HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-01 URA MinutesPage 1 of 4
Regular Scheduled Meeting
April 1, 2008 – 12:00 p.m.
City Administrative Offices, Conference Room
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency was held on April 1,
2008 at 12:00 noon in the Conference Room at Caldwell Administrative Offices with Chairman
ElJay Waite presiding.
The roll was called:
Present: ElJay Waite, Mayor Nancolas, Rob Hopper, Leona Fouts
Absent: Steve Rule
Guests: Dennis Cannon, Krista Kelly
Motion to approve the agenda: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes from March 4, 2008 meeting: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Dennis Cannon provided updates concerning the Indian Creek Project:
FEMA Flood Mapping
The City is proceeding with:
a. As-built modeling of the Indian Creek daylighted channel
b. Collection of additional data on the NY Canal
c. Re-run of the FEMA model with the upstream basin runoff changes and
daylighted changes
FEMA will begin their Appeal Period on April 14th and will end it on July 14th
FEMA is evaluating the upstream runoff changes recommended by the City in May 2007
and will release revised preliminary maps as soon as they agree to the upstream runoff
changes, but will not include the hydraulic changes due to the daylighting until after the
Appeal Period is over
The Ferguson Group will continue to help expedite FEMA action in resolving the flood
mapping issues
Representative Sali is setting up a meeting with the rest of the Idaho Congressional
Delegation and FEMA to encourage FEMA to expedite the processing of the City’s
Indian Creek Project
Planting will begin on the north side of the creek this week.
Demolition of the final section of the channel deck has begun.
Part 3 of the contract will begin in the near future. Lambert and Engineering have
recommended that a 100 foot long Redirock wall be built along Blaine Street from the gazebo
deck area toward 7th Avenue because the existing sidewalk is level and needs to be resurfaced or
replaced and to provide a more aesthetic wall along Blain Street.
Arrangements are being made for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Saturday, April 26th.
City Council will address the gazebo issue at their April 7th meeting.
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City Center Catalyst Project
The Oppenheimer team is working to secure options to purchase key properties for the
project. Several property owners are asking 100% or more than the market values.
Negotiations are underway to reach economical property sale values and “work around”
options will be considered.
Oppenheimer will develop downtown building design concepts to better visualize the
proposed architectural look of the city center.
The evaluation of the 26 applicants for the Lead Project Manager contract will begin on
April 2nd.
Discussion followed Mr. Cannon’s report. Additional expense will be incurred to build the
retaining wall on Blaine Street. Mayor Nancolas emphasized the importance of including the
lights and landscaping at the same time to set the standard for the remaining portion of sidewalk
that will be installed when the building at Blaine & 7th is constructed. Motion to approve the
additional expenditures, up to $22,500, for constructing the 100’ Redirock wall and sidewalk,
and approval to construct a temporary asphalt walkway on the corner of Blaine and 7th until the
building is complete: Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P
Steve Fultz was not available to provide a C/CEDC update.
The YMCA Campaign for a Healthier Caldwell is underway with the Caldwell School District
as the first test group. 113 new members are participating in the campaign and the group’s initial
baseline results were shared. Progress will be tracked and shared.
The ARTS Funding Proposal was discussed. The project is providing excellent opportunities
for our youth and is very worthy of our support. However, the project is outside the boundaries
of the CEURA thereby restricting our ability to participate in funding for this program. Mayor
Nancolas suggested that the city has a fund that might be appropriate for this type of request.
Motion to deny the request for funding and recommend that they approach the City of Caldwell
with a request for funding: Hopper/Nancolas M/S/P
Krista Kelly, Realtor with Silverhawk, introduced a proposed property swap and purchase for
the current Keystone Pizza property, and requested assistance in purchasing the creek portion of
the property to assist a potential new owner in acquisition. Discussion ensued and the
commissioners commented that a project like this should be agreed to by the property owners
before coming to urban renewal. Using the D. L. Evans Bank land purchase as an example, urban
renewal would consider participating in property improvements along Indian Creek that help the
project and serve the public. URA is willing to work with Ms. Kelly as she moves this concept
forward, however URA is not able to do property acquisition for this type of transaction. Motion
to authorize Mayor Nancolas and ElJay Waite to continue dialog with Krista Kelly and help
facilitate a transaction with Keystone Pizza: Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P
Chairman Waite presented a draft of the Downtown LID Incentive for review and approval.
URA’s participation is 25% with an additional 25% incentive. The incentive will be announced
at the Ribbon Cutting in April. Motion to approve the Downtown LID Incentive Proposal
pending final numbers: Hopper/Nancolas M/S/P
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Chairman Waite presented an update on the TVCC Campus Relocation Project. A proposal
from Jamie Hoover for a land exchange of equal acres was discussed and it was determined that
Mr. Hoover must commit to a 30-day specific time frame for the project to work. Chairman
Waite will talk to Mr. Hoover.
Chairman Waite presented the following invoices for payment:
$ 16,154.35 YMCA Membership Campaign
$ 31.80 Assoc Tax Payers of Idaho Property Tax Levy Report
$ 829.00 ICRMP Insurance
$105,435.19 Lambert Construction Phase II final (95% of $110,984.42)
$ 351.50 Hamilton, Michaelson, Hilty Misc Attorney fees
$ 98.85 Petty Cash Petty Cash
$ 769.50 A1Chem Lab Property Soil Testing
$ 11,469.00 Idaho Power Utility Relocation
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper:
Note: Farmers and Merchants State Bank has changed its name to Bank of the Cascades.
Note: Balances for the Local Gov’t Investment Pool will be updated at the May meeting.
December 31, 2007 Ending Balance Earnings
B of C Money Mkt 551,942.64 1,539.43
B of C Business Acct 14,398.31 n/a
B of C Indian Creek 946,227.81 2,689.83
Local Gov’t Pool not available n/a
January 30, 2008 Ending Balance Earnings
B of C Money Mkt 1,561,321.36 1,585.58
B of C Business Acct 1,014,537.56 n/a
B of C Indian Creek 948,704.28 2,476.47
Local Gov’t Pool not available n/a
February 28, 2008 Ending Balance Earnings
B of C Money Mkt 992,747.34 2,783.74
B of C Business Acct 15,304.41 n/a
B of C Indian Creek 950,456.79 1,752.51
Local Gov’t Pool not available n/a
Motion to approve the financial report: Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P
Request from Steve Fultz, C/CEDC, to consider special project funding for $10,000 to assist in
employing the Ferguson Group to continue work on the FEMA issue. Mayor Nancolas stated
that the Ferguson Group has been very instrumental in the FEMA issue during the last several
months. Motion to approve C/CEDC special project funding of $10,000 for the Ferguson
Group: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P
Mayor Nancolas stated that the Youth Advisory Council has grown in the last several years.
They are active, involved in URA projects and committed to Caldwell. The Mayor asked that
URA consider some level of funding for this group in the budget for next year.
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The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Motion to adjourn: Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P
Meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts