HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-2012 TRAFFIC COMMISSIONEp
Caldwell Traffic Commission (TC) Minutes a.
May 7, 2012 10:30 a.m.
Present: Brent Orton, Brian Billingsley, Robb MacDonald, Chief Allgood, Chief Wendelsdorf,
Secretary Nicole Nicholson
Old Business
1. Curb Painting behind Juvenile Bldg. — Dike Ayers
Action: Brent Remove item
New Business
1. Dangerous Intersection backup at Cleveland Boulevard and Linden Street
caused by McDonalds Turn lane on Linden — Wade
(an email has been sent to M.s. Wade sharing past minutes of the TC and future plans)
The plan design is complete and the Street Dept will re- stripe the area when available.
No Acdon required
2. Alleys One Way — Anne Marie
Traffic Commission has declined the request. The signage would b4 costly. To make
the alleyways one -way only would actually make speeding offenses worse, as
motorists would not have to be concerned with any oncoming vehicles. Motion made
by Chief Allgood and 2nd by Chief Wendelsdorf.
Action: Anne Marie to contact A. E. Green to convey the determination of TC.
3. Request vacation of Alley to create additional hospital parking — Anne Marie on
behalf of the Hospital
The motion was made and the Traffic Commission agreed unanimously that rather
than vacate the alleyway, the hospital be allowed to expand the parking lot over the
alleyway with the understanding that the City still has control of the alleyway and can
therefore work on the sewer main line running through that area when needed. The
item will go before City Council for approval once Brent has discussed this option
with Mark Hilty and upon review of the parking lot plan from the hospital.
Action: Brent will contact Mark Hilty about this option versus vacating. Robb will have
staff contact adjacent City property owners and also request the hospital to provide a
copy of the parking lot plan for review. Anne Marie is to include the item on future City
Council agenda for approval.
Resource/ Weather Pending Business
1. Heritage Charter School "School Zone" and restriping of road for left turn lane.
Currently on hold in order to complete other pressing projects
2. New HAWK crosswalk on 10' Ave at Elgin. Removal of existing crosswalks in front of
Paul's Market and at Freeport Street.
Brent will review plans and schedule construction time
3. Homedale and Indiana Avenue intersection — Roundabout/ re- design.
Reflective material was installed on signage by Street Dept. Robb looked into the cost of
flashing lights with solar and the cost is approximately $9K for 4 lights. Robb will have
staff research power availability at the location and the cost of non -solar lights.
4. Marble Front/ Illinois crosswalk relocation
Manpower issue to begin project
Additional Items (from Chief Allgood)
1. Larch (Indiana to Illinois) Speed Study
Robb will check with Tim King to see if any work has been done on the study. Tim will
email Tammy.
2. Speeding issue on Howard & Logan
Robb will have staff check the vision triangle in the area and report back to TC.