HomeMy WebLinkAboutURA RES 2016-17 RESOLUTION NO. 2016- 11 CITY���,. E._J -. PRIVAIT INVESTMEN 1" AS PAR a .... BE EFFECTIVE UPO'N PROGRAMAND PROVIDING FOR WM ... .. ,..:.t . .. L A w "' - � independent fit � corporate . zee under .. .. . . li o (,Jrban Renewal Agency,c ,aw of '1965' as Clu�pter 20, Title 50, Idal"'lo Code, a duly cret,,i,ted. a:tld I'LJlic,tj'oniiig 't.,Jt-baii,, Re-ti,ewal Agency f6r C,-'i,ldwel-1, Idalio he'reinafter referred to as the "Agency." Wl-IERE'1ASI, on, or' aboLlt, October 1 .')()8, the City of'Caldwcll, I daho ("C"Ity") throUgh, As Mayor and Gity Council, asset Resolutiolis w creat"ing an urban,� re agen.cy, pursuarit WHEREAS, there was, prepared for the Agency, and adopted accordirig 1.0 law, the Caldwell East, Area Workable Program/l'nipleii,iet,-i'ta,tl(,".)i,t Phan, and Urban Renewal Plan w ("al"Awell, East I-Jrban,-Ren,ewal Pr(�Ject, whi-ch have frorn time to tumebeen anien.deldl (according to Pr ject Area, not owned, by the Agency ; � :i.s � .e � � " ._ . � ov : 'jw]lith revenUe ,allocalion t1i,nds and other funding sources cavailable to "it...the Agency . ( . . " o it � f t ar : .� .e a n reve,nue allocation. area.... The goal, of the Rehabilitation Progran'i is to brtng bUildings, ,In the'area, up to the ge.iieral safety, aesthetic, theinatic and other the City's bulldit-i.g code or neighborhood development plans or StUdies through building cod,e enfiorcein,ent atid by providing to property, mners incentives to reiyiodel,, repair,,, replace, and/or rellabIlitate their i :�,. �.� y , e .witty ,: Downtown o Caldwell :�� � °" Master n , � "q .t I u `.k kl.s e t* , n"' .to provide d guide ', . the ti e s t, w arid. wel. m Ma to developrn,ent of the downtown ." e RESOLAJTION No .2016-11 Page I a Wf111_'4',',R1.,`,'AS, the Framework Master Plan includes, a sertes of artistic ,1w elevations depicting a con-Itnoti a,i-'ch,ite�c'[L,tr�al/'Li,esl",Ii(,lt'ic tlwme tor the exteriors of' rehabi litiated dowlitown, propertles; and W1­,lEfZf1'1.A1S, Idaho CoI de §50-1703A declares thc, 'J' flhe improvenien't of' business bUddings in. confiornlity with the architectural thet-ne adopted by the city 'is hereby declat-ed a publiC PLirp(,,)se1"% and WHER,1"1',.AS,, the Agency's Rehabilitation tht Fram,ework Mca,stelr Plan's guidance on. a, cohesive redevelopnient cae"stiletic 4,1nd the pri'vate jtwestnwnt of'property owners can. alld, should work together to help achieve the rehabilitation purposes of the Rehablfitatioll Progran-1 C11111c] I'daho Code §50-1703A. Now�l I'll ER.EF()Rf`4.',,, BE 11" 1ZESOLVFD BY' '14-JE BOARD OF C0MM,l1SS1(')NEq11z.S OF '114E URBAN' REN]''MAL A,GENCY Of'" '11,11­.' 0F("Af_DWE 1DA110:,L1_, Section ,.I.: "I'lieAgency shal I nicake, f71.tnds avallabl-el"or its Rehabilitation Prog,rami to incentivize voluntary .w. investin.ent in theimprovement of btlisiness btiildings, as, des,cribed in Idaho Code §50-1703A. Section 2: Pro.ects eligible for funding must be located, in thc-,tt portion ofthe Revenue ............. A1.1ocati,on A,rea and Pro.ject Area boUnded b�y ttie UPRIZright-ot'-way on the northeast, South 10 Ave otithe southeaSt", Lridian ("reek,on the southwest', Land South 5'hNve. on, the northwest. fo I Section-3 ProJects eligible fi r ftirid,nig 1"I'u.1st be -the reco'nstrUCtion. olfexistin.g bL11'ld1'ng ,1`a,qade improvenients that auesthetilcally consistent with the Framework Master Man and Chtcil.-)ter 10, Article t.'121 ofthe ("'aldwell City Code as deterinined by the design review pro c es's set forth in the Ccaldwell City Colde., Sectlon 4,.- Projects et'lgible f(.,)r,I I Ltndlrig 11,111st, result in significant improvement to the property, eradwatlon olfbIlght,and nwet tl"ie general scal,'ety, quallity and other constrtictioti I I I mances. standards set -t`oith In the (.*ty's btifld'ng codes ai, d applicable ord,' Section,51 Agency nlay condition fu,nditig upoti assurames that the fa�ade 'rMprovements, are pursued ,fior, andw'jll bc used in, good, faith for, econonitc clevelopi-nent and eliminatiori.of blight. FUnding conditions may require rei,mbttrsernet-itl it'Privale, a,rticipation I's p pr1rnartly tlor rmprovi,ng properties t"or resale or otherwise speculafiin.g in rea,l estate. Section.6: "I"he Agency's,finilancical. participation in,zipproved proects shall be established at tlie tinle ofl, alid, in coqjUncti0n with, a]­,)pr1 of any particular application. Finanel'al participation by the Agency is dependent upon'the avallabill-ty of f nds and, the size dN Wes ,,.d scope (-.)f the prq'ject unprovei-nents. The object.'j-ve offL'1j'idti,.ig snall be-to pay thirty-five percent (35%)of the estimated c(,.)st ofthe pro.ject seI t fortli it"ithe applicatlon. Paymelif shall be RESOLLY110N NO.2016- Pa A 2 ge ad relryibUrse the applicant upon cojiipletiotl of the pro.ject in accordance willi the auPproved appli.cation or any approv'e,d tarnwndmet'it thereto. Section 5.- J`hcatthis 'ReSOILA101`1 shall be 'in, ffill force and effect Himiiedlicately Upon its ad,optloti.and approval. H S ADOPTED AND APPROV 11 1. ci cay ........ 2016. ...... I0 All "ll .......... CLIAIRM N• A-i--,rES`F.- tl *cl;y oflr// C 0A,P .5 0 SECREJARZY %to 100 * 0 H *08#11111144*1 RESOLUTION NO.2016- Page 3 a�:, `4�`1r; !�� -c '�` 3 d; .9� . r'r `. p w � r �� .� � N" 9i' �4 !< C. �� � Z> � c^• e � �' Y yam.. •��5, �� ���•