HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-2009 URBAN RENEWAL MINUTES . �
Regular Scheduled Meeting
November 17, 2009 —12:00 p.m.
City Administrative Offices, Conference Room
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 12:00 noon on
November 17, 2009 in the Conference Room at Caldwell City Hall Administrative Offices with
Chairman ElJay Waite presiding. Roll was called:
Present: E1Jay Waite, Mayor Garret Nancolas, Leona Fouts, Rob Hopper, Jennifer Barrus
Absent: Steve Rule, Amy Rojas
Guests: Chris Yamamoto
Motion to amend the agenda to include consideration of Home Federal as a depository option
under New Business item #7; and approve the agenda as amended: Fouts/Nancolas M/S/P
Motion to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2009 meeting and the October 27, 2009 workshop:
Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P
C/CEDC Activity Report was not available.
Chris Yamamoto, Downtown Redevelopment Director, provided an update on the downtown
catalyst project. The project is on schedule; concrete will be poured this week, the steel is on
order, and visible structure will be in place by the first of the year ar sooner. Preliminary plans
• indicate the potential for a Gold LEEDS Certification. Chris raised the subject of a parking permit
process to protect parking for downtown businesses. Ample parking will be available within three
blocks of the TVCC building. Street patrols, downtown signage and student parking permits are
several options being discussed.
Mayor Nancolas informed the board that during his recent national conference, the message heard
repeatedly from big developers is that they are looking for three things when considering
communities for development projects: 1) a community college, 2) an Urban Renewal Agency and
3) an active downtown revitalization plan. Caldwell is on the right track for downtown success.
Chairman Waite presented the Oppenheimer project letter prepared by Mark Hilty, Attorney, for
review and approval. The letter establishes CEURA's acceptance of the TVCC project and
acknowledges CEURA's involvement and project costs to date. The project budget is estimated at
$7,000,000. Attorneys for Oppenheimer and urban renewal are working on the building lease
agreement. Motion to accept the letter of agreement between Oppenheimer and CEURA:
Hopper/Fouts M/S/P
Chairman Waite presented the final worksheet for street improvement reimbursements to
Freehold Development for the project at Thomas Jefferson & Adam Smith, and Slipstream Way.
Rob Hopper stated that CEURA's concerns regarding the concrete and electrical have been resolved
and confirmation received that there was no duplication of costs. The questions regarding sewer
• and water were satisfied by the cost effectiveness of the shared expense and 30% was deemed a
reasonable share. Motion to approve the exchange agreement at a cost of $411,924.33 and
authorize payment: Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P
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• Chairman Waite stated that the terms of the education building lease agreement were being
drafted. TVCC will lease the entire building. The question was raised regarding the management
of the common areas and Chairman Waite noted that the main floor restrooms located outside will
be accessible to the public and will also serve Indian Creek patrons, and therefore will be paid for
and maintained by the City. Chairman Waite further noted that TVCC's tenant improvements will
become a permanent part of the building. A joint meeting of TVCC Board of Directors and CEURA
commissioners is scheduled for 12/15/09 at 6:OOpm at the Ontario Campus. Commissioners are
encouraged to attend.
Mayor Nancolas presented a request from the City for holiday lighting at 215 and 217 S. Kimball.
Downtown merchants are hoping to carry the Indian Creek light show throughout downtown.
Motion to allow lights to be hung at 21 S and 217 S. Kinzball and to contribute up to $1 SO towards
the project: Nancolas/Fouts M/S/P
Chairman Waite presented a letter from Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC)
encouraging participation in an upcoming work session (date and time to be determined) to discuss
the Idaho Urban Renewal Law (1965) and the Idaho Economic Development Act (1988) in an effort
to draft legislation for a complete overhaul of both the Law and Act. The purpose of the legislation
is to reform and modernize the Law and the Act to improve these economic tools, and also directly
respond to the criticisms of the Law and Act made over the past few legislative sessions and impose
a number of limitations. A more dramatic modernization or reform of both chapters will serve to
lessen the single issue reforms that respond to a specific concern, complaint or criticism, and
• provide a better vision for the use of these tools in the future.
Chairman Waite presented artist renderings of building fagade improvements for 215 and 217
Kimball prepared by Butch Gilliland as a potential demonstration project for downtown Caldwell.
The commissioners agreed that CEURA can set the example and named the existing Downtown
Framework Committee as the appropriate body to review and recommend. Chris Yamamoto will
monitor the project.
Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper:
August 31 2009 Endin� Balance Earnin�s
Wells Fargo (Fund 96 Debt Service) 3,553,907.50 17.74
September 30 2009 Ending Balance Earnin�s
Local Gov't Investment Pool 605,610.19
Wells Fargo (Fund 96 Debt Service) 2,981,970.51 29.26
October 31 2009 Endin� Balance Earnin�s
B of C Business Acct 1,747,358.74 893.67
B of C Certificate of Deposit 250,000.00
Local Gov't Investment Pool 605,734.30
Motion to transfer the majority of funds held by Bank of the Cascades checking account funds and
• money market funds to Home Federal and allow Time Certificates of Deposit to remain with Bank
of the Cascades until maturity, at which time they will be moved to Home Federal:
Nancolas/Hopper M/S/P
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Motion to approve the financial report: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
� Rob Hopper presented the following invoices for payment:
$ 15,000.00 GCEDC Quarterly Contribution
$ 32,750.00 Qualitree Demolition
$ 2,000.00 Qualitree Demolition change order from $32,750 to $34,750
$ 1,452.00 ICRMP Insurance — membership renewal
$ 43.84 Petty Cash Lunch —11/17
$ 30.29 Petty Cash Lunch —10/27
$ 982.28 Pioneer Irr. URA park site @ Pipedream park
$ 647.00 Pioneer Irr. URA park site @ Van Buren School
$ 86.00 Pioneer Irr. URA park site @ Indian Creek
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 2009.
Motion to adjourn: Hopper/Nancolas M/S/P
Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts
• Secretary
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