HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-23-2007 CHPC MINUTES r f !
Monday July 23, 2007
Caldwell Public Library - Idaho Room
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L. Call to Order: 6 P.M. by Chair Elaine Carpenter ���==�'�'
II. Roll Call: Present: Elaine Carpenter Chairman, Ron Blakley, Jan Boles, Eileen
Davidson, Elaine Leppert, Gina Lujack, Lorene Oates, Chuck Randolph, Anita Shore, and City
Staff David Richey and City Council Liaison, Rick Wells.
' - Absent: - Ctty Staff Brian Billingsley, and Steve Maughan. � =>
III Approval of Agenda:
Agenda amended by addition of Amanda Erickson under Audience Participation and
moved Jon Roeder from item 3 under New Business to Audience Participation. Added Elaine L
report on meeting of Connection to Collection held in Washington D C under For the Good of
�� the Commission, and the H. H. Hayman House under For the Good of "the Gommission. Motion
to approve as amended Anita S, Second Chuck R. Motion passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes:
Corrections to the minutes as follows: Page two Paragraph 41ine four should read 'Brian
' has us set to" not seat, paragraph 5 line two last word should be area and last page under For the
Good of the Commission paragraph 1 last word should be made not mad. Motion to approve as
corrected Chuck R, Second Jan B. Motion passed.
V. Certificate of Appropriateness Interview: None.
VI. Audience Participation:
1 Amanda Erickson of 2308 Wisconsin is interested in an investment home. She
had some questions for the Commission. Amanda and her husband are thinking of purchasing a
house in the District on Everett Street. They would like to run a Bed and Breakfast. They would
be catering to guests to the College. She wanted to know if something like this would meet with
our approvaL Gina L ask if they wanted to build or buy an existing house. Gina ask if Amanda
was aware of the "College District". The "College District", formed by an amendment, creates a
new zoning classification. The "College District" encompasses an area shaped like a lopsided
square - with the 4 sides being Cleveland, Indiana, Maple St and College Ave. this district will
allow commercial uses such as restaurants, bakeries - uses of particular interest to college
students. Amanda s aid t hey w ere int erested in a n e xisting s tructure - in g ood r epair. Gina
suggested the "Rice house". Amanda said she has talked to Planning and Zoning and they felt a
Special Use Permit would be easy to obtain if we issued a Certificate of Appropriateness. It was
the general feeling that if we approved this we would be opening the door to other commercial
use in the District. Elaine C ask about their serving food. Would this be a Health Department
issue? Amanda said they would not be serving enough people to enter into a Health Department
' requirement. Jan B ask if we could approve this with a condition to cap the number of guests
allowed. Amanda felt that if it wasn't in the District it would not be worth the venture. Jan B
was questioning, is a Bed and Breakfast a proper use? Eileen D volunteered to check on the
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codes regarding this. Lorene O recommended to Amanda that any time she speaks with someone
in the City, she should get their name.
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Jon Roeder of 520 S 15th was here to ask questions regarding some changes he wanted to
do to the house at this address. How long before the meeting does it need to be posted. Answer
two weeks. He also wanted to change the house number from 520 s 15th to 1419 Everett, as the
house is on a corner lot he could do this by changing the front door to open onto Everett Street.
He ask about interior demolition, which isn't under our control. He has spoken to the Building
Department and they said it would be O.K. to start on the interior work. Jan B pointed out that
this house was a contributing structure. Gina L ask about the set back requirements. It would
= require a variance, Dave R explained a variance cannot be allowed if it is something, .the
,individual created. So this probably would not be allowed. We would have to hear a Certificate� :_
of Appropriateness to make a decision on either of these issues. Jon will get new plans drawn
up and out to the City.
