HomeMy WebLinkAboutURA RES 2015-05 RESOL11'"FION NO. 2015.5 A, RES(RA,71'ON" OF TVE1,JRB,AN Rf"'JNEWAL AGENCYOF THE Cirl-uy, OF f�','STA B LIS 111N(1` PR,0C11;`4D'UI' ES' FOR TUE DISPOSITIO'N OF 1 _dk CERTAINAGENCY-OWNUID RWAI..4 PIZ(__)I),U11R1 P"FY RURS"UAN"r i"o tDA" H'O ('01W §50- .4 FOR rf"111S N TO BE EF"Fl"CTIVE, 2011 AND PROVIDIM.".'I RI SOI P-ASSM"'IlE AND APPR,O'VA,I,.,. T"HIS RJ'_,,'iS0L1JTJ0N is inade on the date hereina,,,1111'er set -forth by the t.Jr'ban Renew,al Agency of the City of" Ca,Uwelf, Idaho an Independent pn'blic body, corporate anid politic, authorized Ufl,der the a,ufhorit-y of the Idaho Urbati Renmal Agency I aw (A' 1965, as amei"ided, I Chapter 20, "I"I'de 50, ldafio Code, a duly ci-eated, and 1111 1 ction,*ng 1-Ji-ban Renewal Agency for (.Ialdw,ell, lda , hereinafter refiet-red to as the "Agelicly. WHEREAS, on or about, October J 9, 1998 the City, of Cald'well, throtigh its, Ma,yor and ty Cou,nc*l, passed Resolu,tlon,s 88-98 and 89-98 creating an urban rene,\/val agency,, pUrSUalit to Chapter 201, "fitle 50, Idaho Code-, and Wfff",REAS, thet-e w,as prepared. fol- the Agency, and ztdopted according to lmv, the 0 Caldwell East Area Work:a"ble Prograin/1 nip lementation Plan, and, Urban Renewal Plan f' r the r I : according to Caldwell East Urban Renewa] Project wliich: hcive t'roni ti ne to tinie been 4,lmeilded law, (collectively the "Plan"); and' WHEREAS, pursuant ft) the Plan., the Agency has acqUired parcels of,"rec,fl, property in, t'lit tirban, renewal area that are currently "shovcl-rel-lidy" 'In the sense that they, areunin proved bare- groutid parcel:sl, thcat do not need rehabIlitatioll,, ren"iediation deniofition, assernbl '11, i firastructuxe or other work to prepare theni, fi)r constructionalld Use conststent with. the object Ives o'the Plan'; and WJ 114Z.,EAS, PU17SUarit 'to Idaho Code §5'0-2,011(b) the Agen.cy tnay dis,pos,e of' Such parcels 'to private parties "t-ind-er sttch reasoliable con,ipetltive bidding procec',ittres as it s,hall, prescribe", and W1-11.1'iREAS, Agency fitids tl],art JiStil'lg -itid advertising its sho,vel-ready parcels for s,ale 'is, a, reasonably competitive w,,cly of'(fisposing of th,eni and, ca,ri accon,ini,odate completifive bidd,ing aniolig any miniber of interested parties. NOW� r"If 11-7 ,REFORE, BE 11' RESO]XED BY T.1-IE BOARD 0' I" C"",()'MM,Iksl-SIF(DNl4'jl,�zs OF THE t JUAVREN_t.�'JVA­L AGENG"Y7, ff 141F OF CALDWFI..,L? 111)AH0. Section 1: That the Agency tna list fo sale at-id (acivertise any real property It cuii-e,ntl y Cl y,(Avils, orimy he'recafte'r acqUire or create, that IS, shov 1-ready uni.rnproved.bare-grot,"Ind. c RESOL(.Jj"[ON NO.2015- E>__, Page I Section 2. Tti,4"It is tIch listi-ii,cy and advertising is reasonable cand can accorrin.iodate competitive bidding as recittired by Idaho Code §501-2011 I(b). Sectim-13- That the Agency tiil set any rewlasonab'e pr'ce for the sale of such properties that takes lnt(,) aic"c"Otill't the go�als of"the Plan atild that SLICII price need not be equal to or tn excess of the price forwhich the Agency accItured the property, provi,ded that ifthe sales, price is si.iii I cant I y below ti.,i,ark,,et va,lu,e, the disposiltion ofthe property must be inade PLUNS"Lla,111, tO the N requiestforj?roposal process in1daho Code §50-201 I(JI). Section 4: That flii,s Resolution, shaIl be in fitill florce and, ef-'I-,* ct 'mnied*,at I I-C e,ly Upoin Its adOptiOlIr and approval. 001, AD()ITED AND API-),IZOVED "FI-JIS day of.fuly,...... -)15. ae 41, 000 0 -OP1.0001 po W.WWWO C f-JA I R"M N ATTE',S 7) all lot > SECRETARY do % 0, ,401#000* RESOLUTION NO.2015-_!S Page 2 "t 11;Aa �Aa W {q1 4n rip _'t"poWu 4Y I lee . a i4 �1