HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-05 URA MinutesPage 1 of 3 Regular Scheduled Meeting CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY January 5, 2010 – 12:00 p.m. City Administrative Offices, Conference Room The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 12:00 noon on January 5, 2010 in the Conference Room at Caldwell City Hall Administrative Offices with Chairman ElJay Waite presiding. Roll was called: Present: ElJay Waite, Mayor Garret Nancolas, Leona Fouts, Steve Rule Rob Hopper arrived as noted in the minutes Absent: Jennifer Barrus, Amy Rojas Guests: Chris Yamamoto, Steve Fultz Motion to approve the agenda: Fouts/Rule M/S/P Motion to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2009 meeting: Fouts/Nancolas M/S/P OLD BUSINESS C/CEDC Activity Report presented by Steve Fultz, Executive Director: Highlights for December 2009  Continued work on the wine incubator…second phase of preparing the double bay for two more wineries. Vale winery set to move in.  Continued working with TVCC on expansion (meeting with Bruce Schultz and others)…drafting letter of support (USDA Grant) for expansion of the viticulture program…also meeting with Stevens Henager College for expansion in the area and College of Western Idaho  Working with the U of I on a potential project for targeting economic impact of the county fair  Continued work to develop a proactive BR&E program (per the SDG report recommendation)…strategy to meet with 50 existing businesses in 2010  Continued work with CAP, Farm Bureau and others on update of the County Economic Study (through U of I)…final draft (for review) received  Meeting with Oppenheimer Development Group, sign companies, and other downtown representatives on banner/signage proposals  Working on new prospect (from BVEP) for mid-sized prospect (15,000-20,000 square feet, 10 employees to start, up to 50)…in Sky Ranch Steve Fultz further noted that CCEDC is focused on labor force training, which is key and vital to current and potential businesses. Bruce Schultz, TVCC, has been a strong player on the Business Retention/Expansion committee and CCEDC will continue to work closely with Bruce to gain his assistance in building an educational component within economic development. CCEDC is also working with CWI and BSU to determine how all three schools can complement each other to increase diversity in class offerings and share resources such as wet labs, etc. Chairman Waite requested a monthly report from CCEDC detailing implementation of the Community College/Business Development Partnership. Rob Hopper arrived and was counted present. Page 2 of 3 Chris Yamamoto, Downtown Redevelopment Director, provided a TVCC project report. Parking is a primary focus and decisions need to be made this month on two properties that may provide adjacent parking for the college. NEW BUSINESS Motion to enter into Executive Session at 12:23pm under Title 67-2345, Paragraph C, for land acquisition: Hopper/Rule M/S/P Roll was called: Rob Hopper, Mayor Nancolas, Chairman Waite, Steve Rule and Leona Fouts were present. Motion to exit Executive Session at 12:55pm: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P Rob Hopper noted that the plans for public restrooms in the TVCC building need to be reviewed for public safety by consideration of an open door with stalls versus the current plan for a single room with an inside locking door. Motion to recommend to Caldwell City Council the re-appointments to CEURA Board of Commissioners as follows: Rob Hopper and Garrett Nancolas for 4 year terms; Leona Fouts, Steve Rule & ElJay Waite for three year terms: Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P Chairman Waite opened the floor for nominations for the offices of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary for 2010 pending re-appointment approval from City Council. Motion to nominate the commissioners for the following offices: ElJay Waite, Chairman; Steve Rule, Vice Chairman; Leona Fouts, Secretary: Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper: October 31, 2009 Corrected Ending Balance Earnings B of C Business Acct 1,755,594.65 741.18 November 30, 2009 Ending Balance Earnings B of C Business Acct 826,586.53 893.67 Home Federal Business Acct 450,000.00 B of C Certificate of Deposit 250,000.00 Local Gov’t Investment Pool 605,849.06 114.76 Motion to approve the financial report: Fouts/Rule M/S/P Rob Hopper presented the following invoices for payment: $1,000,000.00 TV YMCA Annual pledge for construction $ 95,000.00 Sun Trust Debt Service - Principal $ 27,812.40 Sun Trust Debt Service – Interest $ 187.50 City of Caldwell Christmas Lighting – 215/217 So. Kimball $ 50.40 Idaho Press Tribune Property Hearing Notices Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Rule/Fouts M/S/P Page 3 of 3 GENERAL BUSINESS Chairman Waite stated that the annual audit is complete and will be available at the February meeting. Chairman Waite noted that another meeting will be required to handle time-sensitive business prior to January month-end, and suggested that the February meeting be re-scheduled to late January. Consensus was reached to hold the February meeting on Tuesday, January 26th, at 12:00 noon in the conference room at City Hall. The next meeting will be held January 26th at 12:00 noon Motion to adjourn: Fouts/Nancolas M/S/P Meeting adjourned at 1:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Leona Fouts Secretary