HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-18 URA Minutes, Special MeetingPage 1 of 3
Special Meeting
May 18, 2010 – 12:00 p.m.
City Administrative Offices, Conference Room
A special meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 12:00 noon on May 18,
2010 in the Conference Room at Caldwell City Hall Administrative Offices with Chairman ElJay
Waite presiding. Roll was called:
Present: ElJay Waite, Leona Fouts, Rob Hopper, Amy Rojas
Absent: Mayor Garret Nancolas, Steve Rule
Guests: Steve Fultz
Motion to approve the agenda: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes of the May 4, 2010 meeting: Rojas/Hopper M/S/P
Caldwell Career Training & Education Initiative
Chairman Waite presented the Pro-forma: Caldwell Career Training & Education Initiative
(“Initiative”) for discussion and funding consideration. Chairman Waite reported that he met with
Randy Griffin, Interim President/Controller for TVCC, and Kathleen Robinson, Director of TVCC
Caldwell, to discuss TVCC’s interest and potential role in the Initiative. Both agreed that the
Initiative is a critical aspect for Caldwell and that the establishment of a GED program in Caldwell
should be the first priority. They further expressed willingness and ability to take the lead on the
Initiative, contingent upon approval from the TVCC Board of Trustees. Steve Fultz reported that
Bruce Schultz expressed willingness to take the lead on any of the items that TVCC may not be able
to implement timely. Rob Hopper suggested engaging the local medical community to facilitate the
establishment of the Health Sciences training program. Rob Hopper further noted the lack of an
adult education program in Caldwell to provide instruction without having to enroll in a 2-year
college. Short-term courses on subjects such as technology refreshers, re-certifications and
recreation to engage adults in life-long learning are important to a pro-education culture in the
The five outcomes of the Initiative were increased to six to include an Adult Education & Training
program. The six outcomes were then prioritized as follows:
#1 Establish a GED program in Caldwell
#2 Establish Health Sciences (AAS) training program in Caldwell
#3a Provide education & training consultation to support business retention, expansion
and recruitment in Caldwell
#3b Establish an active work experience, student internship program in Caldwell
#4 Establish an adult education & training program in Caldwell
#5 Establish Aviation Sciences (AAS) training program at Caldwell Airport
Motion to authorize Chairman Waite to present the Initiative to TVCC and request a commitment
for implementation in whole or in part: Hopper/Rojas M/S/P
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Lease Agreement between CEURA and TVCC
The final lease agreement was not available for the meeting. TVCC will be approving the
agreement this week and it will be ready for CEURA review and approval at the June meeting.
Retail Space in TVCC Building
Rob Hopper and Steve Fultz reported on their interviews with the tenant applicants for the retail
space in the TVCC building. Both applicants were competent and presented viable plans.
Discussion ensued and it was determined that the space usage should be a coffee shop first and meal
delivery second, with the flexibility to offer cooperative spotlighting of local downtown restaurants.
The plan presented by applicant Tom Smith demonstrated vision, menu and accommodations that
weighed more heavily to the coffee shop/local restaurant spotlight and would thus be the better fit
for this retail venue. Motion to accept and approve the application from Tom Smith to lease the
retail space in the TVCC education building, and authorize Chairman Waite to negotiate the terms
of the contract, including equipment ownership, and present the final contract to the CEURA
commissioners for approval: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P
Caldwell Economic Development and Incentives Program
Commissioner Rob Hopper reported that the plan was presented to the Caldwell City Council and
no opposition or controversy was voiced. The council requested that the final details be worked out
and a final plan presented in June for approval.
Discussion ensued regarding the structure of a “board of review and recommendation” for grant
applications. Facilitation of the Program will be under the direction of CCEDC, with final approval
of fund expenditures made by CEURA. It was suggested that the “board of review” be comprised
of local business members of CCEDC who have no conflict of interest, and that board be appointed
by Caldwell city council.
Motion to adopt the draft of the Caldwell Economic Development and Incentives Program in
concept and direct the Chairman to coordinate the refinement of the document via a sub-committee,
and further authorize the Chairman to enter in to discussion with CCEDC to determine how best to
structure an application review board, with CEURA approval and recommendation to Caldwell city
council for final approval: Hoper/Rojas M/S/P
Chairman Waite named a sub-committee to refine the plan document including, but not limited to,
Rob Hopper, Steve Fultz, Leona Fouts and ElJay Waite.
Rob Hopper presented the following invoices for payment:
$ 447,770.48 Wells Fargo Municipal Note – Daylight Project
$ 927.50 Hamilton Michaelson Hilty TVCC Lease, lending options
$ 63.37 Petty Cash Lunches: Apr 6, May 4
$ 18.75 Idaho Press Tribune Public Notice 2/15
$ 48.00 Idaho Press Tribune Public Notice 4/4
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P
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Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper:
March 16, 2010 Ending Balance Earnings
Home Federal Business Accts 441,376.87 491.28
Interest Bearing (cumulative)
April 1, 2010 Ending Balance Earnings
Home Federal Business Acct 91,348.62 n/a
Non-Interest Bearing
March 31, 2010 Ending Balance Earnings
Wells Fargo (debt service 3/31/10) 2,567,495.18 28.08
B of C CD 251,953.42 YTD 1,953.42
April 30, 2010 Ending Balance Earnings
B of C Business Acct 1,893,651.28 867.20
Local Gov’t Investment Pool 606,377.33 99.81
Wells Fargo (debt service 4/30/10) 2,567,516.99 21.81
B of C CD 251,953.42 YTD 1,953.42
Motion to approve the financial report: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
The next meeting will be held June 1, 2010 at 12:00 noon
Motion to adjourn: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts