HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-06 URA MinutesRegular Scheduled Meeting
January 6, 2004 - 12:00 noon
Caldwell City Hall Conference Room
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency was held January 6, 2004 at
12:00 noon in the Conference Room @ City Hall with Chairman ElJay Waite presiding. The roll
was called: present were ElJay Waite, Mayor Garret Nancolas, Matt Beebe and Leona Fouts.
Motion to approve the agenda: Fouts/Beebe M/S/P
Minutes from the December 15, 2003 meeting were not available and will be approved at the
February meeting.
New Business
Chairman Waite welcomed Rob Hopper who will be serving as city council representative on the
URA Board of Commissioners, replacing Dennis Callsen whose term has expired. Mr. Hopper’s
appointment to the URA board will be confirmed at the next Caldwell City Council meeting.
CEDC Update: Steve Fultz, Executive Director, provided an update on CEDC activities which
include working with six new businesses, selection of Crookham Company as business of the
month, continued negotiations with Idaho Athletic Club for relocation to SkyRanch Development.
Mike McMichaels, representative for the Thomas Jefferson Charter School provided a brief
update on the proposed charter school. Motion to authorize the city attorney to work with a
representative from the charter school to draft a Memorandum of Understanding between CEURA
and Thomas Jefferson Charter School for the purpose of entering into an agreement to donate land
and provide amenities for the development of the charter school: Beebe/Nancolas M/S/P
Chairman Waite opened the floor for nominations for the offices of Chairman, Vice Chairman and
Secretary for 2004. Motion to reinstate the same officers from 2003: ElJay Waite, Chairman;
Garret Nancolas, Vice Chairman; Leona Fouts, Secretary: Nancolas/Beebe M/S/P
Motion to approve invoices for Idaho Taxpayers Association for $60, and city attorney, Mark Hilty,
for $413.00 and $28.00 for land transaction and Roedel lease: Fouts/Beebe M/S/P
Financial report not available. Financial statements are in the custody of city auditors at this time.
Review and discussion of the revised Land Exchange and Development Agreement. Motion to
send our revisions to Mark Hilty, attorney, to prepare a final document: Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P
The next meeting has been scheduled for Monday, 2/3/04 at 12:00noon
Motion to adjourn: Fouts/Nancolas M/S/P Meeting adjourned @ 1:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts