HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-04 URA MinutesPage 1 of 4
Regular Scheduled Meeting
March 4, 2008 – 12:00 p.m.
City Administrative Offices, Conference Room
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency was held on March 4,
2008 at 12:00 noon in the Conference Room at Caldwell Administrative Offices with Chairman
ElJay Waite presiding.
The roll was called:
Present: ElJay Waite, Mayor Nancolas, Rob Hopper (via conference call)
Absent: Leona Fouts and Steve Rule
Guests: Steve Fultz, Dennis Cannon, Bruce Schultz, Jim Sorensen, Butch Gilliland, Fred
Cornforth, Rosalie Cope, Tim Cobb, Jamie Hoover, and Kevin Heinonen.
Motion to approve the agenda: Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes from February 5, 2008 meeting: Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P
Dennis Cannon provided updates concerning the Indian Creek Project:
Mayor Nancolas has sent a letter to our congressional leaders appealing the FEMA initial
The date of March 14th has been established to meet with FEMA and other various
agencies at the Caldwell Police Station Community Room to discuss the FEMA mapping
CCEDC is considering hiring the services of the Ferguson Group to help expedite FEMA
action in resolving the flood plain mapping issues.
Meetings have been required with the Bureau of Reclamation & the Boise Project office
to seek an operation agreement for the New York Canal.
Additional studies are being initiated by the City to model the hydrology to reflect the
daylighting of the creek and lower basin hydraulic flows, and a field certification of the
New York Canal levee integrity. If the operation agreement can be obtained, some of the
additional modeling and field work will not be needed.
Electrical lines, lighting, and irrigation lines are being installed along the Indian Creek in
the downtown area.
Sidewalk work is scheduled to be done in March.
Landscaping has begun.
A City Council workshop will be conducted on March 6th to discuss the gazebo location.
The workshop begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Caldwell Train Depot – 701 Main Street.
Oppenheimer has requested that we install a stone wall (150 feet) along the south side of
the creek between Kimball & 7th Avenue to accommodate a building on the north side of
Blaine. The cost estimate is $52,000. The wall will increase the value of the property by
providing a larger building site.
Cost of the project: $3.15 million if the wall is installed.
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The Oppenheimer team is working to secure options to purchase key properties for the
project. Several property owners are asking 100% or more than the market values.
Negotiations are underway to reach economical property sale values. If the negotiation
are not production, four principal options remain:
o Property trading
o Urban Renewal involvement in the purchase
o Delay in the Catalyst project construction
o Eminent domain action
The City has applied for a $500K ITD grant for streetscape improvements. The grant
announcements will be made in May.
Discussion followed Mr. Cannon’s report. It was determined that a quorum of members from
the Urban Renewal Agency would visit the proposed “wall site” on Thursday, March 6, to gain
perspective concerning the request. (Exhibit A)
The Mayor reported that he will be in Washington, D.C. next week and will meet with FEMA
leaders concerning the Indian Creek Project.
Steve Fultz presented the CCEDC Report as follows:
Continued interest in working with TVCC for their new campus at Sky Ranch Business
Continued working with University of Idaho business incubator on developing business
attraction, retention and expansion programs including research of designating a foreign
trade zone.
Continued working the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce regarding a Business-to-
Business trade show. The guest speaker will be Gary Hoover.
D.L. Evans Bank has signed the documents to purchase the site and construct a facility on
the corner of l0th and Blaine.
The Mayor expressed his appreciation to the CCEDC Board and Steve Fultz for their
involvement in pursuing the D.L. Evans Bank development. Mr. Fultz stated his gratitude for
the participation of the Urban Renewal Agency concerning landscaping issues for the
Fred Cornforth, Rosalie Cope, and Tim Cobb of the Canyon County Fair Board discussed the
expansion plans for the fair grounds and presented two possible locations for the site. The
Middleton Road site contains 70 acres with the trunk line located approximately one mile from
the parcel. The parcel adjacent to the Flying J has availability of services to the site along Hwy.
20/26. Property availability and bonding options were discussed and concern expressed by Mr.
Cornforth that the project could be delayed due to funding issues. Ms. Cope noted that the new
facility could house events year around to assist in defraying expenses. It was suggested that
maintenance and safety issues also be researched for each of the sites. (Exhibit B)
Mayor Nancolas noted that the Flying J site is already located within the Urban Renewal Agency
Boundaries, which could expedite the bonding process. Chairman Waite will contact Rick
Skinner concerning additional bonding information. It was suggested that possibly the Canyon
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County Commissioners could approve short-term financing in the interim until the entire
bonding amount is available in 2014. The Fair Board will further review location options and be
in contact with Chairman Waite.
Chairman Waite reported that the Department of Labor/UR Right-of-Way Easement has been
signed and is complete.
Steve Fultz presented information concerning the TVCC Campus Relocation Project. He
introduced Bruce Schultz, Jim Sorensen, President of TVCC; and Butch Gilliland of Norfleet
Development. He stated that the new site contains three acres and is located within Sky Ranch
Business Park. The projected start date would be March 2009. CCEDC will contribute
$300,000 to assist with the buy down. Bruce Swanson noted that the new facilities will double
the size of the current facility. The new location will assist in recognition and awareness of the
Jamie Hoover reported that Freehold Development is responding with in-kind investments for
the development and is looking forward to the campus location within the Sky Ranch Business
Motion to authorize Chairman Waite to construct the agreement with the Urban Renewal Agency
and TVCC concerning the Urban Renewal Agency parcel with the provision that the agreement
be brought back for review by the UR members before being executed: Nancolas/Hopper
Chairman Waite noted that the TVCC Campus project was already projected in the current
budget. He stated his appreciation to the many individuals who have worked to make this
project a success.
Butch Gilliland stated that it is their desire to build LEED certified facilities on the campus.
Jamie Hoover of Freehold Development reported on the status of the A-Drain Piping with
Pioneer Irrigation. Several attempts have been made to negotiate the license agreement with
Pioneer Irrigation. The current agreement excludes the City of Caldwell. Discussion followed
concerning the City’s role with Pioneer Irrigation and current litigation issues. Chairman Waite
expressed the need for the drain to be tiled for future use of the park.
Mr. Hoover reported that the Pioneer Board of Directors had previously given permission to
construct tiling for the A-Drain; however, since Scott Campbell was not at the meeting, Mr.
Hoover was later informed that the motion had been rescinded. Negotiations concerning the
agreement have delayed the final plat process since no utilities are allowed to cross over the tile
for Phase II of the Sky Ranch project. Discussion followed concerning necessary action to assist
Freehold Development concerning this issue.
Motion to approve Chairman Waite to contact the City Attorney, Mark Hilty and have him
contact the attorney for Freehold Development concerning the necessary steps to file an
injunction against Pioneer Irrigation: Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P
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Financial Report
Chairman Waite presented the following invoices for payment:
$372.45 Caldwell Municipal Irrigation Assessment
$ (5.00) Caldwell Municipal Irrigation Assessment
$200.98 Caldwell Municipal Irrigation Assessment
$847.13 Caldwell Municipal Irrigation Assessment
$ 66.36 Idaho Press Tribune Legal Notice
$266.49 YMCA (Nancolas) Membership
$266.49 YMCA (Waite) Membership
$266.49 YMCA (Fouts) Membership
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Hopper/Nancolas M/S/P
Consider amendment to YMCA membership contract language:
Motion to establish a policy of paying one-half of the membership dues for Urban Renewal
Agency board members who participate at the YMCA: Hopper/ Nancolas M/S/P
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Motion to adjourn: Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P
Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Geyer
Recording Secretary