HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07-2014 TRAFFIC COMMISSIONCaldwell Traffic Commission (TC) Minutes
April 7, 2014 10:15 a.m.
Present: Brent Orton, Brian Billingsley, Robb MacDonald, Chief Chris Allgood, Gordon Reed, Chief
Wendesldorf, Dave Marston
Secretary: Tammy Frans
*MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) *ROW (Right -of -Way) *TC (Traffic Commission)
Old Business
Vallivue High School speed limit and crosswalks — Brian (SEE PREVIOUS MINUTES)
This project has been moved to northside of Homedale to enable work to move forward without
needing permission from PID. Plans are complete and Engineering is obtaining a qoute from Idaho
Power to tye into the schools power.
The City has agreed to order and install two flashing beacons and two additional street lights on the
condition that the school will pay for costs occurred. T.J. Frans is currently coordinating the
installation of the two crosswalks on Homedale road. Striping is pending but will be completed prior
to school starting in the Fall
2. Revaluate the 1 1/2 mile strip plan forl0th street, Linden to Ustick road.
Still persuing plans for original request in front of Willow Falls. Engineering will expand review of
the area to include the entire above mentioned section of 10th street for future planning.
New Business
1. Request Vacation of ROW Cal de Sac on Commercial Way. — Gary Moore of HB Boy LLC
Mr. Moore requested vacation of the fire turn- around cal de sac that protrudes into Parcel #
R0045000000 along the existing Commercial Way alignment. The turnaround was necessary prior to
the road going all the way through as it does today. Deputy Chief Fire Marshall Andy Cater has
approved the vacation and stated that it is no longer necessary for the Fire dept.
Research of this request revealed that the referenced cal de sac is a separate deeded parcel of land
owned by the City vs. a public ROW easement from the HB Boys LLC. Upon further discussion it
was agreed by the TC that this ROW was "given" to the City by HB Boys LLC and the TC would
recommend that it be "given" back to them. However, because it is property owned by the City
further investigation is necessary to determine the proper way to vacate the parcel. The motion was
made and Traffic Commission agreed unanamously to have Brent Orton contact Mark Hilty and find
out if this property can be vacated as ROW or if it must be handled as excess property.
Action: Brent Orton/ Tammy Frans contact Mark Hilty for direction and report back to the
TC in May.
Request Vacation of ROW/ Spur line/ Alley Way at 501 Kit Rd. - Rudy Rodriguez
The building at 501 Kit Road encroaches slightly into the public ROW in the alleyway behind the
building. There is a railroad spurline that runs the length of the alleyway between Evans Street and
La Fond Street. The encroachment needs to be eliminated to make the property saleable / financiable.
Realtor Rudy Rodriguez requested vacation of the encroached portion of ROW that pertains to 501
Kit road. While researching the possibility of vacation, Dave Marston came across a request made
by the Caraco Company to City Council in 1997 to build a silo over the tracks to load train cars.
P &Z noted at that time that, though public ROW, the alleyway is owned by the Chamber of
Commerece and the spur line was entered into a 50 year leasee with the Simplot Company. No
further information was found. This information has been given to Mr. Rodriguez so that he may
contact The Chamber of Commerece and the Simplot company to see if they would be open to and
agree to a vacation of the ROW prior to Mr. Rodriguez formally applying for vacation and paying
the non - refunable fees associated with a request for vacation of ROW.
On further discussion it was noted by the TC that there are multiple buildings slightly encroaching
along the entire alleyway. It would be optimal for the City and neighboring property owners if the
entire alleyway and Spurline could be vacated and the alleyway be split uniformly amongst the
property owner.
This item was presented to the TC for informative reasons and does not require any action at this
2. Request "No Truck Parking" signage along Linden Road east of the RR Tracks to Chicago
Strett. - Chief Allgood
This request was originally made to the CPD by D &B Head Office located on Linden. Trucks
frequently park along the above referenced section of Linden, often for days at a time. It is difficult
for drivers to see around the parked trucks when attempting to enter on to Linden. There is also a bus
stop in the area that picks up and let's off school children throughout the day. Parents are concerned
about visability issues caused by the parked trucks.
A motion was made and the TC agreed unanamously to place "No Truck Parking" signs along the
above mentioned section of Linden Street.
Action: Gordon — Request and coordinate sign installation with Street department.
3. Request road maintenance for a previously unmaintained section of Hillcrest lane — Merle
The above request for maintenance pertains to a section of Hillcrest lane that has previously been
maintained and used by only 3 residences with frontage on that section. The person that previously
maintained the lane is longer available to do so. It is a City owned ROW but the lane has ony been
developed to half the width of a normal lane and there is not enough room at the end of the lane to
turn a grader around.
A motion was made and the TC agreed unanamously to maintain the road if the property owners are
willing to provide an easment to accomodate the navigation of the grader equipment used. The
engineering dept. will create the easement documentation if the property owners agree.
Action: Tammy will contact the appropriate property owner with the findings of the TC. If they
are in aggreeance she will then put them in contact with the Engineering dept. to create the
Resource/ Weather Pending Business: -
1. Heritage Charter School restriping of road for left turn lane. Add a patch of asphalt to the North side
of Ustick road from Heritage Charter driveway east for 245' taper.
2. School Crossing and Speed study on 10`h
3. Homedale and Indiana Avenue intersection — Roundabout/ re- design.
(CHD4 will design and implement in 2014)
4. Ladder Style Cross -walks at major intersections.
5. Request left hand turn collectors in front of Strip mall south of 10`h & Linden - Paul Alldredge