HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-04 URA MinutesPage 1 of 2
Regular Meeting
January 4, 2011 – 12:00 Noon
City Administrative Offices, Conference Room
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 12:00 Noon on
January 4, 2011 in the Conference Room at Caldwell City Hall Administrative Offices with
Chairman ElJay Waite presiding. Roll was called:
Present: ElJay Waite, Rob Hopper, Leona Fouts, Theresa Hardin and Amy Rojas
Guests: None
Motion to approve the agenda: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2010 meeting: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
#1: C/CEDC Activity Report distributed and discussed.
Highlights for December 2010
• Continued work with on Project Bake…potential manufacturing and cold-storage business
to Caldwell. Meeting with CEO of company and working with BVEP, State, and local
developers on closing the project
• Continued work with downtown/URA incentive program. Reviewing several letters of
interest in applying (four potential sites in downtown, two for Sky Ranch area…total
potential jobs: approximately 80-100.
• Working with developer on potential expanding of the wine region, distribution center
project, and airport development…meeting with BVEP on potential marketing pieces
• Continued work with Chamber on travel/tourism strategic plan for the Caldwell area
• Working with marketing group to promote SunnySlope agribusiness area
• Continued work on FTZ opportunity for Caldwell airport
• Working with business from Oregon on potential site in downtown (restaurant)
• Strategy meetings with Freehold Development/Sky Ranch
• Work with project flight at Caldwell airport…meeting with developer, contactor, and
• Working with BVEP consultant on potential industry marketing to the area
• Recruitment of META into Trolley Square building
• BVEP shareholders meeting
#1 Review commissioner terms: Leona Fouts reviewed all commissioner terms and
expiration dates. No terms expired as of 12/31/2010. In order to stagger commissioner terms,
recommendation will be made to City Council to assign a 4 year term to the representatives from
the two school districts, effective January 1, 2011. Commissioner terms will expire as follows:
12/31/2012 3 yr term Leona Fouts, ElJay Waite, Canyon County elected official (vacant)
12/31/2013 4 yr term Rob Hopper, Theresa Hardin
12/31/2014 4 yr term Amy Rojas, Vallivue School District elected official (vacant)
#2 Consider election of officers: Nomination from Rob Hopper to elect the following
officers: Chairman, ElJay Waite; Vice Chair, Theresa Hardin; Secretary, Leona Fouts Motion to
accept the above nominations for officers for a one year term: Hopper/Rojas M/S/P
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#3 Consider Annual Audit 2010: Chairman Waite noted that the final copy of the 2010 audit
has not been received. Copies of the audit will be distributed at the February meeting.
#4 Consider replacements of vacant commissioner positions: Chairman Waite will draft
letters to the Vallivue School District and Canyon County Commissioners asking them to appoint
an elected official to fill the vacancies on the URA board. Leona Fouts reported that the City
Council’s resolution to establish the Mayor as a non-officio member of the URA board did not
specify representative replacement. Recommendation will be made to City Council to increase the
community representation from one to two representatives, with one to hold a three year term and
one to hold a four year term. The Board of Commissioners will consist of the following:
One Canyon County elected official
One City Council elected official
One Caldwell School District elected official
One Vallivue School District elected official
Two community representatives
The Director of Finance, City of Caldwell
Mayor of the City of Caldwell – non-officio member
#5 Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper:
Wells Fargo (Debt Service) Ending Balance Earnings
October 31, 2010 Fund 96 2,987,459.15 24.56
November 30, 2010 Fund 96 2,987,484.53 25.38
December bank statements have yet been received for other accounts. Updates will be
provided at the February meeting.
Motion to approve the financial report: Rojas/Hardin M/S/P
#6 Invoices presented for payment: presented by Rob Hopper
$ 15,000.00 CCEDC Inv dated Jan 1, 2011: Quarterly Funding Pledge
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P
Commissioners authorized Chairman Waite to construct a letter to legislators concerning the
benefits of Urban Renewal Agencies and CEURA’s support of urban renewal law changes that will
help cities grow, attract development, inform and provide accountability.
The next meeting will be held February 1, 2011 at 12:00noon.
Motion to adjourn: Hopper/Hardin M/S/P
Meeting concluded at 1:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts