HomeMy WebLinkAbout2-23-2009 CHPC MINUTES �'
Meeting of February 23, 2009 - 6:00 p.m.
Caldwell Public Library - Idaho Room ;°��'��a���-;�,
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I. Call to Order. Chairperson Chuck Randolph called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
II. Roil CaIL
Members Present. Chairperson Chuck Randolph, Vice-Chair Lorene Oates, Elaine
Carpenter, Jan Boles, Elaine Leppert, Gina Lujack, Anita Shore.
Members Absent. Steve Maughan, Eileen Davidson, Rob Hopper, City Council Liaison.
Others Present. Brian Billingsley, Planning & Zoning Director, April Cabello, Planning
II1. Approval of Agenda. The following items were added to the agenda:
■ Old Business - The Hat project - update - Jan B.
■ For the Good of the Commission - Boone Presbyterian - Sign - Chuck R. ,
■ For the Good of the Commission -1704 Blaine Street - Chuck R.
■ For the Good of the Commission - Thank You letter - Jan B.
IV. Approval of Minutes. MOTION TO APPROVE January 26, 2009 minutes with no
V. Certificate of Appropriateness Interviews. None.
VI. Audience Participation. None.
VII. Actions Since Last Meeting.
■ Chuck R. informed the commission members of an inquiry he received regarding
Garber Motor Company and a 57 T-Bird purchased from a car lot in Pasadena
California. Chuck stated he supplied the requestor with an old 1953 news paper
article on Garber Motor Company and at about the same time Chuck stated he saw
another article for Leo Jay Mason Motors and took that to the Mayors office.
■ Chuck R. shared with the commission that 1515 Dearborn is for sale.
VIII. Old Business.
A. 2009 CLG Grant. April C. stated due to Congress the CLG Grant for 2009 is on hold
and will have an update at the next meeting. Action - This issue should be put on the
agenda for the next meeting.
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done for both lights at the LDS Church and stated the Church is working directly with
CHPC Meeting February 23, 2009 1
, ` �� �he homeowners to fix the problem and will have an update at the next meeting. Action
— This issue should be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
C. Reforestation of Cleveland Blvd. Elaine C. suggested this item should be continued
to the next meeting and will ask Rob Hopper to speak on this subject. Elaine C. also
stated that a tree had been removed from the City right-of-way in front of the Boone
Memorial Church and felt action should be taken. Action — The issue for Reforestation
should be put on the agenda for the next meeting and April C. will contact the City
Forester regarding the tree that was cut down in the City right-of-way.
D. Caldwell Architectural Award. Elaine C. said applications for this award must be
completed by March 31 and the Isaacs house will not be complete by March 31
Elaine C. reported she spoke with Nancy Roberts the owner of the Isaacs House and
she would be honored to receive this award next year. Chuck R. suggested the
Christian Science Society Caldwell for this award. The commission members agreed.
Recommendation by Chuck R. to submit the Christian Science Society Caldwell for the
Caldwell Architectural Award. Action — April C. will provide the contact information for
the Christian Science Society.
E. 1208 Blaine Street. Brian B. stated that all the work done is consistent with the ',
agreement. Action — No action was taken by the commission. I
F. The Hat Project. Jan B. reported he put together a budget for the grant application to �
Idaho Heritage Trust estimated at $6,000.00 dollars and received a bid from Darrel �
Dice in the amount $4,100.00 dollars. Jan called Idaho Heritage Trust to confirm one
bid was okay and no need to receive more bids. Jan also stated that Concrete Placing
has volunteered to cut off the concrete benches, take out the slabs causing the
drainage and replace them if the commission is willing to buy 3 or 4 yards of concrete.
Action — No action was taken by the commission.
IX. New Business.
A. Habitat for Humanity. Lorene O. informed the commission members that this is a
future project opportunity with Canyon County Habitat for Humanity in Caldwell for a
short term project. Habitat for Humanity would like to paint an architecturally interesting
house that is poorly painted and could become a picture house for Habitat for
Humanity. Chuck R. stated this project could fall under the first item listed under For
the Good of the Commission. Action — April C. will ask P& Z Staff if this project could
be partnered with the 1707 Everett Street Project.
X. For the Good of the Commission.
A. 1707 Everett Street. April C. said that P& Z Staff would like to do a once a year
volunteer project on their own time, not sponsored by the City. P& Z Staff thought that
1707 Everett Street would be a great project for this year and is in the process of trying
to contact the home owner to see if they are willing to accept our help to paint the
house. Action - April C. will talk to staff and see if this is something they would like to
share with Habitat for Humanity. This issue should be put on the agenda for the next
B. 1401 Blaine Street. Chuck R. showed the commission members the listing flyer for
this property and pointed out that the size of the home is smaller and less expensive
than what the analicant had qroposed in the C of A interview. Action — No action was
taken by the commission.
CHPC Meeting February 23, 2009 2 ',
, ' C:"Steunenberg St. Patrick's Day Mile. Jan B. informed the commission members of a
fund raiser by the College of Idaho track team and he would like the CHPC
Commission to enter the race as a team. Action — CHPC Commission members who
are available for the race are to send in the entry form and meet at the parking lot
before 2pm on March 15th.
D. Boone Memorial Presbyterian Church Sign. Chuck R. requested the CHPC
Commission members to look at the sign on the corner of 14` & Dearborn that the
commission had approved and report what they think. Action — CHPC Commission to
report what they thought of the sign at the next meeting.
E. 1704 Blaine. Chuck R. stated he spoke with the owner of the property and they are
going to build a detached garage. He gave the owner examples of detached garages
to look at and stated the owner should be turning in an application soon. Action — No
action was taken by the commission.
F. 1510 Blaine. Chuck R. asked Brian B. if he was aware of the fence division down the
driveway at 1510 Blaine. Brian B. stated he was not. Action — Brian B. to conduct an
inspection of the premises to ensure the fence is not in violation of code.
G. Ron Blakley Letter. Jan B. suggested the CHPC Commission send Ron Blakley a
Thank You letter. Action — April C. will type the letter that Jan drafted on CHPC letter
head and the commission members will go to the P& Z office to sign the letter. April C.
will mail the letter on Tuesday March 3�
H. Announcement.
■ Chuck R. announced that Madeline Buckendorf received the contract from Idaho
State Department of Transportation for the Tom Carr Bridges. Action — No action
was taken by the commission.
■ Gina L. stated she has a list of realtors who need the CHPC information letter
mailed to them. Action — April C. will mail the letters to the realtors.
XI. Adjournment. Chairman adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by April Cabello
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Chuck Randolph, Chair Date
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ATTEST: Brian Billingsley, P&Z Director Date
CHPC Meeting February 23, 2009 3