HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-12 URA MinutesRegular Scheduled Meeting
April 12, 2005 - 12:00 noon
Caldwell City Hall, Conference Room
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency was held April 12, 2005 at
12:00 noon in the Conference Room @ City Hall with Chairman Chairman Waite presiding. The roll
was called: present were Chairman Waite, Garret Nancolas, and Rob Hopper. Absent were Leona
Fouts and Matt Beebe. Guests: Steve Fultz, Dennis Cannon, Larry Rincover, and Debbie Geyer.
Motion to approve the agenda: Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes from the March 1, 2005 meeting: Hopper/Nancolas M/S/P
Old Business
CEDC Update: Mr.Fultz, Executive Director, reported on the progress of Skyway Business Park.
Mike Lemrick intends to relocate and expand Gem State Manufacturing into Skyway Business Park.
Mayor Nancolas and Chairman Waite were invited to meet with and congratulate Mr. Lemrick.
Chairman Waite asked Mr. Fultz the status of the proposed MOU with CEDC. Mr. Fultz reported that
attorneys Mark Hilty and Mia Murphy are preparing these documents. The CEDC Board retreat is in
July and it is desired that these documents be approved prior to the retreat.
Indian Creek: Dennis Cannon reported on the property acquisitions for the Indian Creek Restoration
Project between 10th & 9th streets. He presented a color map of the proposed design. There will be a
kick-off for the start of construction on July 4th. There is a proposed plan to change Arthur Street.
Hopper noted that the proposal to change Arthur to a one-way would need to go before the Traffic
Mr. Rincover gave an update on the status of property acquisitions between 8th & 5th streets. For the
most part, the business owners are signing the proper documents and moving forward. However, Idaho
Youth Ranch needs a place to relocate and has not found a site that will work for them. Nancolas stated
that Mr. Fultz should assist with the relocation efforts.
Mr. Rincover continued: In addition, Campbell Auto Body continues to look for a place to relocate.
The owner is concerned about relocating. This also requires the services of Mr. Fultz to find a suitable
place to relocate. Regarding the Eagan properties – still waiting for a response. Eagan continues to try
to negotiate a trade for other property they own. Nancolas suggested that Eagan be told that the City
cannot negotiate the purchase or exchange of other properties at this time. Mr. Rincover had been
asked by Eagan if they could get the appraisals the City did on his other three properties. Board
members agreed on sharing these appraisals.
TJCS MOU: Chairman Waite reported on the MOU for the Charter School. Wells Fargo will assist
the Agency and the Charter School in getting short-term construction financing if financing
arrangements cannot be consummated with USBank.
Smart Growth: Chairman Waite asked the Board about the request from Smart Growth for funding.
Hopper and Nancolas were in support of funding this agency. They believe that Urban Renewal can
create a legal nexus with this agency.
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MOVED by Nancolas, SECONDED by Waite to authorize membership with Smart Growth with the
contingency that this agency will work with Urban Renewal on Indian Creek and other projects.
Roll call vote. Those voting yes: Nancolas and Waite. Abstained: Hopper
New Business
Debbie Geyer asked the Board for a $2,000 cleanup grant to assist with beautification efforts in the
downtown. There is a clean-up project that would paint the backside of businesses that are located
around and near the Train Depot area. Chairman Waite recommended that this request be awarded.
MOVED by Chairman Waite, SECONDED by Hopper to approve this request for a match, not to
exceed $2,000, in order to paint the backside of businesses located in the downtown area.
Roll call vote. Those voting yes: Waite, Hopper and Nancolas.
There was discussion about the need to close on some of the properties in an effort to show the City’s
desire to move forward on this project. Nancolas and Hopper were in support of closing on the Clinton
and Younger properties.
MOVED by Nancolas, SECONDED by Hopper to authorize $2,500 earnest money and authorize
Chairman to proceed with the purchase of the Clinton and Younger properties.
Roll call vote. Those voting yes: Nancolas, Hopper and Waite.
Motion to approve invoices as follows:
$ 371.00 Lambert Construction (final billing Bill’s Service Parts demolition)
Hopper/Waite M/S/P
Chairman Waite excused Nancolas to attend to City matters.
Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper:
Farmers & Merchants checking account balance as of 2/28/05: $ 11,193.73
Farmers & Merchants Money Market account balance as of 2/28/05: $667,967.36
Interest earnings of $ 749.74
Local Government Investment Pool balance as of 2/28/05: $756,979.38
Interest earnings of $ 1,189.25
Farmers & Merchants checking account balance as of 3/31/05: $ 24,179.51
Farmers & Merchants Money Market account balance as of 3/31/05: $627,448.91
Interest earnings of $ 801.19
Local Government Investment Pool balance as of 3/31/05: $758,449.57
Interest earnings of $1,470.19
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The next meeting will be held Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 12:00noon
Motion to adjourn: Waite/Hopper M/S/P
Meeting adjourned @ 1:15 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Monica Jones, City Clerk
City of Caldwell