HomeMy WebLinkAbout8-7-2007 URBAN RENEWAL MINUTES Regular Scheduled Meeting • CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY August 7, 2007 - 12:00 p.m. City Administrative Offices, Conference Room The regular scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency was held August 7, 2007 at 12:00 noon in the Conference Room @ City Administrative Offices with Chairman ElJay Waite presiding. The roll was called: present were ElJay Waite, Rob Hopper, Steve Rule and Leona Fouts. Guests: Gordon Law Motion to amend the agenda to change New Business item #1 to read Public Hearing For Filing Petition in 3 rd District Court for Issuance af Revenue Allocation Bonds, to delete New Business item #2, and to approve the agenda as amended: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P Motion to approve the meeting minutes of June 5, 2007: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P OLD BUSINESS CEDC Update: Steve Fultz, Executive Director, was not available to provide an update. Indian Creek Project update: Chairman Waite gave a brief update on the progress of Indian Creek. The concrete lid over the existing creek is being removed from the portion along Blaine Street. It's happening fast! • NEW BUSINESS Motion to open the Public Hearing for filing a petition in the 3 rd District Court for issuance of revenue allocation bonds: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P Chairman Waite stated that the purpose of the public meeting was to hear public opinion with regard to the filing of a petition in the 3 rd District Court for issuance of revenue allocation bonds to help finance the sewer treatment plant upgrade. Chairman Waite asked the Secretary to review the signup sheets. Leona Fouts, Secretary, announced that no one signed up to speak far either the opposition or as a neutral party; and one person, Gordon Law, City Engineer, signed up to provide a staff report and speak in favor of the petition. Chairman Waite called Gordon Law to present a staff report. Gordon Law submitted a written Description of the Project (exhibit #UR1000) and orally presented the details of the request for $8,000,000 in bonding for the sewer treatment plant upgrade. The three primary needs which will be fulfilled with the upgrade are: 1) Addition of an aeration basin, 2) Raising the capacity of the plant to 100,000 population, 3) Providing head-work on pumps, digester & blower. Chairman Waite submitted an Affidavit of Publication (exhibit #UR 1001) for the Notice of Public Hearing. • Motion to close the Public Hearin Ho er/Fouts M/S/P g= PP CEURA, August 7, 2007, Page 2 � Motion to approve CEURA Resolution #07-8-1 for official dating of 8/21/07 authorizing the filing of a petition in the Third Judicial District Court seeking judicial confirmation for the issuance of revenue allocation bonds to finance improvements to the city s sewer system: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P Chairman Waite gave a brief update on the YMCA funding request from our June meeting. Any additional funding or pledges by CEURA at this time will be construed as debt and take CEURA over the $10,000,000 mark, thereby adversely affecting interest rates on current debt. Consequently, the URA will wait unti12008 budget year to consider a$1,000,000 pledge extension for the Caldwell `Y'. Chairman Waite announced that the 2008 Budget Calendar is being compiled and requested information on any upcoming projects that may need to be considered in the 2008 budget. Commissioner Rule mentioned a potential partnership in a parking garage, however funding would probably not be necessary until 2010. Rob Hopper brought up the need to secure a position on the east side of the airport. City Engineer, Gordon Law, further explained that there are 130 acres on the NE side of the runway to be purchased. The city purchased 20 acres one year ago and are negotiating on a 10 acre parcel and a 14 acre parcel, leaving 100 acres to obtain. Rob Hopper presented the following invoices for payment: $121,651.82 SunTrust Interest Pmt on 1.6 million $ 4,399.58 Ferguson Enterprises Irrigation — Pipe Dream Park . $ 685.04 Ferguson Enterprises Irrigation — Pipe Dream Park $ 125.51 Ferguson Enterprises Irrigation — Pipe Dream Park $ 250.00 Ferguson Enterprises Irrigation — Pipe Dream Park $ 14.85 Ferguson Enterprises Irrigation — Pipe Dream Park $ 19.74 Franklin Building Supply Concrete $ 20,428.63 CH2MHi11 Design Services — Indian Creek $ 64,192.93 Wells Fargo Revenue Allocation 2004 Bond $175,431.58 Wells Fargo Revenue Allocation 2006 A Bond $ 32.34 Idaho Press Tribune Ad for Public Hearing 8/7/07 $ 15,000.00 C/CEDC Quarterly Payment $ 2,250.00 Wells Fargo Agent Fees — 2004 Bond The following payments were presented for ratification: $364,261.28 7/13 Lambert Const Ck #1292 Indian Creek $ 1,000.00 7/13 Wells Fargo Ck #1287 Agent Fees - 2006 A Bond $ 89.10 6/18 Petty Cash Petty Cash — Lunches CEURA Motion to approve the invoices for payment and ratify payments: Fouts/Rule M/S/P Financial Report provided by Rob Hopper: Mav 31 2007 Ending Balance Earnin�s F&M Money Mkt 912,783.91 2,068.49 F&M Business Acct 13,067.76 n/a • F&M Indian Creek 1,612,411.11 4,405.50 Local Gov't Pool 826,567.61 3,66236 CEURA, August 7, 2007, Page 3 � June 30, 2007 Ending Balance Earnin�s F&M Money Mkt 521,007.43 1,405.01 F&M Business Acct 13,166.16 n/a F&M Indian Creek 1,616,718.23 4,307.12 Local Gov't Pool 830,116.62 3,549.01 Motion to approve the financial report: Fouts/Hopper M/S/P GENERAL DISCUSSION Chairman Waite announced that the BMX track construction in Pipe Dream Park is well underway. It will be 1,200 feet long, making it the largest BMX track in the Northwest. Landscaping is planned for fall. The skate park engineering is complete. A private donor is searching for contractors to volunteer time and materials. Albertson College has committed to assisting with a collegiate Baseball field. The next meeting will be held at the City Administrative Offices @ 411 Blaine on Tuesday, • September 4, 2007 at 12:00 noan Motion to adjourn: Hopper/Rule 1V�/S/P Meeting adjourned @ 1:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Leona Fouts Secretary •