HomeMy WebLinkAbout8-2-2011 URBAN RENEWAL MINUTES . %,
• Regular Meeting
August 2, 2011 — 12:00 Noon
City Administrative Offices, Conference Room
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 12:00 Noon on
July 5, 20ll in the Conference Room at Caldwell City Hall Administrative Offices with Chairman
E1Jay Waite presiding. Roll was called:
Present: E1Jay Waite, Rob Hopper, Teresa Hardin, Kathy Alder and Leona Fouts
Guests: Steve Fultz, Pat Charlton, Jim Main
� Motion to approve the agenda as presented: HardinlFouts M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes of the July S, 2011 meeting: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
#1: CEDC Activity Report provided by Steve Fultz, Executive Director.
Highlights for July 2011
• Foreign-Trade Zone application update:
o Met in July with Scott Taylor from Miller Co. and area businesses on opportunities and
advantages of an FTZ...80+ invites sent, approximately 20 in attendance.
o Submitted our last major packet to Miller Co. prior to filing with National FTZ
Board...Items we still need include -- one last property owner to agree (reminder letter sent I
today), and additional business interest/support letters (Shirl Boyce working on that). I
• o Currently working on marketing materials and marketing strategy for the zone (pamphlets,
savings calculator, notification postcards to site selection firm/agencies, etc.).
o Will need to schedule trip to DC to meet with congressional and the national F'TZ Board.
We are also working with one existing business and three prospective businesses on
utilizing the FTZ designation.
„ • Greg Poe Airshow: Still moving forward with business vision (will finish our schedule with
other pilots)... still acting on business plan of a maintenance facility, a flight instruction
program, and the "elevate your life" program.
• Business Attraction Efforts: Working on three new leads (Project Summertime, through the
Commerce Department; Project Orchard with and area developer; and with a property owner in
Sky Ranch (includes a round table meeting)
• Working with C of I President Marv Henberg and CFO Petra Carver on a project to better
integrate the C of I population with city (working with an area developer on the project)
• URA Grant. application: working on three apps right now in varying stages plus one inquiry
that came in today (8/2/11) for a professional office opportunity...CEDC committee
recommendation is to return incomplete applications highlighting the missing info (in the past
we would assist the applicant, and in some cases, help complete the application process for the
applicant...e.g. assist with business plan executive summaries, assist in developing applicant's
5-year pro forma, etc.).
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� " • Annual CEDC Board Retreat...will be updating/drafting new 5-year strategic plan (last was in
2007)...that would be for 2012-2016.
#2: Business Incentive Grant Review. Two grant recipients are scheduled to receive their
yuarterly grant payments:
• Simply Stylin' Salon's quarterly reports have been received, reviewed and approved.
Motion to approve and pay the scheduled quarterly grant payment for Simply Stylin' Salon:
Hopper/Hardin M/S/P
• Greg Poe Airshows quarterly reports have been received, reviewed and approved pending
receipt of the state wage report for final wage confirmation.
Motion to approve and pay the scheduled quarterly grant payment for Greg Poe Airshows
pending receipt and validation of the state wage report: Alder/Fouts M/S/P �
#1: Review Lease for the TVCC Retail Space.
Chairman Waite announced that Mike & Wendy Johnson were selected to operate the retail
space in the TVCC building. A lease agreement was presented for review. Motion to approve
the Real Estate Lease Agreement between Mike and Wendy Johnson and URA contingent upon
final approval by URA legal counsel: Hopper/Alder M/S/P
,. Chairman Waite presented an equipment purchase request for several small appliances that may
be needed to upgrade the retail facility. Space availability and the used equipment market will
be considered prior to final request.
• #2: Consider Proposal from Vallivue School District.
Pat Charlton, Superintendent of the Vallivue School District, presented a request for funding in
the amount of $200,000 to assist in the expansion of the Vallivue Academy to increase student
capacity from 150 to 250 students. The purchase of the western half of the Larry Miller Auto
Mall site is being considered to provide a gym, commons area, lunch room, day care, additional
classrooms, fields far soccer, baseball and other outdoor activities. The alternative high school
has been highly successful in graduating at risk students and the need is great to include grades
9& 10 students. Chairman Waite noted that the request will be considered during URA's
budget review.
#3: Review first draft of the URA budget for FY 2011-2012.
Chairman Waite provided a draft of the URA budget for review by commissioners. Discussion
and action will ensue at subsequent meetings.
#4 Finance Report: Current report is unavailable. Tabled until the September meeting.
#5 Invoices presented for payment: presented by Rob Hopper
' $ 26.50 Petty Cash July lunch
$ 157.50 Hamilton, etc. Attys Lease termination notice
$ 1,325.00 Spectrum TVCC Environmental - Lab Wark
$ 5,190.25 Spectrum TVCC Environmental — Professional Wk
$ 6,697.47 CEDC FTZ — Miller & Co. and marketing costs
$ 127,172.05 SunTrust Interest Pmt — Series 2007 Revenue Bonds
• $ 2,250.00 Wells Fargo Trustee Fee — 2004A Series
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• $ 41,063.75 Wells Fargo Interest Pmt — Series 2004 Revenue Bonds
$ 142,162.50 Wells Fargo Interest Pmt — Series 2006A
� 523,637.50 Wells Fargo Interest & Principal Pmt — Series 2008
$ 849,682.52
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Fouts/Alder M/S/P
#6: Commissioner Reports
No report.
� The next meeting will be held September 6, 2011 at 12:OOnoon.
Motion to adjourn: Hardin/Fouts M/S/P
Meeting concluded at 1:35pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts
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