HomeMy WebLinkAboutURA RES 2016-13 RESOLUTION NO. z 'C' 1"ll ACCE'1,_,rrA,NCE OF' A. WARRAN"I'Y' APPROVE AU"11,71-10RI IN E DE"I"".11) BY "'I'l C"ALDWELl-, (JR,BAN R,I­,',NEWAl-, AC"EM"'Y REGARDI-NG TEE JX r 1"ED IN '1'1--],'E SKY R,AN"Cf I PL)''RICHASE" Of-' URA PRO'll""R]""'Y" 11"Y" GRJ' R,EAl,.,'I"Y LOCA CENTER- I wel,l 'Urhcm Renewal Agency to "cluthorize BE 14" HERERY RES01,.XED by the (',,a,, d I Ul '0 accept"ance ofthe Warrarity DIeed niade a part lier�eof'as set t' rth.lliftill. ,PASSED BY "VFIE CAl,4DW'EJLL U]" RAN RENEWAL AGENCY tl"i s 91"' day ofMay, 2016. APPROVED By rrl-1,E Cl,,lA,lRMAN-OF 141E (','A,'LJ,D'WEL4L URBAN REN'F',,4WAl,.4 ACENCY t1i I I s 9"" day of May, 2016. Appr(-,�)y,e cl 0 1,0"00 By ._. Ch ........., tsq 01 jt$6 01#*ft ;P* Secretary '0 loc 0+ *4 A* % % 0HVGX" •a S} 4N 'al a� a� ���BI 2,016-013538 ELKrRoNICALLY RECORDED-DO NOT RECORDED REMOVE THE COONTY STAMPED FIRST 04111/2016 04-438 PIM PAGE AS rr IS NOW INCORPORNTED;AS CHRIS YAMAMOTO PART OF THE ORIGINAL,DOCUMENT, CANYON COUNTY RECORDER WARRANTY DEED Pgs=3 EHOVVELL $16,00 TYPE DEED RONEER TIT'LE CANYON-CALDWELL. ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED FOR VAt.'IJE ,R,,E-.'CIE-41',\IED,,, th-ban Renewal Agency of City of Caldwell,, Id,atio*,*aii ,'tj�idepet-idetit public body corporate and politle (collectively, "Gra,ntor"),do hereby grant, b err gairi, se' ern d convey unto,GRT'Realty,LLC,aTI Idaho himited liabil ity conipany, whose curret'it address 'is 725 De,dhan"i St., (17anton, MA "Grantee"), the f,ollowingdescrlbed real property tin Canyon County, fdaho,'I"O WIT. 020121 ( **wHo ACQUIREM TITLE, AS CAjA)14EL1,, FAST U"AN' RMM&L ACrIKKa See Exhibit A attached hereto arid, incol-porated hereln,by this refierence 0 together with all and singular the rights, privileges, interests., easements,, hered,ftarnents and appurtenances thereto and buildings, S Uctures and improvenients located thereon inel Lid in g"4 but not finitted to: (1*)all right,title, and interestin and to ac�jacent streets, alleys, rights-of- 4 itle. and hiterest 'in and to all way, and any adjacent strips or gores of real estate; (16)all right, ti I I o fl, gas, and other min erals 011 or-that r be,produced, f n the real property, all nilneral leases,royalty interests,and bonuses,relating thereto, and all agreements relating to the production,devery pin err t,exploration, or exploitation thereof;and(116)all right, title, al'id interest 'in and, to water on andwatler rights appurtenant thereto includIng, but not hillilted to,, a1l,wells, shares f irrigation stock,Nv and any and all other sinlilar permits and water rights a,ppurtenarit(collectfively, "Propert3r"). To 'have and to hold the Property tmtD the said Gnantee, and Grat'itee's heirs and I I I assigns lbrever�. Grantor does hereby covenant to and wth the sa*d Grantee that Grantor "s tl �rom all encumbrances and that owner in fee simple of the Property, that the Property Is,free f Grantor will warrant,and defiend the sanie frorn all clainiss whatsoever. Dated:�E) Lp Urban RenewalAgee cy of City of Caldmlell East Urban .Renewal Agency".­,"'" Cald04`, xM By: By: Narne. Natn � �p�,. i" yep �+..«.w��� T t le T1 T t I e STATE OF IDAHO SS. County of Canyon On this, 2016, before nie, ia'N'(Aary Public 'in, and f."or said State, of I to be tin personally appeared known or*dent'fied to t ne h of ttle Urban Renew-I Agericy of C ity of(",aldwel 1, 1&ho,an independe it public body corporate and,politic, the Independent Public body corporate and politicthat executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of such independent public body corporate and politic and acknowledged to me that such independent public body corporate and politic exe�pted- me, � A_, Notary Publi for the State of Idaho ���*%-Y 0 �'-,Residing at:f4 kly Commission expires: 0 , 0 egp 0 ° V 13 0 F sS. �7 � County of Canyon on this day of ,2016,before me Mot Public in and for said State, personally appeared �°'°° :t nown or identified to me to be the of Caldwell East enewal Agency,the entity that executed the instrument or the person who ex e the rument on behalf of such entity and acknowledged to me that well East Urban wal Agency executed the same. Notary Public for State of Idaho Residing at; My Commission expires; EXHIBIT A A portion of the SE 114 SE 114 and the SW 114 SE 114 of Section 25,Township 4 North, Range 3 west, Boise Meridian,Canyon County,Idaho,more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the SE 114 SE 114(East 111 6th corner)of Section 25;thence North 0"04'40"East a distance of 129.77 feet along the west line of said SE 114 SE 114 of Section 25 and coincident with the west boundary of the parcel of land described in Instrument No.2015048940 on file in the Office of the Recorder,Canyon County, Idaho to a point on the northerly right-of-moray boundary of Linden Street,said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING;thence along said northerly right-of--way boundary of Linden Street as follows: South 430 24'31"East a distance of 86.99 feet;thence Southeasterly a distance of 132.69 feet along a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 340.00 feet, a central angle of 22°21'39",and chord bearing South 79°45'48" East a distance of 131.85 feet; thence North 89°03' 10"East a distance of 210,32 feet(of record as 210.31 feet)parallel with the South line of said SE 114 SE 114 of Section 25;thence leaving said northerly right-of-way boundary of Linden Street North 00 04'40"East a distance of 741.47 feet parallel with said west line of the SE 114 SE 114 of Section 25;thence South 891 03' 10"west a distance of 721.88 feet parallel with said South line of the SE 114 SE 114 of Section 25;thence South 0*04'40" Test a distance of 281.90 feet parallel with said west line of the SE 114 SE 114 of Section 25;thence South 44°49'56"East a distance of 455.85 feet to a point on said west line of the SE 114 SE 114 of Section 25;thence South 00 04'40" west a distance of 41,21 feet along said west line of the SE 114 SE 114 of Section 25 to the POINT OF BEGINNING.