MINUTES Caldwell Industrial Airport Commission 4814 E. Linden Street Caldwell, ID 83605 Email: caldwellindustrialairport@vahoo.com 208-459-9779 Date: August 2nd, 2012 Time: 12:00-1:00
pm Location: Caldwell Industrial Airport -Hubler Terminal Conference Room Commission Members Present; Barry Everett, Jr., Phil Fouts, Marty Koch, Mack Kreizenbeck, Bob McGee, Shannon
Ozuna (City Council Rep.), Mike Reed, Wayne Thiel, Rob Oates -Airport Manager, Kathy Schara -Airport Manager's Secretary Commission Members Absent: Jeff Miller Guests: Brent Orton -Public
Works Director, Tom Lemenager -Kimley-Horn, Jim & Anita Shore, Denise Janes, Sarah Biggers -Mayor's Youth Advisory Council, Terrence Biggers, Nathanael Litter -Valley Air Photos Chairman
Bob McGee called the meeting to order at 12:01 PM. 1. Minutes of June 2012 Airport Commission Meeting Motion was made and seconded to accept the June 2012 Minutes. Motion passed. 2.
Airport Improvement Plan/Seat-coat Update -Tom Lemenager ■ Tom Lemenager reported that the first phase of the set schedule for the AIP-24 Seal-coat Project starts next Monday (August
6th). The project will be completed in three phases, each 4 Vz days, for the next three consecutive weeks in August. Tom stated that a test strip for the sealant will be done Monday
or Tuesday of next week, in an out-of-the-way spot on the airport. Further discussion ensued as Tom answered questions from the Commissioners. Also, Kimley-Horn is now under contract
with the City to design the expansion of the Hubler Terminal apron and they are working on that. 3. Flying J Area Construction -Rob Oates Rob informed the Commission members about another
construction project, adjacent to Flying J. There will be a crane in place for a day or two, rising about 100 feet in the air, which is well below our safety zone. An email bulletin
will go out to inform the airport community. 4. Sky Raider Hard-Landing of 7/10/12 -Rob Oates Rob Oates informed the Commission of an aircraft hard-landing, which occurred on 7/10/12
when the engine quit quit in a Sky Raider, just after take-off. Rob stated that the pilot's skills can be credited with the fact that there were no injuries and little damage occurred
beyond the aircraft's left gear & propeller. 08_Aug_12 CIA Minutes -final (amended) 8/9/2012 1 of 2
Related to this incident, Barry Everett, Jr. asked if training should be given to emergency responders for operation on the airport grounds, as there reportedly were some difficulties.
Rob stated that plans were already in the process with the Caldwell Fire Department to develop more training. 5. Announcements -Rob Oates • Snowplow markers are now being removed, and
reevaluation is being done as to future placement or alternatives. 6. Mack Kreizenbeck -Airport Security Mack Kreizenbeck requested the floor to present the idea of installing a Wi-Fi
antenna. This would enable hangar owners to install a camera at their own expense that would be activated in case of an intruder and accessed via the Internet. . He stated this system
would be relatively inexpensive. He suggested that a monthly or annual fee could be used to maintain the internet connection. Mack stated that Doug Kandle would be willing to show the
Commission his hangar security setup, to give them an idea of the possibilities. Wayne Thiel stated that he would be willing to tour the hangar at next month's meeting. Mike Reed mentioned
some possible difficulties and suggested various options. Further discussion ensued. Rob Oates stated that an article would be placed in an upcoming issue of the Airport News to see
if any tenants would be interested. A visit to Doug Kandle's hangar to see his security system will also be set up for next month's meeting. 7. Brent Orton -Public Works Director In
response to questions from Commissioners, Brent Orton stated that the Linden Street/Aviation Way intersection project is currently being considered for the 2013 Budget. Wayne Thiel suggested
that there be a "hazardous intersection" sign installed to try to slow the east-bound traffic. Brent Orton responded that the Traffic Commission had considered possible signage changes.
Regarding the canal move, he stated that it is currently planned for this Fall, and will be done in two phases. The timing depends on multiple variables that are still being worked on.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:49 PM. Next Airport Commission Meeting: September 6th, 2012 at noon 08_Aug_12 CIA Minutes ■ final (amended) 8/9/2012 2 of 2