111 North 11th Avenue, Caldwell, ID 83605, testified in support. Ms. Nilsson is the Development Services Director. She testified that she has been working with the cities on expanding the areas of city impact. She explained how properties get developed in Canyon County, including densities. She acknowledged that the area of impact required a lot of cooperation between the cities and her staff. 8) Karla Nelson, 411 3rd Street South, Nampa, ID 83651, testified in support. Ms. Nelson is a planner for the City of Nampa and acknowledged that the City of Nampa supports the swaps that are proposed in this request. 9) Terri Kohler, 111 South Louisiana, Caldwell, ID 83605, testified in neutral/denial. Ms. Kohler submitted Exhibit PZ-1000, which is a petitioned signed by her neighbors regarding a proposed development at 460 and 520 Florida Avenue. The site was turned down by the city council last year for rezoning. Ms. Kohler also read a prepared statement which was also included in PZ-1000. Ms. Kohler was concerned that this request would impact the zoning or the proposed land use for the properties near her home. Mr. Billingsley explained the properties on Florida Avenue are not being changed or impacted by this request. 10) Mr. Billingsley provided rebuttal. He answered several of the questions provided by Ms. Jones and Ms. Kohler (mostly procedural questions). He also answered questions on when annexation would become applicable. He also acknowledged that there is a long term plan to build a bridge over the Boise River on Farmway Road. MOTION TO CLOSE TESTIMONY: Commissioner Vance. SECOND: Commissioner Feucht. Passed: Unanimous voice vote. Findings of Fact: MOTION: Commissioner Vance SECOND: Commissioner Feucht. Passed: Unanimous voice vote. Conclusions of Law: MOTION: Commissioner Nelson SECOND: Commissioner Feucht. Passed: Unanimous voice vote. RECOMMENDATION: MOTION: Commissioner Feucht that Case Number SUP-16-01 be approved with no modifications. SECOND: Commissioner Nelson. APPROVED by unanimous voice vote. D. Case Number OA-16-02 a request by the City of Caldwell Planning and Zoning Department to amend portions of Chapter 10-07-12-A-4, the zoning ordinance, of City Code. Testimony: 1) Brent Orton, 621 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, ID 83605, Public Works Director, presented his staff report. He explained the amendment impact the standards for pressurized irrigation systems on properties owned by public schools. He stated it is suitable for a school district to have and maintain their own system because they typically own large tracts of land and have sufficient maintenance staffing. MOTION TO CLOSE TESTIMONY: Commissioner Vance. SECOND: Commissioner Feucht. Passed: Unanimous voice vote. Comprehensive Plan Analysis: MOTION: Commissioner Vance SECOND: Commissioner Nelson. Passed: Unanimous voice vote. RECOMMENDATION: MOTION: Commissioner Feucht that Case Number SUP-16-01 be approved with no modifications. SECOND: Commissioner Nelson. APPROVED by unanimous voice vote. V. Planning Issues – A. The next regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission hearing is June 14, 2016. VI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:35 p.m. MINUTES APPROVED AND SIGNED BY CHAIRPERSON ED DOTY-POMORANSKY ON THE DATE NOTED BELOW: ____________________________________ _____________________ Ed Doty-Pomoransky, Chair Date ATTEST: ____________________________________________ Brian Billingsley, AICP, Planning & Zoning Director FOR DETAILED MINUTES, PLEASE REQUEST A COPY OF THE RECORDING.