HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-07 URA MinutesPage 1 of 3 Regular Scheduled Meeting CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY September 7, 2010 – 12:00 p.m. City Administrative Offices, Conference Room The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 12:00 noon on September 7, 2010 in the Conference Room at Caldwell City Hall Administrative Offices with Chairman ElJay Waite presiding. Roll was called: Present: ElJay Waite, Rob Hopper, Steve Rule, Amy Rojas and Leona Fouts Absent: Mayor Garret Nancolas Guests: Steve Fultz, CCEDC; Theresa Hardin, Caldwell Chamber of Commerce Motion to approve the agenda: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P Motion to approve the minutes of the August 3, 2010 meeting: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P OLD BUSINESS #1: C/CEDC Activity Report presented by Steve Fultz, Executive Director: Highlights for August 2010 • Continued work with College of Western Idaho (CWI) on expansion in Caldwell ) for vocational-technology programs that currently reside on the BSU campus • Continued work with on potential manufacturing and cold-storage business to Caldwell…needs about 33,000 square feet to start, expanding to 100,000 square feet (business currently in Baker City, OR). • Continued work with downtown incentive options. • Working with Priddy brothers on expanding wine region, distribution center project, and airport development • Continued work with Chamber on travel/tourism strategic plan for the Caldwell area • Continued work with Jim Toomey at U of I Incubator on additional grant funding for adding more room for wine making incubation • Working with two businesses on expansion to Caldwell airport • Working with Larry H Miller Company on potential project on their property • Continued update of marketing materials (website development) • Greg Poe Special Use Permit • Outdoor Retailer show in Salt Lake City • Working with potential developers on Greg Poe project • Working with TVCC on Flight and maintenance facility training programs • Research FTZ opportunity for Caldwell airport #2: Grand opening celebration for TVCC: Chairman Waite noted that the event will be held on Friday, September 17th at 12:00 noon, and includes tours of the new education building and a ribbon cutting. Chairman Waite provided an update on the retail space in the TVCC building. The 30 day application window for the operation of the retail space (Chukar’s Espresso and Deli) in the TVCC building will expire in three days. As of this date, no additional applications have been received. In order to have the deli open and available to students when classes start, URA asked Tom Smith to operate the facility on a temporary basis until the application review and selection process is complete. Chairman Waite recommended that URA enter into a temporary lease with Tom Smith until a permanent lease can be negotiated with the selected applicant. Motion to enter Page 2 of 3 into a temporary lease with Tom Smith to operate the retail space in the TVCC building between September 7, 2010 and September 30, 2010: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P #3 TVCC Parking: Chairman Waite stated that the TVCC parking lot on Blaine Street is on schedule and nearly complete. Signage discussion was held regarding the hours to be posted for TVCC student use and hours for public use. #4 Final Draft of the Caldwell Economic Development and Incentives Program: Steve Fultz presented the final draft of the incentive program. Discussion centered on the need to structure the program and incentives to facilitate growth. Recommendations were made to the application rating criteria that will incent job creation. Motion to approve the Caldwell Economic Development and Incentives Program with changes as recommended; contingent upon attorney approval and final document review by CCEDC: Rule/Hopper M/S/P NEW BUSINESS #1 2011 Budget: Chairman Waite presented the final draft of the 2011 budget for CEURA for review and noted revisions that need to be made to the stated projected revenue. Commissioner Rule requested consideration of a previous verbal request from Canyon County Commissioners for financial assistance in the potential purchase of additional building space for the court house (reference July 6, 2010 meeting minutes). Chairman Waite stated that the projected URA revenues are not sufficient to cover the request in a single budget year and suggested that incremental payments not to exceed $100,000 be considered upon receipt of the County’s written request. Commissioner Rule will work with the County to prepare a formal request. Motion to adopt the budget as presented with the revised revenue projections and submit the budget to City Council for approval: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P #2 Idaho Power Easement Request: Motion to approve a request from Idaho Power for an underground easement along the parking lot next to the Thomas Jefferson Charter School: Hopper/Rule M/S/P #3 Alternate Parking Proposals: No additional information available at this time. #4 TVCC retail space lease agreement: Chairman Waite presented a draft of the lease agreement for the retail space in the TVCC building for discussion and review. It was noted that termination verbiage was lacking. The agreement will be revised and a final agreement drafted. #5 Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper: Bank of the Cascades Business Ckg Ending Balance Earnings August 31, 2010 1,367,686.15 316.47 Bank of the Cascades Time CD#1 Ending Balance Earnings December 1, 2009 (most recent stmnt) 251,953.42 not reported Wells Fargo Savings Ending Balance Earnings August 31, 2010 1,086,951.74 381.24 Page 3 of 3 Home Federal Business Ckg (non-interest) Ending Balance Earnings August 1, 2010 91,348.62 n/a Home Federal Repurchase Agreement Ending Balance Earnings June 30, 2010 (most recent stmnt) 190,522.94 103.16 Home Federal - 30 day Time CD Ending Balance Earnings August 31, 2010 252,690.02 371.22 Local Government Investment Pool Ending Balance Earnings August 31, 2010 606,793.25 103.47 Wells Fargo (Debt Service) Ending Balance Earnings July 31, 2010 2,567,581.00 21.10 Motion to approve the financial report: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P #6 Invoices presented for payment presented by Rob Hopper: $ 27.00 Idaho Press Tribune Invitation to apply TVCC retail space $ 1,597.00 ICRMP Annual member contribution $ 46.27 Albertsons Lunches: August $ 320,000.00 City of Caldwell Exit 29 Engineering $ 6,000.00 City of Caldwell Accounting Fees $ 65,876.78 City of Caldwell Relocation of utility lines for TVCC bldg Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Rojas/Rule M/S/P Invoices pending and upcoming presented by Rob Hopper: $ 20,886.51 City of Caldwell TVCC Parking & 7th & Blaine $ 16,212.64 City of Caldwell Parking @ Calvary Temple Motion to approve the pending upcoming invoices for payment: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P #7 General Business/Commissioner Reports No business presented. The next meeting will be held October 5, 2010 at 12:00 noon Motion to adjourn: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P Meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Leona Fouts Secretary