• Special Meeting
November 5, 2010 — 1:30pm
City Administrative Offices, Conference Room
A special meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 1:30pm on November 5,
2010 in the Conference Room at Caldwell City Hall Administrative Offices with Chairman E1Jay
Waite presiding. Roll was called:
Present: ElJay Waite, Rob Hopper, Leona Fouts and Amy Rojas
Absent: Steve Rule
Guests: none
Motion to approve the agenda: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes of the October 5, 2010 meeting: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P
No Business
#1 Accept resignation submitted by Commissioner Rule: Motion to accept the resignation
of Commissioner Rule: Hopper/Rojas M/5/P
• #2 Consider Resolution 2011-2: Resolution #2011-2 authorizes CEURA to approve an
agreement with Norman Jewelers to upgrade their commercial site in conjunction with the
streetscape improvement program for downtown Caldwell. CEURA owns the building adjoining
Norman Jewelers and desires to set an example to aesthetically improve the entire facilities by
upgrading the exterior of the existing building by use of a new fa�ade design, signage and paint.
Chairman Waite stated that Norman Jewelers was the first business in downtown Caldwell to invest
in streetscape improvements through the Caldwell LID at a cost of $4,426.75 in 1999. CEURA
previously had a plan to partner with downtown merchants for streetscape improvements that
received criticism from several downtown businesses and thus failed. A new plan is currently being
developed. By including Norman Jewelers section of the building in the fa�ade improvement
project, CEURA effectively partners with a downtown business to offset their cost for streetscape
#3 Consider proposal from Tom Smith: Chairman Waite stated that SW District Health is
requiring the installation of a refrigerated sandwich prep table in order to continue serving fresh-
made sandwiches in the retail space of the TVCC building. A bid for $1,394.01 has been secured
for a unit that can be installed with the relocation of a section of counter space. The cost for labor
and materials will not exceed $730. Motion to purchase a refrigerated prep table for the retail
space in the T'VCC building at a cost of $1,394.01 plus tax, with labor and materials cost not to
exceed $730: Hopper/Rojas M/5/P
� #4 Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper:
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• Bank of the Cascades Business Ckg Endin� Balance Earnin�s
October 30, 2010 14,268.37 31.96
Bank of the Cascades Time CD#1 Endin� Balance Earnin�s
October 31, 2009 (most recent stmnt) 251,953.42 not reported
Wells Fargo Savin�s Ending Balance Earnin�s
October 31, 2010 733,713.14 264.59
Wells Fargo Checking (non-interest) Endin� Balance Earnings
October 31.2010 3,000.00 n/a
Home Federal Business Ckg tnon-inceresc) Ending Balance Earnin�s
September 1, 2010 75,002.22 n/a
Home Federal Repurchase A�reement Ending Balance Earnin�s
October 31, 2010 (most recent stmnt) 190,796.48 80.99
Home Federal - 30 dav Time CD Endin� Balance Earnin�s
October 31, 2010 253,310.34 300.55
Local Government Investment Pool Endin� Balance Earnin�s
October 31, 2010 607,143.62 138.61
• Wells Fargo (Debt Service) Ending Balance Earnin�s
September 30, 2010 Fund 96 2,987,434.59 30.84
Motion to approve the financial report: Fouts/Flopper M/5/P
#5 Invoices presented for payment presented by Rob Hopper:
$ 32.77 City of Caldwell URA 10/2lunch: meat/cheese/crackers
$ 647.00 Pioneer Irrigation Marble FrondLincoln Property
$ 86.00 Pioneer Irrigation 215 S. Kimball Property
$ 982.28 Pioneer Irrigation 14 Acres Sky Ranch Park
$ 1,453.52 Pioneer Irrigation 21 Acres Sky Ranch Park
$ 700.00 Skinner Fawcett Attny Fees, TVCC Facilities Contracts 10/26
$ 6,125.00 Skinner Fawcett Attny Fees, TVCC Facilities Contracts 10/1
$ 5,477.50 Hamilton Michaelson Hilty Attny Fees, TVCC Facilities Contracts 9/30
$ 157.00 Hamilton Michaelson Hilty Attny Fees, AG's Investigation
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Rojas/Fouts M/S/P
Consider proposal from Bob Runyon: Chairman Waite referenced a previous proposal from Bob
Runyon regarding assistance with streetscape on a parcel near Sky Ranch Business Park. Chairman
Waite asked the commissioners to conduct an individual site visit before the next meeting to
• consider how CEURA might be able to partner with land owners to improve the streetscape on the
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• Hwy 20/26 corridor between the interstate and KCID road. Improvement to this area will beautify a
major entryway to Caldwell and make the area more attractive to future business.
The next meeting will be held December 7, 2010 at 12:OOnoon.
Motion to adjourn: Fouts/Rojas M/S/P
Meeting concluded at 1:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts
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