VII. Actions Since Last Meeting:
1 _ Rice appeal to City Council - Our decision was unanimously upheld by the City
Council. That decision is being appealed - although the house does have a"For Sale" sign in
front of it. Mr Rice said our ordinance is not correct. There was a discussion on weather we .
should have discussed the two previous Audience Participation questions this evening. Ron B
felt we could re'udice a later case. Chuck R said we need to find out whether or not it is
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appropriate to view the property prior to a hearing. Do we need to explore someone with an
"option to buy"? The question came up as to who represents u at the upcoming court hearing?
Ron B is concerned about our hearing an applicant prior to an application. Ron does not think
we should discuss anything outside the ordinance. Chuck R suggested we might try an advisory
procedure on the agenda, to cover this situation. Gina L read a portion from "The Alliance
Review", a pamphlet she received from CAMP, titled How to Keep Your Commission Out of
Court. Jan B moved we get a clarification on the wording "Cosmetic" as used by the attorney
during the Rice appeal to the City. Anita S seconded. Motion passed. Dave will take this take
this to Mr. Hilty.
2 Meeting w ith Br ian o n F ence O rdinance. J an B, B rian B a nd E ileen D ha ve
discussed the Fence Ordinance. Elaine C is encouraging everyone to note fences that we could
include in our illustration. Jan will take the pictures. Writing suggestions is now in Brian B's
hands. This will go to Planning and Zoning in December of this year and to the City Council in
January of 2008.
3 Montana Subdivision. This was passed by the City Council for Preliminary Plat.
There will be a public access to the strip along the rim. If there were money to purchase the two
lots on the rim, we could salvage this portion of the Oregon Trail. It is still not too late, but
getting close.
VIII. Old Business
1. Blaine Cleveland curb redo - Chuck/Steve/Lorene Chuck reported on the
progress of this project. The landscaping is not going well.
2 The Hat - Jan B reported that the curb is gone in front of the Hat and they did not
touch the Hat. He reported that the contractor who is doing the r e-roofing of the Terteling
Library has volunteered to donate materials and labor to re-roof The Hat. Jan will be meeting
with them to be sure they will use material to match the existing material. Their generosity will
, ' leave the cash donations we have received available to do the other needed repairs. Chuck R
said the Chamber of Commerce has declared this their 100th Anniversary and that there would
be monthly newspaper articles written by Madeline Buckendorf.
3 W eb Site - Elaine L Narrative/Jan B pictures. Elaine L has already written the
narrative to accompany the photos of the houses we have given the Steunenberg Award. Jan will
be doing the photos.
4 Code Enforcement Letter. This was rolled to our next meeting.
5 Liaison on City Project groups - Brian. This was discussed last month. Brian B was
not present to report on this.
IX. NEW BUSINESS _ ... ...___ _ . . �, ,
1 Trolley pictures - Chuck. This was moved to the end of the meeting.
2 Ideas for CLG Application for next year. Elaine C said she hasn't heard anything
on this. We need to be tl�inking of projects to do. Mentioned were: An Interpretive Sign at the
Steel Bridge, an Interpretive Sign at the Hat, Work on the Oregon Trail Below the Rim,
- ..R�search Establishing_the.Lacation of the Oregon Trail Today. Chuck reported that Larry Jone,s .__
may have part of this established. Ron B said he had designed, in the past, a foot bridge to go on
the pylons in the river. He will try to locate the plans.
X For the Good of the Commission
Elaine L reported on her meeting in Washington DC "Connecting to Collection. There
were four people representing each state, two Librarians and two people representing museums.
Museums and Artwork were the main topics.
Gina L was inquiring about getting information to Real Estate Agents listing homes in the
District. She mentioned MLS listing houses for sale. More information to follow next month.
Chuck R reported that the H H Hayman house has been repainted.
XI. Adjournment Motion. Motion Lorene O, second Anita S. Motion Passed.
_ Chuck shared his Trolley Photos. These were printed by Caxton's and will be displayed at The
Next meeting will be August 27, 2007
Respectfully submitted by Anita Shore, Secretary