HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-15 Council Agenda AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15,2014 AT 7:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS TO THE PRELIMINARY PLAT TIME EXTENSION POLICY. INVOCATION OFFERED BY PASTOR BRUCE SIMPKINS OF NEW LIFE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. ROLL CALL. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION. SPECIAL PRESENTATION. A. Pastor Jim Porter providing information about the upcoming Compassion Caldwell event. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Approve acceptance of the minutes of the Regular City Council Meetings held August 18,2014 and September 2,2014 and the Special City Council Meetings held on September 3,2014, September 5, 2014,and September 9,2014;the Caldwell Housing Authority Meeting held on August 28,2014;and the Caldwell Industrial Airport Commission Meeting held on September 4,2014. 2. Approve the appointment of Ken Chapman to the Pathways and Bike Routes Committee with a term to expire on December 31,2015; 3. Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of an Independent Contractor Agreement with Jerome Mapp to provide Hearing Examiner and Administrative Hearing Officer services for the Caldwell Planning and Zoning Department effective October 1,2014; 4. Approve Resolution accepting an Easement from Canyon County for sanitary sewer and domestic water main lines located generally at the southeast corner of Pond Lane and US Hwy 20/26; 5. Approve Resolution authorizing the purchase of three equipment items (10-wheeler sander attachment,a 10-wheeler plow attachment,and a platform trailer)at a total cost not to exceed$53,000 for use by the Street Department; 6. Approve Resolution adopting the "City of Caldwell Prayer Policy" effective immediately upon approval. 7. Approve Resolution accepting a Warranty Deed from the Caldwell East Urban Renewal District for real property commonly known as Pipe Dream Park located on the north side of Skyway Street east of Smeed Parkway; 8. Approve request from the Caldwell Police Department concerning the destruction of semi-permanent records; 9. Approve request from the Planning & Zoning Department for acceptance of the 2015 Planning & Zoning Commission/Hearing Examiner Calendar; 10. Approve request from the City Clerk for acceptance of the 2015 City Council Calendar. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Public Hearing to consider amendments to the Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2013-14. 2. Consider Bill No. 24 [Ordinance No. 2977] to amend Appropriation Ordinance No. 2944 with a request to waive the rules and pass on the first reading. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consider Bill No. 25 (Ordinance No. 2978) for the annexation of Virginia Park Subdivision No. 7 (Instrument#2014-027271)into the Caldwell Municipal Irrigation District with a request to waive the rules and pass on the first reading. 2. Public Hearing (Quasi-Judicial): Case Number ZON-04-14, a request by HG Lease Holdco for a rezone of 2.54 acres, more or less, from R-1 (Low Density Residential) to C-2 (Community Commercial). The subject property is located at 5315 Midway Avenue in Caldwell,Idaho. 3. Public Hearing(Quasi-Judicial): Case Number APP-01-14,an appeal to City Council of the Hearing Examiner's approval of a special-use permit to increase the current occupancy load and to allow for outdoor events at the Colombia Event Center,located within a C-3 (Service Commercial)zone. The subject property is located at 3801 Lake Avenue,in Caldwell,Idaho. (It has been requested by staff that this item be continued to the City Council Meeting to be held on October 6,2014) 4. Financial and Human Resource Report. 5. Council Reports. 6. Mayor's Comments. 7. Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 67-2345, Subsection (f) for the purpose of discussing pending litigation or where there is a general public awareness of probable litigation. 8. Adjourn. Next Regular City Council Meeting is on Monday,October 2,2014 at 7:00 p.m.in the Community Room at the Caldwell Police Station at 110 South Fifth.Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact the City Clerk at 411 Blaine Street or call#455-4656 prior to the meeting.The entire agenda packet and minutes can be viewed on the City of Caldwell's website:www.cityofcaldwell.com. Cualquier persona necesitando comodidades especiales para participar en la reunion debe contactar al Vendedor de Ciudad en 411 Blaine St.o llame a#455-4656 antes de la reunion. Page 1 of 1