HomeMy WebLinkAboutURA RES 2012-01 1 5 y M RIESOLUTION NO, 2012,1 4 BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE, URBAN T RE 1 WL AGENCY OF THIS CITY OF C.AL.DWELL, IDAHO. i k RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NERS CAF THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CAL DWELL., IDAHO, AUTHORIZING CER!rAIN PRELIMINARY ACTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE AND SALE BY THE AGENCY OF REVENUE ALLOCATION (TAX INCREMENT) BONDS TO FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION TRUCTIC N CAF CERTAIN TAIN URBAN R NEWAT, PROJECTS FOR USE BY CANYON C CUNT , IDAHO I ACCORDANCE WITH THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE C LDWELL EAST URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT. URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY CAL WELL, IDAHO REVEL ALLOCATIbN TAX INCREMENT)BONDS DS (ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PROJECT) 5 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF UP TO $81500,000 WEEREA , tie Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Caldwell, Idaho (the"Agency")i an independent .public body corporate and politic, authorized udder the authority of the Idaho Urban Renewal Law of 1965, Title 50, Chapter 20 of the Idaho Code, as r end d (the "Law"'), and the Local Economic Development Act, Title 50, Chapter 29, as ineilded("the "Act"), and a duly created and existing urbati renewal ag ny of the City of Caldwell,Idaho tine"City'"); and WERE S, the City Council of Caldwell, Idaho (the "`Cit "), after notice duly published, conducted a public hearitig on December 21, 1998, on the Urban Renewal Plan (the "Plan")for the Caldwell East Ur an Renewal Project(the`{UrbanRenewal Project"); and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, the City Council adopted its C rditiance No. 2260 on December 21, 1998 approving the Urban Renewal Plan, as amended, and making certain findings, which Urban Renewal Plall was further amended on September 29, 2003 by Ordinance c No. 2480 dnd again on. November 21, 2005 by Ordinance No,2575, following .,appropriate public hearings aril notices there f; and- VI RF S, the Board of Cormnigsioners of the Agency (th `"Board"' iS aUth r ed pursuant to the Law to issue bonds to fffiance "urban renewal pros is"-as defined hi the Law; and % WHERAS, the Plan allows the fitiaticing of urban renewal projects with revenue allocation funds pursuant to the Act; and RESOLUTION LUTION- 1 46143.0001.5401381.2 i " L t S WT AS, Canyon County, Idaho, (the "County", has identified certain bare land owned by the County, which it intends to use for an administration building to house the Board of County Cominissioiiers (tile "Commissioners"), the office of the Treasurer, the Office of the Assessor, Development Service, Department, plat room, tint shop, human resour es, public meeting room, County Clerk's office of Elections and Passports, Auditing and hidigent Services for the County(the"Administration Building"); and WHEREAS, the Commissioners have_ rc guested assistance froin the Agency for the purpose-of financing the Administration Building to be constructed by the County pursuant to ' Guaranteed Maximum Price Design-Build Constmchon Contract (the "Cons(ructi Contract" to be entemd into by the County and a Design--Builder to be selected by the County; and WHEREAS-, the Agency has determiried that financing. eonstivetion of the Administration Building on land that is presently bare furthers the goals of the Plan, including, among other goals, to devitalize, redesign, redevelop undeveloped areas which are stagnant or impropierly utilized and to strengthen the economic base of the Urban Renewal Project area by t the installation of public facilities to stimulate new cointnerci_ i expansion, employment and economic growth, and is consist.ent with Section 800, "Duration of the Plan" as it was amended in 2005; and VafflREAS, pursuant to the Act and the L'aw(collectively, the"URA Acts"), the Agelicy is autho-rued to issue beads to carry out the purposes,and various projects under the Plan and to enter into andUITY out contracts or agreements in connection therewith; and wHB BAS, at this thee, the Agency desires to -assist the County by financing die construction of the Administration Building the `Project") to be located on laud (the `{Larid" currently owned by Canyon County,Idaho (the"County"); and WHEREAS, it'is the intent of the County that the Agency's role shall be limited to ro iding.an agreed upon suin of inoney each year to finance the Project And to be' the Owner of the Project fora period of time, but that the County shall be responsible for construction, operation and maintenlince of the Project; add WHEREAS, in order to enable the Agency to finance the Project, the Agency desires to lease the Land from-the County pursuant to the terms of a Ground Lease(the'"'Ground Lease") to be entered into between the County and the Agency; and �E REAS, the Agency further desires to lease(lie Project to the County for its use as all administration Wilding,pursuant to the terms of a Lease Agreement(the`{Lease Agreement") to be entered into between the County and the Agency, which authorizes the County to lease the Project throughout the term of the Boris and provides the County with an optioh to purchase the Project when the B ond s have been fully paid and defeas d; and WHEREAS, the County, at the request of the Agency, has prepared a Request for Bids for the purchase of the geney's Revenue Allocation (Tax In rennent) Bonds, Series 2012 (Administration Building Project) (the "'Bonds"'), the proceeds of which may be used to (i)finance the Project, including the use of any excess proceeds for other capital improvement projects of the County; (ii)fund a mserve fund; and(iii)pay costs of issuing the Bonds; and d614 .0D0l. d01 81. 