HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-05 URA MinutesPage 1 of 4
Regular Meeting
November 5, 2013 – 12:00 Noon
Caldwell City Hall, Mayor’s Conference Room
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 12:00 Noon on
November 5, 2013 in the Caldwell City Hall conference room with Chairman ElJay Waite presiding.
Roll was called:
Present: ElJay Waite, Theresa Hardin, Kathy Alder, Scott Syme, Leona Fouts
Ex-Officio: Mayor Nancolas
Guests: Steve Fultz, Ken Fisher
Motion to approve the agenda: Fouts/Hardin M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes from the October 1, 2013 meeting: Fouts/Hardin M/S/P
#3: Canyon County Administration Building Update
Ken Fisher, Paradigm, provided commissioners with an update on the construction progress of
the Canyon County Administration Building. He will provide a time-lapse update every 60
#1: CEDC Activity Report provided by Steve Fultz. Highlights for October 2013
• Project Plane: Continued negotiation with current property owner for potential sale.
Considering 3 properties in Caldwell for expansion
• Project Revisit: Discussions continue…consolidation of two businesses. Preparing letter of
intent for 12 acres in Sky Ranch for development (1st phase a 60,000 sq ft building…total
employment in 1st phase is approximately 60 mfg jobs)
• Project I-Way: working with an existing manufacturer on the expansion of their current
operations. Potential increase of 50-70 jobs. Considering site in Sky Ranch
• Project Grow: company from Indiana 30 employees, sent information, good conference
call…still an active project, looking for building to lease
• Project Knot Wood: will be back in Caldwell in November. Working with Jeff Fleshman
(Vallivue High School) on design of their woodworking shop in new high school…looking
at 65,000 sq ft building.
• Project northern Gem...food processor business needing 10 acres…lead from State
• Project Femur…lead from BVEP seeking 20 acres for 100,000 sq ft mfg facility.
Submitted site options
• Project Radio…lead from BVEP, company seeking 10,000 to 15,000 sq ft light mfg.
Submitted site options
• Project DS…lead from BVEP for data center seeking 10-12 acres. Submitted Sky
Ranch/Skyway site options
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• Project LW…retail developer seeking site information and incentive opportunities through
URA. Shared information with the developer.
• Project Tex: new trailer component distribution/warehouse and assembly plant to locate
first phase in vacant building on Industrial Way. Company would expand an additional
20,000 sq ft at site
• Project Chill: Met with business owner to discuss project, also working with developer on
building. Considering 40,000-70,000 sq ft building with 60-70 employees. Site large
enough to host additional buildingS (spec)
• Project Aim: Continued discussion with owner, investors and with development team (two
business owner). Firearms/ammo businesses, to create 8-12 jobs on initial launch (10,000
sq ft building expandable to 20,000), expecting to double employment within 2 years.
Working with other potential firearms-related businesses (from Montana) that could make
additional increases to the job creation and investment.
• Project Barrel: Continued discussion. Also in the firearms/ammo business. To create 30-
60 new jobs in a new 35,000 sq ft facility.
• Project Target: potential development in Sky Ranch, could be an important development of
regional impact. Connected with the firearms/ammo industry. Working closely with
Freehold development and local law enforcement agencies.
• Project RC: Continue working with major retail developer on 2 sites in
Caldwell…downtown and site near the highway. Continue to provide demographic
information and potential city incentives for project. Regular meetings and discussions
with BR&E
• Project White: project from 2012…went dark for about a year, now back active. Company
with facilities in New Jersey looking at Caldwell again, particularly FTZ area. Would build
47,000 sq ft facility with approximately 100 employees. Considering two sites in
Caldwell…working on developing LOI for site in East Caldwell
#2 FTZ Update
• Second application being drafted by new company to the area…currently in the local
review process. Expect to submit to the National FTZ Board by end of year.
Manufacturers Alliance Update:
• Steering committee met twice, first meeting scheduled for December 4th with the theme
“Taxing issues facing manufacturers of the Treasure Valley.” Speakers to include Rich
Jackson from the Idaho State Tax Commission, Randy Million, CPA, and Sheri Johnson
(President, Johnson Thermal System-Caldwell).
#1 Executive Session to Discuss Land Acquisition (Title 67-2345.C&D)
Motion to enter into Executive Session (Title 67-2345.c,d) at 12:35pm: Alder/Syme M/S/P
Exited Executive Session at 1:00pm. No decisions were made during Executive Session and
discussion pertained only to land acquisition from a non-government entity.
