HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-24-2011 CHPC MINUTES 4 ' ' ' CALDWELL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES � Meeting of October 24, 2011 @ 6:00 P.M. Caldwell Public Library — idaho Room `;� �=°�;�-,,,� .., �b,�,� Z . I. Call to order. Chairperson Randolph called the meeting to order at approximately 6:02 p.m. II. Roll Call Members Present. Chuck Randolph, Jan Boles, Eileen Davidson, Megan Dixon, Gina Lujack, Lorene Oates, Anita Shore. Members Absent. Elaine Carpenter, Elaine Leppert, Steve Maughan: Others Present. Brian Billingsley, Planning & Zoning Director; April Cabello, Planning Technician; Rob Hopper, City Council Liaison. II1. Approval of Minutes. MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 WITH CORRECTIONS. MOTION: Gina L., SECOND: Anita S., MOTION PASSED. IV. Certificate of Appropriateness Interviews. None. V. Audience Participation. A. Jennifer and Wayne Salvador introduced themselves and stated they are the new owners of the John C. Rice House. They gave a detaited report on their background and how they came to purchase the property. They stated their intentions of bringing the home back to or as close as possible to its original glory. The property address was 2119 College but the City of Caldwell Mapping Department changed the address to 2121 College. Jennifer and Wayne asked for any references the commission might have. Chairperson Randolph recommended Hilliard Painting LLC, Nancy and Rob Roberts of R& M Steel who had the Isaacs House restored, and Madeline Buckendorf for the history of John C. Rice and the Idaho Bar Association. VI. Actions Since Last Meeting. A. None. VII. Old Business CHPC Meeting, October 24, 2011 Page 1 � �' ! J A. 2011 Signage Project Update — Brian Billingsley gave a progress update on the signage project and stated that the Simplot family planned to hold a meeting last week to discuss the signage project and he sent an email asking for status but has not heard back. Brian B. also informed the commission that he met with "Little" George Crookham regarding the signs that are to be placed in front of the homes that George and Frank Crookham had resided in and "Little" George stated that'Frank did not live at 1515 Everett but resided in a home on the north side of Everett. Brian B. stated he would research and locate where Frank had resided. Brian B. stated he asked Jan B. to research pictures for the signs. "Little" George approved one of the photos that was provided. Brian B. further stated he hopes to have the narratives for the signage from Elaine L. soon and his goal is to have this project completed by next spring. B. 2012 CLG Grant Update — April Cabetlo reported that she contacted SHPO to add 1903 Washington Street that TAG had requested to be added to the 2012 CLG Grant Application for the nomination of the Pasley Subdivision. She stated SHPO did not like the idea of adding the one property to the application for a total of 32 properties because the boundaries were tidy before and.it just pushes the boundaries too far. April C. stated she would continue to work with SHPO. VIII. New Business. A. Proposed 2012 Meeting Calendar. Chairperson Randolph reviewed the proposed 2012 meeting schedule with the commission. Chairperson Randolph asked the commission if they would like to make a motion to approve the calendar. MOTION: Gina L., SECOND: Anita S., MOTION PASSED. B. Elect chairperson and vice-chairperson for 2012. Jan B. made the motion to defer the election to the November 28, 2011 meeting. MOTION: Jan B., SECOND: Eileen D., MOTION PASSED. C. Elect secretary for 2012. Jan B. made the motion to defer the election to the November 28, 2011 meeting. MOTION: Jan B., SECOND: Eileen D., MOTION PASSED. IX. Commission 8� Staff Reports. A. Chairperson Randolph informed the commission that the home on 12�' & � Dearborn has some new paint. B. Chairperson Randolph informed the commission that Brian B. had contacted him regarding a Statesman reporter, Chris Roden, who had contacted Brian B. about the proposed expansion of the North Caldwell Historic District boundaries. Chairperson Randolph stated he met with Chris Roden and wrote an article to go to press on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 and hopes it will be a better article than the county's article from yesterday's paper. CHPC Meeting, October 24, 2011 Page 2 � „ . �' • C. Chairperson Randolph stated he had a question regarding the newspaper article from Sunday's Tribune regarding the properties around the courthouse that were acquired by the county. The article stated that Joe Bell of the Canyon County Historic Preservation Commission has gone through the buildings to document them checking for anything historically significant and found nothing worth mentioning but was thankful for the opportunity to document the properties. Chairperson Randolph stated his question is, "who is in charge within the incorporated city limits" and further-asked Brian B. to do some inquiring about the coordination. Rob Hopper responded that the commission could send a letter to the county requesting access to the buildings to do their own documentation. D. Gina L. gave a report on the Oregon Trail Road Tour given by Jim McGill. The commission held a discussion on the arguments of the Oregon Trail. X. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Apri� Cabello, MINUTES APPROVED AND SIGNED BELOW BY CHAIRPERSON CHUCK RANDOLPH ', ON THE DATE NOTED BELOW. I, I y ��� `r�� � / :�3 % Chairperson Randolph Date r ' � �/a � f �Z ATTEST: Brian Billingsley, P& Z Director Date CHPC Meeting, October 24, 2011 Page 3