HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-29-2014 YMPC MinutesYouth Master Plan Committee
Meeting Minutes (04/29/14)
Present: Mike Burdine, Ron Bonneau, Kathleen Schatz, Donna Shines, Rachel Piepmeyer, Jake
Alger, Jennifer, Reynolds, Kelly Parker, Val Brooks, Kathleen Robinson, Angie Point, Marissa
Nestor, Mike Polland, Mike Dittenber, Debbie Geyer, Liz Godina, Julie Yamamoto, Scott
Herdegen, Nancy Shelstad, Ken Wien, Joyce Davis
Meeting called to order 10:06 a.m.
Past Minutes: Motion /Julie Yamamoto Second/ Scott Herdegen to approve minutes of
03/18/2014 as presented.
New Business
Bank On Program: Update from Mayor Garrett Nancolas. Bank On is a program that will get
people in the community into mainstream banking rather than check cashing loans with high
interest rates. The mayor discussed ideas on getting the word out about Bank On, suggestions
were through the schools, as it has been successful in the past with other community events
such as the Y, Indian Creek. Mayor gave example from San Francisco City how successful the
program has been. The City gives every 3rd grader $50 and the family has to match by a certain
time and later this money to post secondary education. Shows to be successful if kids get
started at 3rd grade.
Speaker Jennifer Reynolds, presented a PowerPoint presentation on Bank On. Goals are as
follows, Education, Account Access, Financial Independence, Data
Speaker Jake Alger, shared success stories of the program. Success measured by graduation of
Rachel Piepmeyer from the Department of Labor introduced to those present.
Career Fair - After Action report
CHS: Kathleen advised all went well, got feedback from students on what they would like to
Comments from C of I: overall went well.
VHS: Julie Yamamoto, decided an hour is long enough, they were able to use Go On funds
which will not be available next year, and also added that working relationship with C of I is
Youth Survey
Marissa provided topics of interest, emotional abuse, bullying, depression, anxiety. Marissa will
work with VHS admin to get surveys out.
Youth Forum
CHS to get list in today, VHS list has been submitted to Debbie. Debbie handed out a proposed
Health and Wellness Promise
To be discussed at next meeting, May 27, 2014 at 10am.
Meeting adjourned 11:21 a.m.
Next Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 27th at 10:00 a.m., Caldwell Police Department
Community Room.