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#2 Consider A-drain Relocation and Easement Agreement with Pioneer Irrigation District
Chairman Waite presented the final draft of the Relocation and Easement Agreement with
Pioneer Irrigation District (“PID”) that will be presented to the PID Board on November 7th.
URA’s easement agreement will be held by the attorney and presented for signature at the same
time as the Relocation and Easement Agreement is signed. Motion to authorize Chairman
Waite to sign the agreements and file the appropriate documents to record the easements for
the A-drain relocation: Fouts/Alder M/S/P
#3 CEDC MOU Update
Chairman Waite distributed two drafts of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City,
URA and CEDC for review. The purpose of an MOU with CEDC is to provide direction, new
parameters, and begin the process of change to facilitate ongoing success and funding.
Discussion and consideration of a final draft will take place at the December meeting. Motion
to authorize Chairman Waite to proceed with discussions with CEDC and legal counsel to
prepare a final draft: Hardin/Fouts M/S/P
#4 Consider TVCC Reader Board Contract
Chairman Waite presented the final draft of the proposed reader board and site plan for
TVCC’s signage request at a cost of $58,000. The project will be funded under terms set forth
in the lease agreement between TVCC and Urban Renewal. Concern was voiced by Scott Syme
regarding the use of all marketing dollars for one sign and noted that he thought the money
could be more effectively utilized to market the college and increase enrollment. Theresa
Hardin reminded the commissioners that, although the price has increased from previous
discussions, the commissioners had already agreed to support the project in concept. Chairman
Waite noted that the increased price was due primarily to the suggestions from URA to
consider an electronic reader board and expand the usage to include both college and
community events. He further stated that TVCC has a marketing plan in place and their board
has determined this project to be an important and worthy use of the marketing dollars. Motion
to approve the request and authorize TVCC to proceed with construction of the sign, and
authorize reimbursement to TVCC up to $60,000 upon completion and receipt of final invoices:
Motion by Alder / Second by Hardin. Alder, Hardin, Fouts, Waite in favor; Syme opposed.
Motion passed.
#5 Attorney Review of UR Bonded Projects Sunset in December 2014 Update
This agenda item was deferred to the December meeting.
#6 Finance Report provided by Chairman Waite:
Bank of the Cascades Business Ckg Ending Balance Earnings
September 30, 2013 3,011,763.87 -0
October 31, 2013 2,778,011.10 -0-
Bank of the Cascades Time CD#1 Ending Balance Earnings
September 30, 2013 250,000.00 Qtrly to checking acct
October 31, 2013 250,000.00 Qtrly to checking acct
Balance will remain constant. Interest earnings deposited to Business Ckg
Local Government Investment Pool Ending Balance Earnings
September 30, 2013 108,259.72 10.15
October 31, 2013 108,065.96 unavailable
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Zions Bank (Bond Debt Service) Ending Balance Earnings
August 31, 2013 3,728,030.82 $25.82
September 30, 2013 3,129,299.65 $33.83
October 31, 2013 3,008,424.84 $22.05
Motion to approve the financial report: Alder/Syme M/S/P
#7 Invoices presented for payment: presented by Chairman Waite.
$ 33.00 City of Caldwell URA lunch, 10/1 meeting
$ 35.00 City of Caldwell URA lunch, 11/5 meeting
$ 25,000.00 Southwark Business Incentive Payment #3 of 8
$ 2,750.00 Redevelopment Assoc of ID Membership & Legislative Efforts
$ 27,818.00
At Scott Syme’s request, Chairman Waite explained that the $2,750 payment to the
Redevelopment Association of Idaho is $750 for dues and $2,000 to assist with attorney fees to
provide clarifying information to legislators regarding Urban Renewal law.
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Motion by Fouts / Second by Hardin. Fouts,
Alder, Waite & Hardin in favor; Syme opposed to the $2,000 payment to the Redevelopment
Assoc. of Idaho. Motion passed.
#8 Chairman’s Report of Activities
Chairman Waite informed the commissioners that the contract with the YMCA allows them an
option to purchase the building if they are financially self-sustaining at the end of the contract.
Discussions are underway in anticipation of that possibility.
Chairman Waite requested a Special Meeting to be held next week, 11/14/2013 at 12:00 noon,
to consider the Land Purchase Agreement for industrial property located in Sky Ranch
Business Park.
#9 Commissioner Reports
No Commissioner reports.
The next meeting will be held December 3, 2013 at City Hall, 411 Blaine St., in the Mayor’s
conference room.
Motion to adjourn: Hopper/Syme M/S/P
Meeting concluded at 1:36pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts