HomeMy WebLinkAboutURA RES 2016-16 .ES OLUJION NOI. 2016-1 t,j,rr 1 1 r W J '97ING A RESOL ON OF fllf.d (","Al.,,4DWEI..4,1.-,� '(J"RBAN RENEWAI, AGENCY AC("Tl rjjj 11 00L '''E AWARD OF BID RECOMMENDATIONS FROM "IllE, CALDWEI-41i S S, CH DISTRICT BOA`R,D (.,')Fl "FRUSTEES ON MAY �4, 2016 FOR "rHF, RESI"ONSIBLE I Cr r S'CIIOOtj PROJE r. BIDDER INASSOCIAnONWIT11 r"ll"'I'llf"d Ir BE rIlEREBY RESOLVED by the ('aldwell tJiban I'Zenewal Agenc,y accepting ,the Award of Bid recommendations as outfined in ExhiblUA rtiade apart,liereol'as set fOrth in full. PASSED BYTIlE CALjDWE,LdL Ul'113ANRl';,','N'E_,WAL AGENCYthis 9 I_"' day o I`Mc-ily� 20161. APPROW'J'D BYTHE MAYOR ofthe (-"it 1`('aldwell ldcaho this 9"ll dc,,iy of May, 2016. y 01" 2016. A P V 741). 0101 01,0100001 .............. ............ -—- —... --lAlR MAN Al' S 41 SE(IRET"ARY P0,* ish Z, 0 0 h oil, �14 ploa\ OHV RESOIJITION NO. Page I py, �{�ffi r I CALDWELL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT No.132 1502 Fillmore St. CALDWELL,IDAHO 83605 TELEPHONE(208)455-3300•FAX(208)455-3302 a www.cal dwell schools.or C A L D W E L L school district Board of Trustees Charles Stout Matter: Project Funding Implementation Agreement Chairman Thomas Briten Parties: Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Caldwell, Idaho Vice Chairman School District No. 132, Canyon County, State of Idaho Travis Manning Lisa Bevington Kent Marmon Recommendation From: The Board of Trustees of School District No. 132, Canyon County, State of Idaho Administration Jodie Mills Superintendent Mill Schools To: The Commissioners of the Urban Renewal Agency of the Director of Instructional& City of Caldwell, Idaho Curriculum Services Stephanie Carpenter BY ACTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES on the 4t'day of May, 2016, Director of Special Services pursuant to the above-referenced Agreement [Agreement Provisions: Sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.4], the following recommendation and request is made: Dalila Martinez Director of Migrant and The Bids for the Agency Project were opened on May 3, 2016 in accordance CEP Programs with the bid notice; and Lisa Rund Thompson Director of The Agency Architects and Construction Manger having reviewed the Bids to Business Services determine who was the lowest responsible bidder submitting bid in accordance with the bid specifications and having made their recommendations to the Gloria R.Betancourt Coordinator of Board of Trustees on May 4, 2016; and Human Resources The Board of Trustees being fully informed and seeking to keep the costs of Yvonne McKee the Agency Project within Project Funding make the following Administrative Assistant/ recommendations to the Agency Board of Commissioners regarding the Clerk of the Board of Trustees acceptance of Bids: . Caleb Shore Coordinator of Information Technology E*WA Board of Trustees Recommendation to Agency Commissioners for Project Bid Awards Page-1 Board of Trustees Recommendation to accept the following listed Bids: BID--., -.: - - _ _. UC SFUL-BIDDER BlD - - _ AIVIUNT. BP-01' - g Sawcuttin & Demolition Ideal Demolition Services $ BP-02 Sitework Lurre Construction $164,000.00 BP-03 Landscape&Irrigation Pioneer Construction $18,445.00 BP-04 Concrete Herculean Concrete Systems $670800.00 BP-05 Masonry ML Masonry $136,000.00 BP-06 Structural&Misc.Steel KB Fabrication &Welding $56,4215.00_ BP-07 Cabinetry&Trim Idaho Custom wood Products $40,474.00 BP-08 Roofing Pro-Tec Roofing $77,879.00 BP-09 Doors, Frames&Hardware D&A Doors $64,1720-00 BP-10 Drywall,Acoustical, & Selective Demolition Northwest Interiors $80,525.00 BP-11 wood Flooring Soriano Floors $13,200.00 BP-12 Floor Coverings Town &Country $78j150-001 BP-13 Painting Merrit Professional Coatings $45,785.00 BP-14 Specialties SBl Contracting $14,000.00 BP-15 window Coverings Blind Appeal $800.00 BP-16 Fire Protection Shilo Automatic Sprinkler $17,857.00 BP-17 Plumbing Buss Mechanical $86,751.00 BP-18 HVAC Service Experts $193,000.00 FBP-19 Electrical Power Plus $x.88,930,00 Board of Trustees Recommendation to accept the following Listed Bid Alternates: SCHEDULE OF ALTERNATES A. Alternate No.1 FArea 2- Mezzanine Storage Area 1. Add all materials and labor associated with this Accepted Not Accepted construction of the mezzanine storage area, ships ladder X and selected millwork as described In the bid documents. Successful Bidder:ML Masonry($2,700.00)—KB Fabrication&welding($14,150.00)—Idaho Bid Amount: Custom wood Products[$9,421.00]—Northwest Interiors($4,130.00)—Merrit Professional $32,9$9,00 Coatings($602.00)Shilo Automatic Sprinkler($1,986.00) B. Alternate No.2 Area 2- Robotics Area HVAC System 1. Add all materials and labor associated with the Accepted Not Accepted installation of a new HVAC system as described in the bid X documents. Successful Bidder:Service Experts($38,500.00)Power Plus($900.00) Bid Amount: $39.4500-00 Board of Trustees Recommendation to Agency Commissioners for Project Bid Awards Page-2 C. Alternate No. 3 1 Area 2- Robotics Area Exterior Canopy 1. Add all materials and labor associated with the Accepted Not Accepted installation of the new exterior canopy as described in the bid documents. � Successful Bidder: Herculean Concrete Systems($4,300.00)—KB Fabrication&Welding Bid Amount: ($12,665.00)—Pro-Tec Roofing($8.862.00) $28,027.00 D. Alternate No.4 1 Area 3- Auditorium Carpet and Base 1. Add all materials and labor associated with the Accepted Not Accepted installation of new carpet and rubber base as described in El the bid documents. Successful Bidder:Town&Country($23,750.00) Bid Amount: $23,p750-00 E. Alternate No. 5 Area 3- Auditorium Aisle Lighting 1. Add all materials and labor associated with the Accepted Not Accepted installation of new aisle lighting as described in the bid X El documents. Successful Bidder: Power Plus($15,070.00) Bid Amount: $15,070.00 F. Alternate No. 6 Area 3- Auditorium HVAC Ductwork Revisions 1. Add all materials and labor associated with the revisions Accepted Not Accepted to the HVAC ductwork as described in the bid documents. Successful Bidder: Merrit Professional Coatings($1,779.00)—Service Experts($6,900.00) Bid Amount: $8,679.00 G. Alternate No. 7 Area 3- Auditorium Railings 1. Add all materials and labor associated with the Accepted Not Accepted manufacture and installation of the railings as described in the bid documents. Successful Bidder: KB Fabrication&welding($2,895.00)—Merrit Professional Coatings Bid Amount: ($705.00) $3,600.00 H. Alternate No. S Area 3- Auditorium Door Hardware 1. Add all materials and labor associated with door Accepted Not Accepted hardware upgrades as described in the bid documents. X 1:1 Successful Bidder: D&A Doors($11,850.00)--Merrit Professional Coatings($592.00) Bid Amount: $12,0442-00 Board of Trustees Recommendation to Agency Commissioners for Project Bid Awards Page-3 Area 3- Auditorium Sound System Repairs rn ate N 1. Add all materials and labor associated with repairs, to the Accepted Not Accepted auditorium sound system as described in the bid documents. .. X ......... Successful Bidder: Power Plus($20,9190.001) Bid Amount.- $20,9190-00 .........--- J. Alternate Ni Area 2- Locklers .............. Add all materials and labor, associated with the Accepted Not Accepted installation of lockers as described in the bid docurnents. x E] Bid Amouint.-, Success,f ul, B-Idder:1 SBI Contracting $617301.00 ........... Alternate, No. 11, Area 1,and Area 2- Selected Millwork I. Add all materials, and labor, associated with the Accepted Not Accepted installation of sellected millwork as described in the bid X documents. ............ Successful Bidder:: Idaho C cts($16,601.00) Bid Amount: .................. ........... ................. TOTAL AMO,U�NT OF ALL BID,S. _g275.549.00 ........... Request.- Following the Agency Com-naissioners review of this recommendation and after the conduct of the Commissioners' Ag,cney d-ue diligence, .1einentatioll , purstiant to Scetion 4.1.5 of the Project finp Agreen.ielit and following the Comnilissioner's decision,, plealse 'notify the Su,petintendentl the Architect atICI ConstrUction Manager of' the bids and b,id alternates, that, the Agency C omltii s s toners have awarded with ir,,istructions to notify the bidders and request fo'r the -prep arati on ofthe necessary pubfic works, construction contracts, f.or review by Agency Attorliey and the School District attomey who will report, to the Roard, of Trus,tees, for a recommendation of appr�oval. to the Agency Co'lximissiot'iers. M Mi 11 s,, Syl)et-bi tendent Date 0 11 Ot-igintil docutneta tleltvvi-ed to,Debbie Ge-V)t-!r oirz A*WW'.....c- 2016 atida col��V i-etained b.1117 AS'eho I I)*Vo-Ict 132 olk�f)ti, Yi,wnne.MeKee, Ch i, Boa r es Reconi,mendation to Agency Cornfnissioners ,f`or Project Bid Awards Page-4