HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-05 URA MinutesRegular Scheduled Meeting CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY February 5, 2008 - 12:00 p.m. City Administrative Offices, Conference Room The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency was held February 5, 2008 at 12:00 noon in the Conference Room @ City Administrative Offices with Chairman ElJay Waite presiding. The roll was called: present were ElJay Waite, Mayor Nancolas, Steve Rule, and Leona Fouts, with Rob Hopper in attendance via conference call. Guests: Steve Fultz, Dennis Cannon, Barbara Dujanovic, Ray Wolfe, Sean Rogers, Greg Urrutia, Kathy Venrick, Jason Cameron. Motion to approve the agenda: Fouts/Nancolas M/S/P Motion to approve the minutes from the January 9, 2008 and January 15, 2008 meetings: Fouts/Rule M/S/P OLD BUSINESS Chairman Waite distributed a copy of the annual audit to be reviewed by the commissioners and approved at our March meeting. Indian Creek Project update: Dennis Cannon provided a progress report on the creek project and the City Center Catalyst Project. The inclusion of several change orders will bring the cost to $3.1 million (gazebo, additional electrical capacity, sidewalk paver modifications). The city has applied for a $500K ITD grant for streetscape improvement and is awaiting the May selection of recipients. Updated timelines for Indian Creek Restoration and City Center Redevelopment were presented and are on file. C/CEDC Activity Report provided by Steve Fultz: Highlighted Activities January 2008  Prepared and presented the Business of the Year award (Idaho Athletic Club)  Continued meetings and work with Bruce Schultz, Jim Sorrensen (TVCC) and Butch Gilliland on expansion of the Community College in Caldwell. CCEDC Board agrees to “buy down” 1st year lease for TVCC at a new campus in Sky Ranch (not to exceed $300,000 in 2009). Will present a request to URA in March 2008.  Continued working with University of Idaho business incubator on developing business attraction, retention and expansion programs including research of designating a foreign trade zone.  Working with the Chamber on the Business-to-Business trade show (Caldwell Business Expo)…CCEDC will sponsor the guest speaker, Gary Hoover (of Hoover’s Online).  Continued working with D.L. Evans bank and Urban Renewal on downtown Caldwell location. DL Evans has signed agreements with the Lodge family and Gary Crew/Bullet Pawn…(will be closing on the properties on Feb. 15th).  Attended/participated in the January BVEP Working group meeting  Attended/participated in the downtown steering committee  Attended/participated in the chamber sponsored meeting with Oppenheimer Group  Site visit with investor group from Indiana on locating an assisted living facility near Sky Ranch Business Park CEURA, February 5, 2008, Page 2 Request for funding from the Idaho Department of Labor to assist in the paving of ½ of the roadway on the east side of their property located on the corner of Smeed Parkway and Thomas Jefferson Street. Motion to approve and participate in the improvements and paving of ½ of the east roadway for the Idaho Department of Labor, up to $18,705: Nancolas/Rule M/S/P NEW BUSINESS Discussion of Canyon County Fair expansion rescheduled for March meeting. Support and funding request for HOPE Plaza Apartments presented by Greg Urrutia, New Beginnings Housing, Kathy Venrich, Advocates Against Family Violence, and Jason Cameron, Hope’s Door. The project is a 48 unit affordable housing community at the corner of E. Elgin Street and 16th Avenue North in Caldwell. Application is being made for federal low-income housing tax credits and support is requested in the form of (1) confirmation from URA that the proposed project property is located within the URA boundaries and that the Plan addresses housing; (2) confirmation from URA that the URA Plan represents a concerted community revitalization plan; and (3) approval of a grant to match up to 60% of the cost of landscaping, sidewalk, gutter and street improvements along approximately 500 feet of E. Elgin Street. Mayor Nancolas stated that this project fits the mission, purpose and goals of the URA and suggested that Greg Urrutia also contact Feller Trucking, a neighboring business, to partner with street improvements with use of an LID. Motion to prepare a letter of support and approve funding for street, sidewalk and gutter improvements up to $40,000.00: Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P Presentation and funding request for The Center for the Arts by Barbara Dujanovic, Executive Director, Ray Wolfe, Board President and Sean Rogers, Patron & Volunteer. The anonymous owner of the property and facility housing the Center has offered to gift the property/facility to the Center if substantial funds are raised by June 2008 to ensure ongoing operation and community support of the Center. The Center works with at-risk children and compliments the “Y” with a focus on the arts (theater, dancing, music, photography, culinary, art, etc.). Chairman Waite noted that the Center for the Arts is not located within the URA boundaries. The request will be submitted to Rick Skinner, attorney, for review. Chairman Waite presented a letter from Scott Curtis, Director, Caldwell Family YMCA, outlining the pilot program the “Y” developed to use the $75,000 grant from URA. The program will offer 50% memberships to Canyon County employees and Caldwell/Vallivue School District employees in return for feedback regarding programs offered and goals met. The goal of the program is to learn what barriers exist for people to join; increase awareness of the “Y”; provide valuable information regarding community and employer-sponsored wellness; and positively impact long-term membership growth. Motion to authorize Chairman Waite to work with the “Y” to implement the program, complete the agreement and disburse funds: Fouts/Rule M/S/P Chairman Waite announced that the Caldwell School District is ready to move forward with the school construction on the Marble Front/Lincoln site. The residents of the house on Marble Front will need to be out by May 1, 2008. The family is facing a fairly sizeable increase in rent when they vacate the property and find new lodging. Motion to suspend four months of rent for the Jones family: Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P CEURA, February 5, 2008, Page 3 Financial Report was not available and will be updated at the March meeting. Chairman Waite presented the following invoices for payment: $ 729,741.79 Lambert Construction Indian Creek ($63,347.60 in Change Orders) $ 176,462.50 Wells Fargo Interest – Bond 2006 $ 390,000.00 Wells Fargo Principal – Bond 2006 $ 64,236.25 Wells Fargo Interest – Bond 2004 $ 275,000.00 Wells Fargo Principal – Bond 2004 $ 66.36 Idaho Press Tribune Resolution Notice $ 30.81 Idaho Press Tribune Notice of negotiated bond $ 126,815.70 SunTrust Revenue Note – Indian Creek $ 53.00 V1 Propane Marble Front Property $ 8,750.48 City of Caldwell SW Dist LID $ 18,350.78 Lambert Construction Retainage $ 37,878.39 Lambert Construction Retainage Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Hopper/Rule M/S/P The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held Tuesday, March 4, 2008 Motion to adjourn: Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P Meeting adjourned @ 1:20p.m. Respectfully submitted, Leona Fouts Secretary