HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-05 URA MinutesRegular Scheduled Meeting CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY October 5, 2004 - 12:00 noon Caldwell City Hall Conference Room The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency was held October 5, 2004 at 12:00 noon in the Conference Room @ City Hall with Chairman ElJay Waite presiding. The roll was called: present were ElJay Waite, Mayor Garret Nancolas, Matt Beebe and Leona Fouts. Rob Hopper arrived as noted in the minutes. Motion to amend the agenda to move New Business item #2 (Review CEDC proposal) to Old Business, and add Downtown Revitalization Presentation as item #1 under New Business, and approve the agenda as amended: Fouts/Beebe M/S/P Motion to approve the minutes from the August 10, 2004 and September 7, 2004 meetings: Beebe/Nancolas M/S/P Rob Hopper arrived. Old Business CEDC Update: Steve Fultz, Executive Director, provided an update on CEDC activities which include: working with several businesses, including a restaurant, interested in the downtown area; working with a potential buyer interested in relocating a Boise business to the old Western Window site at 43rd & Cleveland; two businesses looking at relocation of a Nampa business to the old Idaho Bearing building @ 2nd & Simplot; following-up on a number of new business inquiries; serving on the Albertson College of Idaho transportation task group; Business of the Year will be awarded in October; CEDC will host the Chamber Noonbreak luncheon in October; the website had 1597 unique hits for September which is an increase of 100 over August: the platt project is progressing. Mayor Nancolas introduced a proposal from CEDC, represented by Steve Fultz, Dave Gipson, and Mia Murphy, for URA to offer a letter of intent to CEDC regarding the land exchange between Ralph Smead, the charter school and URA. The intent of the letter is to alleviate any potential lawsuits between CEDC and URA, establish URA’s intent to partner with CEDC, and move the project forward. Motion to authorize Mayor Nancolas and Chairman Waite to meet with Mark Hilty, attorney, to draft a letter of intent addressed to CED, regarding the land exchange, for review by the URA Board of Commissioners: Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P Update from Chairman Waite on the MOU for the Charter School: The final document is being refined to bring verbiage current. New Business Dennis Canon, Community Redevelopment, provided an update on the Downtown Revitalization project, which included a video presentation. Property appraisals should be done within the next week. Senator Craig is working closely with us will be earmarking funds for the Army Corp of Engineers portion of the project which should start construction within a year. Two grants have been received, $170,000 storm water and $200,000 EPA. Total investment in downtown Caldwell within the next two years should reach approximately 10 million dollars. Chairman Waite expressed a need to determine the process for URA to gain reimbursement of funds used for projects that qualify for impact fee reimbursement. The primary concern is the need for CEURA, 10/5/04, Page 2 URA to upfront the funds for projects prior to the impact fee fund actually having dollars available, and how to earmark and recoup those dollars as they become available. Rob Hopper suggested we consider the approach of offering the use of URA funds as a loan until impact fees are available. Motion to authorize Mayor Nancolas and/or Chairman Waite to begin discussions with Mark Hilty, City Attorney, to determine options for resolution: Hopper/Beebe M/S/P Request for funding from the GALS Softball League was presented by Rob Hopper. The League is attempting to construct two dugouts at a total cost of approximately $8,000-10,000. They are requesting $1,800 from URA to purchase the wood framing materials. The remainder of the project materials and labor has been donated. Motion to fund the GALS request up to $1,800 for framing materials: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P Chairman Waite reminded the commission that any future bond issuances would exceed the life of CEURA, creating a need to amend the Urban Renewal plan and extend the term for future bonds. Motion to authorize Rick Skinner to amend the plan to extend the term for future bonds: Beebe/Hopper M/S/P Motion to approve invoices as follows: $ 855.00 ICRMP Insurance $ 96.54 United Oil fuel - Irrigation Pump System $ 1,335.39 AME Electric September rental – irrigation pump system generator $ 2,192.14 Pioneer Irrigation Spring Irrigation fee for 59.75 acre parcel Beebe/Fouts M/S/P Financial report provided by Rob Hopper: Local government investment pool balance of $750,086.22 with interest paid of 1,186.14 as of 9/30/04, September statements not yet available for the Farmers and Merchants checking account and money market account. Motion to approve the financial report: Fouts/Beebe M/S/P General Discussion Chairman Waite notified the commission that Jamie Hoover, Freehold Development, has still not signed the commitment for the pressurized irrigation system in Pipedream Park. Bill Gilbert, Skyway Business Park, has signed his commitment. Past transactions with Freehold Development indicate that this delay could continue indefinitely, jeopardizing the timing of the project. URA has the option of rescinding their offer to subsidize a portion of the project and install a separate pump station at the Horton Lateral in conjunction with Bill Gilbert installing a second pump station on his property, thereby bypassing Freehold’s land. Motion to have Mark Hilty review our options and draft a letter to all parties involved giving them an October deadline to sign the commitment or URA will rescind the offer and install a separate system: Hopper/Beebe M/S/P Rob Hopper requested an update on the Mayor’s progress in determining options for land purchases for the Indian Creek/Downtown Revitalization Project. Mayor Nancolas announced that three meetings are scheduled for the week of October 18th to pursue various options and timelines. Chairman Waite stated that we will need interim financing for four years, at which time URA will be in a position to fund these purchases. CEURA, 10/5/04, Page 3 The next meeting will be held Tuesday, November 2, 2004 at 12:00noon Motion to adjourn: Beebe/Nancolas M/S/P Meeting adjourned @ 1:25pm Respectfully submitted, Leona Fouts Secretary