HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-07-08 URA MinutesPage 1 of 2
Regular Scheduled Meeting
July 8, 2008 – 12:00 p.m.
City Administrative Offices, Conference Room
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency was held on July 8, 2008 at
12:00 noon in the Conference Room at Caldwell Administrative Offices with Chairman ElJay Waite
presiding. The roll was called:
Present: Mayor Nancolas, Rob Hopper, Leona Fouts
Absent: Steve Rule
Guests: Dennis Cannon
Motion to amend the agenda to add the Appraisal Report for 215 Kimball as the first order of
business under New Business, and approve the agenda as amended: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes of the June 3, 2008 meeting: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Dennis Cannon provided updates concerning the Indian Creek and City Center Catalyst projects:
Highlights and new information since the June report:
FEMA Flood Mapping
CH2M Hill has completed the draft analysis and forwarded it to FEMA. The conservative
analysis projects that downtown Caldwell will not flood, but portions of downtown Napa
would be in the floodplain.
Conference call with FEMA scheduled for July 10th with resolution expected by month-end
Indian Creek Project
Work on curbing and paving in the vicinity of 7th Ave. and work on the gazebo should be
completed in July.
City Center Catalyst Project
Oppenheimer has presented the downtown building design concepts at the Rotary and
Kiwanis club meetings in June with very positive response.
The evaluation of the best contending applicants for the Lead Project Manager is complete.
Final decisions will be completed by the selection committee.
Energy Efficient Grant
We are tracking the progress of a Federal Grant program to fund Energy Efficiency and
Conservation planning and implementation for the City.
No C/CEDC activity report was available. Steve Fultz, Executive Director, will provide an update in
Chairman ElJay Waite presented a Restricted Appraisal prepared by Jess Payne on the property at
215 Kimball owned by Dave Smith. This property sustained water seepage in the basement when
Indian Creek was diverted into the new channel. The appraisal valued the property at $469,000.
Motion to authorize Chairman Waite and Mayor Nancolas to meet with the property owner to
facilitate an agreement that will meet the needs of all parties: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P
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Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper:
April 29, 2008 Ending Balance Earnings
Local Gov’t Pool 861,939.02 2,109.83
May 31, 2008 Ending Balance Earnings
B of C Money Mkt 1,098,997.53 1,374.44
B of C Business Acct 13,606.30 n/a
B of C Indian Creek -0- -0-
Local Gov’t Pool Not yet available
Motion to approve the financial report: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P
Rob Hopper presented the following invoices for payment:
$ 1,800.00 Jess Payne Appraisal Services Restricted Appraisal on 215 Kimball
$ 8,407.60 YMCA Campaign for a Healthier Caldwell
$129,000.00 Jeff Jensen Performance Agreement expenses
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Chairman Waite announced that agreements are in process for all parties in the TVCC land
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 5, 2008.
Motion to adjourn: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P
Meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts