HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-2014 PATHWAYS & BIKES PATHWAYS AND BIKE ROUTES COMMITTEE MINUTES Meefing of May 20, 2014 @ 7-0100 P.M. 1. Call to Order. Chairperson Manning �Members Present, A,nn Manning, B111 Buckendoirf', Bill Gligray III, Cindy Grover, Nick Il Members Absent. Paul Mann. Others Present. Brian Billingsley, Planning & Zoning Director- Rob Hopper, CC Others Absent. Ricardo Calderon, Associate Engineer; and Brent Orton', P u�blic Works I Nl 1 . 11. Review 11 ., No, changes were I Ill. Approval of Winutes. A. 'The minutes, of April 15, 2014 mleeting were piresented to the committee. Motion to, approve the mlinutes i MOTION.- Bill i ., ., MOTION �PASS,ED. I A. Brian I 11 of the greenbelt �resurfacing p,roject cost $24,9501, bringing the fund balance down from $34,450.00 to 1 MOTION to Approve 'the Report,: Bill G.,, B., MOTION PASSED w B. , C. FACTS Update. Bill G. reported th�at the Foundation f'or Ada County,Slystems, (FACTS) , all 1 � I 1 , nothiing VII., New Business. A,. Blike Route Planni'ng w*lth Other Cl"11"es., Bill G. stated that ou�r curren't Pathways and Bike Routes Plian does a gireat Job aligning our plathways with thi e City of Nampa, but he would like us,, to start planning to connect ou'r rou�t,es with other cities and destinations, in the Treasure Valley. The committee ,discussed Potential plans, to connect our system 'with thie following destinations: 1. Greenleafi., The Committee 'is recommending a route westbound oin, Logan Street, northbound on Wagner Road�, westbound on Lower Pleasant Ridge Road,, and northbound on F'riends Road (City of Greenleaf). 2. Wine Region.- The Committee is recommending a route westbolu�nd on Orichard Street, southbOUnd on Riverside Road, westbound on Lowell Road a,nd northbound on Plum Road. 3. Kiddleton/Boise R*iver— Niorth S"Ide: The, Committee is recommending a route northbound on River �Roald, eiastbound on Channel Road, and eastbound on Highway 44. -n*ttee is recornmending a route 14. �Boi�se Ri"vier— South Side: The comr 1 eastbound on Lincoln Road, southbOUnd on Midland Boulevard�, and eastbounid on Joplin Road. 5. Northwest Canyon Countyi: The colm,m,ittee is, recommendi�ng a routle 'westbolunid on Plymouth Street (old Highway 30), wesitbound on Highway 44,, noirthboun�d on Farmway Road, and westbound oin Purple Slage Road., MOTION.- Bill G., made a motion to request, the City Mappling Depa,rtment prepare a �map olf'thesie routes for the cornmittee to review at its next �r,egularly sched,uled meeting. SECOND: Nick M., MOTION APPROVED. Councilman Hopper asked Mr. Billingsley how th�ese new routes, would affect the Pathways and Bi r Plan. Mr. Billingsley suggestied that it 1 is time to revise the Master Plan and these changes, can be incorporated into the new plan. B. FY2015 Budget Request., Brian Bi. presented a, draft budget repo�rt. He [s recornmending that the committee budget $32,000, to complet,e Ph�ase III of the Greenbelt Resurfacing Project, $1,000 for greenbelt wayfinding sign age and pain't for a cent,er stripe, and $11,0100 for map boards on Bike Route #1. In, FY 2016, Brian presented four major projects that the city can undeftake: Extend the Indian Creek pathway from Densho Gardens to the Greenbelt. Extend the Greenbelt 'from P[YMOUth Street to Curtis Park. 2 f" ------------ * Build a pathway through Jeffersion Middle School property ,that connectsthe pathway behind Washington Elementary School tio residential subdivisions south!, of Jefferson Middle School. * Resurface the pathway around Rotary Pond Park. Brian stated the city neelds to acquire onIe last parcel of land before greenbeft can be extended to Curtis Park. Bri ity can apply for Community, Cholices (safe routes to school) funding for the Jeff'erson Middle Scholiol project. Bill G. thinks a maintenance grant can be obtainedfor the Rotary Pond Park prolect. Brian belileves, the Indian Creek project can be completed in as little as thirele y1ears, Brian asked -the committee if they wanted to the Indian Creek pathway to be pavedwith concrete, or asphalt andthe committee unanimously recommends making the pathway look as, similar as Possible to the new pathways, in d�owntown Caldwell. Brian also presented a 11st of properties, the Committee would like the City to 'th the purchase foir future pathways. The committee had no issues wi properfles,1 but, they are recommending that they, want to ask the City Council to remove the tenants on the par,cel of land next to the Silver Bridge. 'The Cornmittlee unaninniously approved the 2015 Budget Reclorn mend atio n s ,a s fo I I ows * FY2015 — FinI ing project. 0 F'Y2016 — Begin work on extending Indian, Creek, pathway tothe greenbelt. Request safe routes to school fu�nds for Jeffers,on pathway project. Request a, maintenance granlit for pathway around Roltary Poind �Park. MOTION: Bill G., SECOND: Bill B. Vill. Commilttee and Staff Repofts. Nick brought up a concern about concrete that i's crumbling oin the 1-84 pedestrian briI dge. Biria,n said thi at he would bring this to the attention of the Plublic Works Directior. IX. Adjourn. Meeting adj"lourned at approximately 8::05 p.m. Motion:, to adjourn meeti�ng. MOT'ION.- Bill B., SECOND: Cindy G., MOTION PASSED. Respectfully submitted by, April Cabello,, 311"' .......... MINUTES APPROVED AND SIGNED BELOW BY CHAIRPERSON ANN MANNING ON 'THE DATE NOTED BELOW. ........... ir Ann M R C6khair Date ATTEST: Brian Billingsley, PI&Z Director Date For detailed minutes,, pillease request a copy oft � ligital recording. 1 .............................................