HomeMy WebLinkAbout6-3-2008 URBAN RENEWAL MINUTES Regular Scheduled Meeting
7une 3, 2008 — 12:00 p.m.
• City Administrative Offices, Conference Room '
The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency was held on June 3, 2008 at
12:00 noon in the Conference Room at Caldwell Administrative Offices with Mayor Garret Nancolas
presiding. The roll was called:
Present: Mayor Nancolas, Rob Hopper, Steve Rule, Leona Fouts
Delayed: ElJay Waite arrived as noted in the minutes
Guests: Dennis Cannon, Steve Fultz, George Grant, Jim Main
Motion to approve the agenda: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Nfotion to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2008 and May 27, 2008 meetings: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Dennis Cannon provided updates concerning the Indian Creek Project:
FEMA Flood Mapping (new information since May 6 report)
• Recent USGS studies support the new up-stream basin run-off model, showing that the actual
run-off into the basin is much less than FEMA had projected.
• The City is proceeding with the re-run of the FEMA model with the upstream basin run-off
changes and the day lighted changes, and will submit these, along with new mapping, to
FEMA during the week of June 9tn
• After FEMA has reviewed the City's submission, a meeting will be held in Caldwell (likely in
• July) to reach final resolution on the flood mapping.
• The Ferguson Group will continue to help expedite FEMA action in resolving mapping issues
Brownfields Assessment:
• Brownfields testing in the downtown area have shown that redevelopment of the area will be
possible without any significant cleanup or building design costs.
• PERC has been detected below the clay layer (18" below the surface), but this should not pose
a problem for redevelopment.
• The City is seeking a"comfort" letter from DEQ that will OK redevelopment with some
precautions if building foundations penetrate the clay layer.
Indian Creek Proj ect
� Work on the storm water system and backfilling of the old channel is underway and should be
completed in August.
• Provisions are being made to accommodate the storm water runoff from the planned parking
lot of the Catalyst Project.
City Center Catalyst Project
• The Oppenheimer team, the City and Urban Renewal reached an agreement on the sale of the
Jensen property. The Pilote property is very likely to be available for inclusion in the Catalyst
Project footprint.
• Oppenheimer has developed downtown building design concepts and presented them at a
public meeting on May 29 at the Center for the Arts. The public response was very positive.
• The evaluation of the 5 best contending applicants for the Lead Project Manager is in process.
• • A review of the RFQ issued last year shows that the City has met the competition requirement
to carry the project to completion with Oppenheimer Development.
• Preparation of the Development and Disposition Agreement (DDA) should be completed this
summer. (The agreement will detail the financial terms, scope and schedule of the project)
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Chairman EZJay Waite arrived.
. GCEDC activity report provided by Steve Fultz:
Highlighted Activities that impact URA...May 2008
• Continued meetings and work with Bruce Schultz (TVCC), Urban Renewal Agency, and
Butch Gilliland on expansion of the Community College in Caldwell
• Provided marketing packet to three business prospects
• Working with City lobbyist group for assistance with the FEMA map issue as it pertains to
downtown Caldwell (meeting in May)
• Hosted two business site visits (Sky Ranch)
• Continued in leading the Snake River Canyon Marketing Committee to promote the wine
industry in Canyon County �
• Working with Chamber on regional marketing efforts at the Boise Airport and other
� Attended downtown association meeting and the downtown steering committee
• Meeting with Oppenheimer Development and Bob Jenkins on wine business in downtown
• Provided detailed site information for Craig Lindquist (development services at TitleOne) on
proposed development in Caldwell
Mayor Nancolas stated that the TVCC Campus partnership between TVCC, the city, Urban
Renewal and the business sector is an excellent and unique model that has attracted much attention
and praise. The partnership creates a long-term benefit for both education and business in the valley.
• Dialog is in process with BSU to house a BSU student services department and share classrooms vaith
TVCC. BSiJ is seriously considering offering a"2 + 2 Program" with TVCC. This allows TVCC ta
be pro-active and responsive to the business needs in the community, and allows BSU to offer
curriculum such as criminal justice and nursing in Canyon County.
George Grant, Vallivue School District, and Jim Main, Design West, were invited to the meeting to
continue discussion regarding the need for a building to house a high school and middle school
academy. Mr. Grant stated that the need to have occupancy by fall of 2008, and the need for a
location that is central within the Vallivue district were paramount. The cost of renovating the
vacated Cable One building was compared to the cost of building a new and more accommodating
facility. The option of negotiating with the County for property within the same area as the Cable
One building, utilizing portables for a year and building a new facility was discussed. Chairman
Waite emphasized Urban Renewal's commitment to the project and stated that Urban Renewal would
be in a position to assist financially with a reimbursement plan of approximately $100,000 per year
for five years. Mr. Grant will present the various options to the school board for consideration and
final approval.
Commissioner Rule excused himself from the meeting due to another commitment.
Mayor Nancolas introduced a bid from Jess Payne Appraisal Services in the amount of $1,800 to
conduct a limited appraisal on the Dave Smith property that has been adversely affected by the
• raised water level of Indian Creek. Motion to authorize Chairman Waite to sign the contract with Jess
Payne Appraisal Services for a limited appraisal at a cost of $1,800: Waite/Hopper M/S/P
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Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper:
Note: Balances for the Local Gov't Investment Pool are updated for December through February.
� Apri130, 2008 Ending Balance Earnin�s
B of C Money Mkt 979,004.24 1,515.91
B of C Business Acct 12,878.83 n/a
B of C Indian Creek 953,545.65 1,403.43
Local Gov't Pool Not yet available
Motion to approve the financial report: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Rob Hopper presented the following invoices for payment:
$ 15,000.00 C/CEDC Quarterly Payment
$ 50.33 Petty Cash May URA Lunches
$ 57.00 Petty Cash April URA Lunches
$ 30,000.00 New Beginnings Housing Vineyard Suites
$ 1,113.21 Spectrum Testing Dave Smith Property Testing & Analysis
$ 14,752.00 YMCA Campaign for a Healthier Caldwell
$ 1,483.89 ShipIt Informational signage at Campbell Auto Body
$ 214.00 ShipIt Future Development Site Sign
Motion to approve the invoices for payment: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
Motion to amend the agenda to add New Business item #4a, Performance Agreement between
CEURA and Jeff Jensen: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P
. Chairman Waite introduced a Performance Agreement between CEURA and Jeff Jensen for the
reimbursement of expenses associated with Mr. Jensen's busiriess discontinuation, property vacation,
business relocation and release of claims at his property at 216, 218 and 220 7 Street, Caldwell. The
agreement has been approved by Mark Hilty, City Attorney. Motion to authorize Chairman El.7ay
Waite to sign the Performance Agreement on behalf of CEURA and to issue a check in the amount of
$129, 000 to be paid at time of closing on the sale of the property: Hopper/Waite llf /S/P
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, July l, 2008.
Motion to adjourn: Hopper/Waite M/S/P
Meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Fouts
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