HomeMy WebLinkAbout1-27-2014 CHPC MINUTESCALDWELL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting of January 27, 2014 @ 6:00 P.M. City of Caldwell Planning & Zoning — Upstairs Conference Room 621 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, ID 83605 I. Call to order. Chairperson Maughan called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Members Present. Chuck Randolph, De Etta L. Ewing, Elaine Carpenter, Kevin Manning, Megan Dixon, Lorene Oates and Steve Maughan. Members Absent. None. Others Present. April Cabello, Planning Technician; Brian Billingsley, Planning & Zoning Director; and Rob Hopper, City Council Liaison. Others Absent. None. III. Approval of Minutes. MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 25, 2013 WITH CORRECTIONS. MOTION: Elaine C., SECOND: Chuck R., MOTION PASSED. IV. Certificate of Appropriateness Interviews. None. V. Audience Participation. None. VI. Actions Since Last Meeting. Brian B. shared that he contacted Steve Maughan, De Etta Ewing, and Gina Lujack whose terms were about to expire. Steve Maughan and De Etta Ewing agreed to serve another three -year term on the commission but Gina Lujack decided against another term and stepped down. Brian B. asked the commission how they would like to honor and thank Gina Lujack for her eight years of service. The commission decided on a gift certificate from Indian Creek Steak House. With Gina Lujack stepping down, that left a vacancy and Kevin Manning had applied for a position to serve on most city bodies and received appointment to two city bodies. Brian B. introduced Kevin Manning, the replacement commissioner for Gina Lujack. CHPC Meeting, January 27, 2014 S�JANNED Page 1 The commission held a discussion about the location of future CHPC meetings and decided to hold the meetings at the Community Development building at 621 Cleveland Blvd., upstairs conference room until the Carnegie Center is open and available for meetings. The commission discussed and requested staff to invite the new Librarian, Lacey Welt, and the Library Board Representative, Shannon Ozuna, to the next CHPC meeting. VII. Old Business. Chuck R. gave a report on the Historical Society and stated that storage of historic documents came up at the last meeting. The commission asked Brian B. to contact Mayor Nancolas to inquire if space was available at the Carnegie Center and that the Mayor has agreed to set aside some space for the Historical Society. Chuck R. reported that grant money was made available for infrastructure and that the Historical Society hired AME Electric to install wiring in the cabins at the Van Slyke Museum and removed some of the old junction boxes. Chuck R. reported that the Historical Society decided as a project for the Caldwell Clean Up day to clean up and catch feral cats at Van Slyke Musem along with placing some kind of permanent netting under the cover, over the combine to prevent birds from nesting and to prevent bird droppings. Brian B. reviewed the commission's recommendation to the Mayor, City Council and the Library Board in honorarium to Elaine Leppert to rename the Idaho Room at the Caldwell Public Library to the Elaine Leppert Memorial Room. Brian B. stated the Mayor was okay with the recommendation, just a matter of following through with the Library Board. Brian B. suggested speaking with the new Librarian about this request when she is invited to a CHPC meeting. Chuck R. wondered in addition to renaming the Idaho Room that the Historical Society sponsors a living memorial, once a year lecture, program or presentation sponsored by the Society that would be part of an Elaine Leppert local history lecture series that over the years might be able to build a good body of material. VIII. New Business. Elect Chairperson for 2014. Lorene O. made the motion to elect Steve Maughan as Chairperson. MOTION: Lorene O., SECOND: Chuck R., MOTION PASSED. Elect Vice Chairperson for 2014. Chuck R. made the motion to elect Lorene Oates as Vice Chairperson. MOTION: Chuck R., SECOND: Elaine C., MOTION PASSED. CHPC Meeting, January 27, 2014 Page 2 IX. Commission & Staff Reports. A. Brian B. reported that Idaho State Legislature is considering several bills that will affect Planning & Zoning. The bill of highest interest to the Historic Preservation Commission is a bill that would make esthetic and community design review and regulation illegal except in historic districts. That would kill all design review along Indian Creek if the bill were to pass. The other bill is regulatory takings, which failed back in 2006. Brian B. reviewed other bills with the commission that would affect Planning & Zoning. X. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted by April Cabello, MINUTES APPROVED AND SIGNED BELOW BY CHAIRPERSON STEVE MAUGHAN ON THBAfiE NOTED BELOW. 2 2a C airperson Maughan D to ? "i F� 312�/�y ATTEST: Brian Billingsley, Planning Director Date For detailed minutes, please request a copy of the digital recording. CHPC Meeting, January 27, 2014 Page 3