HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-2014 TRAFFIC COMMISSIONAP
Caldwell Traffic Commission (TC) Minutes
August 4, 201410:15 a.m.
Present: Brent Orton, Brian Billingsley, Robb MacDonald, Chief Chris Allgood, Gordon Reed, Chief
Secretary: Tammy Frans
*MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) *ROW (Right -of -Way) *TC (Traffic Commission)
Old Business
1. No Past Items
New Business
1. Request Arthur Street between 0h Ave. & 5 1h Ave be made a one -way — Brent
Brent Orton made the above request on behalf of Caxton Printers, LTD. Parking is a potential
sticking point on the sale of their building and they believe this could much improve the parking
situation around their building.
Through discussion it was determined that there is 46' from back -of -curb to back -of -curb. Angled
parking on both side of the street would require 38' leaving only 9.5'for roadway. It was determined
that there is physically not enough area to accommodate the request.
Action: Tammy— Send correspondence to Caxton's explaining the findings and the
recommendation of the Traffic Commission.
2. Request to Black out old lines at 10th street by Jolts and Juice and Wilson elementary —
Lieutenant Devin Riley — Request completed before meeting date.
3. Request for left turn green arrow lights at 10 /linden and 101h/Ustick - Lieutenant Diven Riley for
Senior Citizens.
Senior Citizens of Caldwell relayed the above request through Lieutenant Diven Riley. Due to the
increase in traffic flow at the above intersections it can be extremely difficult for a driver to make a
left hand turn.
When the signal at 10th & Ustick was installed by the City it was with future growth in mind. A
movement study can be done and with those results the signal can be reprogrammed to include a left
turn arrow. The signal at 10th & Linden was installed by ITD and unfortunately is not as modifiable.
The motion was made and Traffic Commission agreed unanimously to have Engineering perform a
movement study at 10th & Ustick and reprogram the light according to their findings. The
Commission also agreed to have Engineering put together an estimate of what it will cost to modify
the signal at 10th & Linden. When cost information is available the TC will revisit the request at a
future meeting.
Action: Robb— Request the movement study and cost estimate from Engineering. Modify the
light at 101h & Ustick according to the study's findings. Report the Cost estimate information
back to the TC.
4. REVISTED - Request Vacation of ROW Cal de Sac on Commercial Way. — Gary Moore of HB
Mr. Moore requested vacation of the fire turn- around cal de sac that protrudes into Parcel # R0045000000 along the
existing Commercial Way alignment. The turnaround was necessary prior to the road going all the way through as it doe,,
today. Deputy Chief Fire Marshall Andy Cater has approved the vacation and stated that it is no longer necessary for the
Fire dept. Research of this request revealed that the referenced cal de sac is a separate deeded parcel of land owned by
the City vs. a public ROW easement from the HB Boys LLC. Upon further discussion it was agreed by the TC that this
ROW was "given" to the City by HB Boys LLC and the TC would recommend that it be "given" back to them. However,
because it is property owned by the City further investigation is necessary to determine the proper way to vacate the
parcel. The motion was made and Traffic Commission agreed unanimously to have Brent Orton contact Mark Hilty and
find out if this property can be vacated as ROW or if it must be handled as excess property. (April 2014)
(August 2014) The motion was made and Traffic Commission agreed unanimously to request the
property be changed to Public ROW by Resolution and then to vacate the ROW back to HB Boy
Action: Brent Orton/ Tammy Frans Prepare and present Resolution to Council and then Vacate
the ROW.
Resource/ Weather Pending Business: -
1. School Crossing and Speed study on 10th
2. Homedale and Indiana Avenue intersection — Roundabout/ re- design.
(CHD4 will design and implement in 2014)
3. Left Turn Green Arrow at 10th & Linden — Cost Estimate requested Aug 2014