HomeMy WebLinkAboutURA RES 2016-07 RESOLUTION A RESOI.AJ11ON' OF 111HE URBAN RE'NEWAL AGENCY OF rl,,HE CITY Of' 1 4 "S' FOR '1"HE I)ISPOSMON OF CALDWELL, 1,I)A,HO ,ES'I'A,13LISIll-N(,-II PROCEI)URVI SMALL,, IMPROVED AGENCY-OWNED REAL PROPIE11TY IN N-EEI) OF R,E,'IIABI'LITA"I"'tON' P,"t,.J',RSI,,JANT TO IDAHO CODE §50-2011. AND PROVIDING FOR TIM RESOLU"111ON, r1rO BE EFFECTIVE U.PON ITS PASSACr E AND APPROVAL,. "I"H'I'.,S' '1,,ZESO,'f...(.,JTION' ,'Is, inade on the date hereinafter setfiorth by the Urban Renewal Agency of' the City, oil" Caldwell,, Idaho an independen't public body, corporale and pollitic, authorized tinder the atuthorl.ty, of the Idaho Urban. Ren.ewt,,i1 Agency La , as camended, Chapter .20., 1"itle 50, Idaho Code, a duly created, and, Iunctioning [Jrban Renewal Agency, f'or ix,,11-er ref!�-rred t(-) as the "Agericy." Caldwell, Ida,ho, here WHEREAS,, on or abOtit October 19, 19,98 the (.'I'ity of(.,"Ccddwe1l1, thrOLIgh it'S Mc-iyor and City (,ouncil. passed, ResolLiflons 88-98 and 89-98 creaft g an urban renewal. agency, pursuant to Chapter 20, J'itle 50, Idaho Code; and, WHEREAS, there was Prepared for the Agency, and adopted according to law,, the Caldwell East Area Workrable Progra 0.rn./,I-,rrip.lenietitatioii Plan and 1-Jrban Ren.ewal Pla,n 1"Or the 0 'i,st Urban Renewal Project which have fron.l. tin.'i-e to time been amended, acco,-fi t Caldwell Ez R 1,11,9 0 law, (collectively the "Phan,"); and WI-IE-dREAS, P'ursuant to, the Plan, the Agency has acquired, arid. may acquire in the fUtUre, parcels, of"real pro er�t *'n the urba.ri renewal area,that are small in size with older blighted ,P �y I 'i ves or d1lapidated buildings but appropriate f(,)r rehabilitation and Use consistent with the object" ofthe Plan; and S -Sn -2011(b) the Agency may dispose of such ant to Idaho Code §50 parcels to private parties '6urider such reasonable corn.petitive bidding procedtffes as it shall 0 prescrtbe." NOW, '"171-JEREFORE, BE 11" RESOLVE-'.F) 13'Y "ME BOARI) OF COMMISSIONER.S Clrl,,y OF "I"HE URBAN RENEWAI-.AGE'NC'Y' 0FJJ 1E OFCALDW14".1.1, IDA,1-10.- 0 Section I '"Mat the Agency may choose to advert,,Ise f r sale any real, propert, i y it curren,tl,y owtis, or may hereafter acquire, that I's ess than one (1) acre in. size with existing improvements in need of reliabilitcati(Al. Section 2: 'That the advertisement shall solicit rellabilitatton pro os a ls -fbr a period of P al least three (3) weeks. At any t1nie, ct��&ter said th.i,.-ee (3�) weeks the Agellcy May select any Proposal, and negotuate, ci,developrilent agreement Writh, the proposer. RESOLA)TION NO.2016- _, Page I ectloti 3: The sale price slilcavll .e developmet-A appraisal based upon t lie selected propo�sal, or 2) the price offin-ed by the selected propo�s,er. '"I"he sales price may be less than,what was pa-ld by theAgency., Section 4.- That such advertising and, solicitation of proposals is, reasonable and can accommodate compe-titivebidding as required by Idaho Code §50� -201 1,(b)o Section 5.- "I a, this Resolution shall 'be in f"Lill 'J"orce and effect immediately, upon its ,adopfion and ap prow. al. ADO pr fED AND APPROVEDT111S day of 2016�. 441 C li' A I N N re tic OA CO ............... 11A �p 4W 0. UP, S 1"J" R]"'Id T A RVY 0 I RESOLUTION NO.,2016- Page 2 �: ��i�" ����s e, �- _ ' ��" � 'rte:. r. e a '• . �:.. '� .. � � � r .� ... � ,, e,J ;ti y � 76 i �, � y d _..,.. ,f.�a .. ' ? e F f� i