HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-12-30 URA Minutes J00hINT SPECIAL MEETING Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency and Caldwell City Council &%Is Friday December 30, 2016 TO BE HELD AT: Caldwell City Hall Conference Room 411 Blaine Street AGENDA 12:00 p.m. Caldwell Urban Renewal 'Am 1) Consider Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a License Agreement between the City of Caldwell, Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Caldwell, Idaho and Pioneer Irrigation District regarding the relocation and piping of a portion of the 500 lateral in the vicinity of Linden Road. 12:10 W% a 'd a F.m. Caldwell " Ult I M A y Gounci eeting 1) Consider Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a License Agreement between the City of Caldwell, Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Caldwell, Idaho and Pioneer Irrigation Dist. regarding the relocation and piping of a portion of the 500 lateral in the vicinity of Linden Road. 2) Consider Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the corrected Annual Road and Street Finance Report. 3) Consider Resolution authorizing the execution of the Grant Agreement with Idaho Transportation Department (Division of Aeronautics) for the Rehabilitate Runway 12/30, Rehabilitate Taxiways (Design) Project in the amount of$7,735. 4) Update regarding the Cooper's American Service Project. [ADDED] Posted December 28, 2016 Updated December 29, 2016 Special meettifig MINUTES CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY Decettiber 30,2016 11:00 p.m. (noon) (ROLL CALL) The special mettIng of the (""aldwell UrNan Renewal Agency convetied, at 12:00 p.m. in the Caldwell City F-fa with (,hairman, H,opper presiding. Roll was calledby fl-ie secretary. Present: Con'l 1111 iss to 1-lopper,Conninussioner("'allsen,Commissioner Pollardl Comn,iissioner Stadick,ConimissionerAllgood,atici Conunissloner Ozuna("via,phone CONSIDER RES01,U71ON NO. 201,6-62 A1-)PR0VIN(­V' AND AUTHORIZINC, EX,E('."UTION OF A, LICENS,E AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CUTY OF CALDWELL, URBAN RENEWAL, AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CALDWELL. IDA140 AND PIONEER IRRIGATION DISTRICT REGARDINty, THE RELOCATION AND PIPING OF A PORTION OF'THE 500 LA"I"ERAL IN THE VICINUTY OF LjINDEN ROAD. Brent Ortoti, 621 Cleveland, Blvd., reported tht-It Pioneer Irrigation has been very acconimodating concerning this tin-le- "tive matter. All attorneys have reviewed the dOCLI'aiel,'it. sensl MOVED by Pollard, SECONDED by Callsen to approve ResolUtion No. 2016-62 thereby authorizing the execution of' the agreement with Piot'leer Irrigation [)ist,rilct re''garding the relocation and Piping of a portion of the 500 Lateral atthe SUbject mte. Roll call vote: "I'llose voting yt,,,s,: Pollard, Callsen, Stadick, Allgood, mid Ozuna. Those voting no.: n,one. Abi s,ent and/or not voting: tlone. M0110N CARRIED (ADJOURNNIENT) MOVEDby Callsen, SECOND11:':',-)by Wuna to ad OLirn,at 12:03 p.1,11. Approved as writtlen dils 9t"day U anucary,2017. ........... 1%. ,OMMISSIONE, PPER comm",,IOSSION' CAI,,I.,,,,S'F""'N 06 .......... Xi .......... C m M,S S I N 1111"Id'o RR, JNA Comm," IONER S'"I'AD !K 10� 10 LGOOD COMMISSR"', 1_"4'R1 P01, .,ARD M 'ISSIONE AL, AT'"I"EST: 0S CITY' .............. % A 114� Debbie Geyer, LJRA Secret" ()VL �cr u 10 '0 Page I