HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23-2011 CHCP MINUTES r. -- CALDWELL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting of May 23, 2011 @ 6:00 P.M. A F'F' R V� L� 1 Caldwell Public Library — Idaho Room c�_7..��1 �� I. Call to order. Chairperson Randolph called the meeting to order at approximately at 6:07 p.m. II. Roll Call Members Present. Anita Shore, Chuck Randolph, Elaine Carpenter, Elaine Leppert, Gina Lujack, Eileen Davidson, Jan Boles, Lorene Oates. Members Absent. Megan Dixon, Steve Maughan. Others Present. Brian Billingsley, Planning & Zoning Director, Rob Hopper, City Council Liaison. Others Absent. April Cabello, Planning Technician. III. Approval of Minutes. MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2011: with the following corrections: p. 3, VIII Commission and Staff Reports letter "I." "says" should be "say" � « ,� « » « ,� « �� �� . letter L. Lawspeach should be Lotspeich Dr. Boone should be Dr. Boone's" MOTION: Anita S., SECOND: Jan B, MOTION PASSED. IV. Certificate of Appropriateness Interviews. None. V. Audience Participation. A. Jan B. introduced Sheri Freemuth of National Trust for Historic Preservation. Sheri Freemuth gave a brief background of her previous Historic Preservation experience, employment and explained the breakdown of National Trust for Historic Preservation. Sheri F. stated she would like City of Caldwell to participate in the programs offered by National Trust for Historic Preservation. VI. Actions Since Last Meeting. None. CHPC Meeting May 23, 2011 VII. Old Business A. & D. Continued discussion - North Caldwell Historic District Expansion 8� NCHD Walk Around the Block. Chairman Randolph asked staff if it was okay to combine the discussions for items A. & D.; Brian B. responded it would be okay. Chairman Randolph stated while on the Walk Around the Block tour he thought of several sites worth marking with a sign. The sites in specific would be the old C of I Campus and the Court House. Chairman Randolph thanked Brian B. for putting together the NCHD Walk Around the Block and that it was a good start so now he would like to suggest to the commission on having a Steunenberg Residential Historic District Self Guided Walk Around the Block next spring. He suggested having stations at the various sites, manned by a CHPC member or homeowner who would give a speech. Brian B. stated it is a great idea having stations, handing out maps so people can walk through the neighborhood and learn the history of the Old Caldwell High school, the Steunenberg assassination site, C of I, homes listed on the National Register and the HAT. B. 2011 CLG Grant Update. Brian B. spoke on behalf of April C. and stated that the City of Caldwell was awarded $3,500.00 and SHPO gave the approval to move forward with the project. April C. said she asked TAG to continue the work on the 2011 CLG Grant reconnaissance-level survey. April C. wanted to remind the commission that the commission voted and awarded the 2011 CLG Grant continued reconnaissance-level survey contract to TAG. C. CHPC Ordinance Amendment. Brian B. gave a brief update and stated that the ordinance amendments will be complete by the end of 2011 and the designation and adoption of the North Caldwell Historic District and Downtown Historic District, as local districts should be complete the summer of 2012. D. NCHD Walk Around the Block. Refer to item A. for the discussion. E. 2011 Signage Project. Brian B. stated that the commission has seven unused Steunenberg Residential Historic District signs and would like to work with the commission on installing signs at the following locations: • Boone church • JR Simplot house • Midge Graves house • C of I President house • 20 & Blaine Brian asked Jan B. to do the graphics and Elaine L. to do the text for the signs. Elaine C. made the motion for Brian B. to start work on the signage project for Boone church, JR Simplot house, Midge Graves house, C of I Presidents house and the corner of 20 & Blaine. MOTION: Elaine C., SECOND: Lorene O., MOTION PASSED VIII. New Business. None. CHPC Meeting May 23, 2011 � IX. Commission & Staff Reports. A. Chairman Randolph reported that Elaine L. received the Friends of Preservation Award at the 34 Orchids & Onions Ceremony for her distinguished service in historic preservation. B. Lorene O. inquired about the corner of 10 & Blaine. Rob H. responded that while DL Evans Bank is deciding to build and the corner being such a visible entry into down town, the City decided to lease the property from DL Evans Bank for $1.00. The City used excess equipment from the parks department to put in sprinklers, grass and trees. C. Elaine C. asked Rob H. for an update on the code enforcement problem discussed at the last meeting. Robb H. responded they are working on the issue. D. Elaine C. asked how to have the digitized Boone Diaries posted on the City web site and/or the C of t web site. Jan B. responded that he has a long list of items to go on the web site and the C of I IT Department is understaffed. Elaine C. asked if the commission provided funding, could the commission hire a student to post the diaries on the web. Jan B. replied it could be a possibility. Elaine C. suggested this as a project and for the commission to keep it in mind. E. Jan B. informed the commission that Van Buren Elementary School of Caldwell received the Contribution to Historic Preservation Award at the 34 Annual Orchids & Onion Ceremony and wondered why the commission was not notified of the nomination. F. Jan B. stated Amy Pence Brown of Idaho Modern would like to speak at a CHPC meeting but her group also meets the 4 Monday of the month so she will look at her schedule to figure a good date. G. Elaine L. thanked the commission for the Orchids Award nomination. H. Eileen D. questioned if there was any significance to name of Centennial Blvd. other than the Centennial of Idaho. Brian B. stated in 1983 the city built Centennial Blvd. and named it after the 1883 Centennial of Caldwell. I. Rob H. stated if the commission does the self-guided Steunenberg Residential Historic District walking tour, he would suggest using a passport format. J. Brian B. stated Elaine L. would be honored at the City Council hearing on June 20' for the Orchids Award she received and invited the commission members to attend. X. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted by April Cabello, MINUTES APPROVED AND SIGNED BELOW BY CHAIRMAN CHUCK RANDOLPH ON THE DATE NOTED BELOW. � �� �',-��� �.���/ , Chairperson Randolph Date �� �� Cz � ✓ ATTEST: Brian Billingsley, P& Z Director Date CHPC Meeting May 23, 2011