HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-17 PBR Minutes APP V D
Meeting of January 17, 2017 @ 7:00 P.M.
Caldwell Airport Hubler Terminal - Community Room
I. Call to Order.Chairman Ken Chapman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Members Present. Ann Manning, Bill Gigray, Mark Pemble, Nick Molenaar, Cindy
Grover, Paul Mann,and Ken Chapman
Members Absent. Bill Buckendorf
Others Present. Brian Billingsley, Planning &Zoning Director;
April Cabello, Planning Technician;Alex Hackett, YMCA;Tom Laws, COMPASS; Robert
A Mata;and Scott Pemble
Others Absent. Rob Hopper, City Council Liaison; and Brent Orton, Public Works
II. Review and Approval of the Agenda.
Paul Mann made a motion to add two items to the agenda:
1. Grant for Lake Lowell - Brian B.
2. Receipts for the Bike Path - Brian B.
1st by Bill Gigray and 2"d by Nick Molenaar. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
III. Review and Approval of Minutes.
A. The minutes of the November 29, 2016 Regular Meeting were presented to the
Motion to approve with correction on page 4 VI. Correcting Railwood to rail to trail.
MOTION: Nick Molenaar. SECOND: Ann Manning MOTION PASSED.
IV. Audience Participation.
A. Tom Laws, COMPASS shared spread sheets and charts with the committee
showing the weekly traffic and weekly profile of the Boise River Greenbelt and the
Indian Creek Pathway.
V. Communications.
VI. Old Business.
A. Fund Balance Update. Brian B. announced that this item would be continued to
the next meeting but shared that the"Clean Valleys Coalition" $4,000.00 grant
money,they acquired some thermal plastics made into the head of the Yote.These
will be used to build a bike route between the College and downtown Caldwell.
The route will run down 20th Avenue and Arthur Street with the Yote's nose
pointing up in the direction of downtown;the theme is "follow the nose to
downtown". Brian B. further shared that they are applying for a grant to widen the
sidewalk on one side of Arthur;if they are awarded the grant money they will put
the Yotes symbol on the widened sidewalk. Brian B. explained that the receipts for
the"Clean Valleys Coalition" grant had been submitted to accounting. The grant
was in the amount of$4,000.00 and the invoice total was $4,700.00;the $700.00
over will come out of the committee's budget.
B. FACTS Update. Bill G. updated the group on FACTS and stated that the board will
meet to review what has been accomplished and what direction the board will go
this year. Bill G. expressed that Tom Laws has done a tremendous job on the map
of Canyon County and Ada County. They are also working on identifying pathways
and connections of the existing greenbelt from Boise to the Eagle Island State Park,
how to cross HWY 16 then north to Star and south straight to Caldwell, interlinking
with Meridian. Bill G. stated that he thinks there needs to be a joint powers
agreement of all the agencies that are responsible of pathways throughout the
Treasure Valley and with coordination and joint service abilities they could work on
cooperative maintenance, standards and planning.
Paul M. spoke about the rails to trails program and that the Simplot Foundation
should be approached for dealing with Union Pacific.
Bill G. shared that they are waiting for Tim Richards to give a report on Lake Lowell
and also reported that the City and the Highway District have settled on a design
for the old 30 bridge, which is alternative 1.
C. Receipts. Brian B. reported that he had submitted the receipts to Finance the
week of Christmas.
D. Grant for Lake Lowell. Brian B. stated that this will be covered under New
Business VII . A. Review Master Plan Final Draft.
VII. New Business.
A. Review Master Plan Final Draft. Brian B. responded to Paul M.questions about
the Lake Lowell Plan and stating that it is a plan for bicycles and pedestrians to
have access around Lake Lowell;to have connectivity for the citizens of Caldwell
and Nampa;and that all the routes to Lake Lowell are in the Master Plan. The plan
is to have a detached pathway along 10`h Avenue and Orchard; bike lanes on all the
other major roads; Indiana, Montana, and Lake. Brian B. went through the Final
Draft of the Master Plan with the committee and asked if the committee saw any
errors or typo's and would like to have a motion to take The Master Plan to City
Council for adoption.
Corrections suggested by the committee and group:
a. The word plan should be capitalized throughout the document
b. Page 21 add sidewalk standards
c. Page 43 Figure 7 Map missing bike route#6 and route #1 does not go to
Montana same on Figure 3
d. Update appendix of the Comprehensive Plan
e. Page 8 correct the spelling of relocating to relocated
Brian B.further explained that most of the changes were made in chapter 4
expanding pathways and bike lanes and planning for detached pathways, linier
parks, regional bike routes, intercity bike routes, sidewalks, and irrigation
Bill G. made the motion to approve the Master Plan with the corrections that were
noted and be submitted to the Caldwell City Planning and Zoning and City Council
for adoption.
Discussion was held about having a representative from the Pathways and Bike
Route Committee attend the Planning and Zoning hearing on February 14, 2017.
The committee asked that Brian B. send an email with the date and time of the
Planning and Zoning hearing.
B. Election of Officers for 2017. - Chair and Vice-Chair.
Nick M. nominated Mark Pemble as Chair.
Cindy G. nominated Bill Gigray as Vice-Chair.
VIII. Committee and Staff Reports.
Bill G. reported that he chairs the Government Affairs Committee for the Chamber and
a point of interest is the greenway from downtown to 20`h
IX. The next PBR meeting will be March 21,2017,7:00 p.m.
X. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by April Cabello,
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Mark Pemble,Chairperson Date
3- zr - l-7
AffEST: Brian Billingsley, P&Z Director Date
For detailed minutes, please request a copy of the digital recording.