5 + 4 Y r ; 1 WHEREAS, the County has received several responses to the Request; and 4 VMEREAS, upon review of the responses, the Commissioners have recommended the propos al by Banner Bank to the Agency, which involves a direct porch s e by B ark of the Bonds; and WHEREAS,the County's r commendation t o the Agency is premised upon the condition that prior to the disbursement of the proceeds of the beads for conMuction purposes, the Con tiuctlon Contract shall be in place and ensure that the Project ct con be constructed with the marries available from the-sale of the Boards. WHEREAS, the. Agency has reviewed the responses and the recommendation by the County, and desires to select Banner Bank, as initial purchaser of the Bonds (the "Initial Purchaser") and move forward with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and entry into the Ground Lease and Tease Agreement for the purpose of assisting the County with the construction of its Administration Building on the sand. NOW, THEREFORE, 13E YP AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF , COMMISSIONERS OF THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CALI WEL.L,IDAHO, AS FOLLOWS: 1 ' Se.ction 1. }Pursuant to the URA Aces, and at (lie request of Canyon County, it' is anticipated that revenue allocation bonds of the Agency designated the "Urban Renewal k Agency of the City of Caldwell, Idaho Revenue Allocation (flax e'rement)_Bonds, Series 2012 (Administration Building Proje t "will be authorized to be i sued for the purpdse o assisting the County with construction of an administration building to be located on bare land ow' ned by the County and located within thd Urban Renewal Project area subject to satisfaction of certain conditions. Section 2. The Board hereby selects Banner;Bank as Initial Purchaser of the Bonds oil terins and conditions set forth In the Bid received by Purchaser in-response to the Agency's Request for Proposals, Section 3. It is anticipated, subject to the satisfaction of such conditions as Elie Board. . deems appropriate in its complete discretion, that the Bonds shall be sold to the hiitial PurchasO pursuant to a Bond Resolution and a Bond Purchase Agreement to be ad pted or entered into oil approximately November 26, 2012 (the ""Approval Date!"), and vritb a closing date on or about December 27, 2012 (the "'Closing Date'). The Bond Resolution and related documents eontamo m" g the substantially ail of the terins of the Bonds, shall be presented to the Boar(] for preliminary approval on November 26, 2012 in substantially fin l`form, and for final a pp`oval on .:Elie.-Closing Date, subject to the approval of the final terins of'the Bonds by the Agency and � Agm1rdtice by the County that the principal arnount of the Bonds shall be sufficient to finance'the - Project. The Bend Resolution and related documents will contain approved conditions relating to the,cost of constructing the Project to be set forth in the Construction Colitract. In connection with the-is uati a and sale of the Bonds, the Agency and the County shall enter into the Ground Lease and Tease Agreement on or prior to the Closing Date providing for the lease of the Land to the Ageney throughout the terra of the Bonds, and providing for the coils truction of the Project RESOLUTION-- 3 5 4 143.0 DI,5401381.2 l ` i k by the, County and the lease of the Projcct to the County foi- use as an Administration Building, The Ground Lease and Lease Agreement shall be res nted to the Agency for preliminary approval, in sub tanti Il r final form, on I ov mber 26,2012, and for final execution no Inter than the Closing Date. Section 4,, The hereby Board authorizes its Chairman to work with the Ptircha er and Hawley Tro ell Ennis & Hawky LL.P, Bond Counsel, to prepare the Bond Resolution, Ground Lease,Use Agreement, and related documents-with respect to the Bonds and the Project. Section 5. If any section, pacagr ph, clause or provision of the foregoing resolutions shall for any reason be held t o be hivalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenfor a bility of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining pro isi ns of trio resolutiom x PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of November,ber,2012, % �� URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY THE CITY OF 4� lug CALDWELL f H Ii i • . Chairman, Mard 6f Commissioners ATTEST: t ary RESOLUTION 4610.0001-5401381.2