HomeMy WebLinkAboutURA RES 2016-29 RESOLUTION NO. E A RESOLUTION' BY T11 'URBAN' RENEWAI, AGE'NCY' OF CALDWELL, IDAHO ACC,"ET71"ING A WARRANTY'DEED FOR REA1,PROPERTY LOCATED AT5221. E.LINDEKA., Be it Resolved that the ,ity of Caldwell, Idaho hereby accepts and ap'prmes a "'WARRAN"IN I)EED"' ided throu,�,Fh Pioneer Title. This, deed grantS L1,41to tlic Urbati Renewal Agency the real property provi commonly ktiown as 5221 Linden made a pail,hereof Th,e URA Secretary is hereby directed to fomard a copy to the Mapping Department of said City ot Caldwellfor preservation, in anindex of'deeds. PASSED 13YTHE C()'UN'CtL ofthe City of-Taldwell, Idallo, this,22nd,day of'August,2016. AITROVED"By rl,H E MAYOR ofthe City o-f('aldwell, Idl'i'l io,this 22""day ofAugust, 2016. A po ed By: Attest*. 01000010", ooeol' 19 0000000 Debbie Geyer, LJR Secretat-y Rob Jopper, airman of,THE tip,0 it, SEAL low 01� dMI f MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman Hopper and Urban Renewal Commissioners FROM: Debbie Geyer, URA Secretary RE: Acceptance of a Warranty Deed for property purchased by URA DATE: August 22, 2016 RE: Acceptance of a Warranty Deed The following is attached: 1. Warranty Deed: A Warranty Deed forwarded from Pioneer Title for real property located at 5221 E. Linden previously owned by Randall and Patricia Hickman It is the recommendation to accept the deed as submitted. Attachment: Warranty Deed #2016-032692 1:z) 601 P'i4oneerT'it1eCo,. 2016 C-03216192 #6 BfYONP REO 0 RDED, 610 S.Kimball Avenue 08/1512016 11*9 08 AM Caldwell,ID 83605 CHRIS YAMAMOTO CANYON COUNTY RECORDER ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED:-DO NOT' Pgs=2 SDUPUIS $13,00 REMOVETHE COUNTY STAMPED FIRST TYPE, DEED PAGE AS IT IS:NOW'INCORPORATED AS PIONEERT7LE CANYON-CALDWELL PART OFTHE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED File No.601052 VB/DM WARRANTY DRED For Value Received Randall L Hickman and Patricia A. Hickman,husband and Wife hereinafter referred to asGrantor,does hereby grant,bargain,sell,warrant and convey unto The Urban Renewal Agency,of the City,of Caldwell,Idaho hereinafter referred to as Grantee,whose current address is 411 Blaine St.Caldwell,ID 83605 The following described premises,to-wit.: See Exhlbit A attached hereto arid n1ade a part hereof "ro HAVE AND TO HOLD the salid premlsels,with their appurtenances unto the said Girtantee(s),and Grantees(s)heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantor(s)does(dol)hereby covenant,to ajild with the s id Grantee(s), t1le Grantor(s) lishare the owner(s), in fee simple of said pre1nises; 'that sa.11d prernises,are al free froin all encumbrances,EXCEPT those,to which this conve,yance is expressly rnade subject and those made, s uffered or done by the (3ran tees); and subject 'to U.S. Patent reservations, restrictions, cledicatiolis easenients,, rights of way arid agreements, (it'any)of reclord, and current years,tcalxes, levies, it'any)which are not yet due and payable, AS,(I and assessments includies h 1gation and utillity asseSSITI,el and that Grantor(s)will warrant and defend the same fMin all lawfill claims whatsoever. Dated: August 10,2016 41Q1 ie� (0 /;IV­ Randall,Li.Hickinian Patricia A.Hickman State off"iclaho County of Canyon On his z-&y of Augtist in the year 2016,befor eon ie,the undersigned,allo tart''public in and for sa id State,personally app leared Randall Hick.man and Patricia A."Yfickman known oridentified to me t to the person/,. whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that he/sh Ix cut the Sallie. ie ex cut "01 '3, Residin �W ryw�..+.wn.,.+,.um .wmW �+.nor.wwnww.,�a�wwwmwww...Yw-mA....nwmw�wwaww-w�.�..,..��w,..�.aaer y � µ"` ,( ��! W���� y�h i gat:Caldwell,I'D Commission Expires: 12,/2/2016 co A A, L ­2.cl EXHIBIT A Reference: Record of Survey-Inst.No.200375199 A parcel of land being a portion of the SE'Id SE'/4 of Section 25,Township 4 North,Range 3 west,Boise Meridian, Caldwell,Canyon County Idaho,more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the SE corner of the SE IA SE'/4,(SE corner of Section 25);thence South 89°36'51"west a distance of 200.00 feet along the southerly boundary of said SE1/4S E'/d to a point on the approximate centerline of a drain ditch;thence North 38 014'04"West a distance of 1677.85 feet along said approximate centerline to a point on the northerly boundary of said SE'/4 SE 1/4,said point being North 89°37'15"East a distance of 70.00 feet from the NW corner of said SE l/4 SE'/4;thence North 89 037'15"East a distance of 1252.65 feet along said northerly boundary to the NE corner of said SE'/a SE 1/4; thence South 00 136'39"west a distance of 652.38 feet along the easterly boundary of the N'/2 of said SE'/4 SE'/4 to the SE corner of said N'/2 SE'/a SE'/4;thence South 0003714"west a distance of 662.5 7 feet along the easterly boundary of the S'/2 of said SE 1/a SE 1/a to the POINT OF BEGINNING. This parcel contains 22.09 acres,more or less,and is SUBJECT TO all easements and rights-of-way of record or implied