HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-8-1994 CHPC MINUTES � � a ��S Meeting of December 8, 1994 Preseut: Carol Burbank, Elaine Carpenter, Tom Ensley, Bill Gi�ay III, Elaine Leppert, Roy Payne Stat�': Dennis Crooks, Liz Yeary Absent: Steve Maughan, Vivian McKay The December 8 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order in the Caldwell City Library Idaho Room at 7:00 p.m. By unanimous vote Bill Gigray was elected to Chair the meeting in the absence of Chairman, ' Steve Maughan, and Vice-Cha.irman, Tom Ensley. � Carol Burbank offered a Motion to approve the Minutes of the October 27 mesting. Elaine Leppert seconded the Motion which passed unanimously. Dennis reported that the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) had informed us that the time frame for the National Register nomination portion of the �ant had been moved up and the project should begin in February. As soon as we have the list of possible consultants we will send out requests for bids immediately. Roy Payne offered a Motion to advise SHPO that we will accept the additional requirements and direct Staffto respond positively to SHPO. Carol Burbank seconded the Motion which passed unanimously. Tom Ensley, Vice-Cha.irman, arrived at this point, but requested Bill Gigray to continue presiding. Dennis said that he had contacted Fred Walters, the workshop presenter suggested by SHPO for the community workshop. Mr. Walters is very interested in conducting a workshop and is free either of the two suggested weekends in April. With some fiuther discussion Carol Burbank offered a Motion to select the April 29 date for the workshop. Elaine Leppert seconded the Motion which passed unanimously. In response to a question from Dennis, Elaine Leppert said that the official seating capacity for the community room is 100 but that it is more comfortable to have 80 as a maximum. It was agreed to notify the Chamber of Commerce, Albertson College, Caidwell and Vallivue School districts, the West Valley Medical Center, Snake River Building Contracts and the Boazd of Realtors to keep that date free. We will also notify neighboring historic commissions/societies. Elaine Leppert offered a Motion that Staffwili compose a flyer to promote the workshop, obtaining input from Mr. Walters where appropriate. Mr. Walters may also have information items which we can reproduce. Carol Burbank seconded the motion wiuch passed �1n�mOUSIy. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMIvIISSION Minutes - December 8, 1994 - P.1 • • There was discussion about s supp]y� home decoratin p°nsorship of the worksho . Suggested g 1�dscaP� etc. P Staff w� contact v ��ng Fred W�ters if he �ou �utlets and seek sponsorshi � 011s � might benefit from people atren ' �t �ere mi ht be A for door prizes. B� 1t in their stores or h �g �S ti'orksho g �Pes of buildin re anding out IIyers with P wh° would help with r o TM ot o b u �ets who gistration forni attached for P�c�ases. � P u� submittal. w e �ht also have a pTe� dvertising Dennis srated that Mr, yV�ters w questions. H � W ants the Buildin has not adopted �y ondered if the State had g ��� 1 � at �e �'orksho to any ener� conservation re P �� �y Code Quirements, but Cald�,eli The next item for discussion was t}ie C . campiled a use policy w}uch was eva� ��' E ��c�ment Pro'ect. availability, uated. Bill felt ch � E Le antable progi'ams could be �Pert had It was g ��uded in � enera.(iy agreed that if the faciii Will have better ty is mariaged b have to be com protection. B�ed on Y the H'istoric Preservation Co piled so that res �e use poli it was felt �ission it accommodated, kitchen Ponsible parnes can be cantacted� an�pplicati°n fo source �d bathr'oom Before � � �' provided. facilities wili haye to be cons y�a�or use can be �'ucted and same heating Dennis provided some additior� �o�a�on r was discussed at the egardin Penmeter of the b PTe�011s meeting. Decorative tra � ���ng conce t for 2, 000 �d�g facia for a li ., � lightin p �e Depot which total cost). The s stem �e over $,.pp g �ould be installed aro�d the removed or repiaced. Y �' have a life S Per �e� foot (app L� �so cont Pan of 5 to 6 �tely $I,�00 to y tem g du � g '� g ht hours on a ye�� b j d � O PO`�'er w y at w h ic h ti� it wouid be S Estimated electric costs provided hO gave an estimated cost Y asis. The lightin ; of li year. g s an energy eg�ent Iow vol ag�g the were a ppro�ate1y 60¢ pe � or �out $225 er It was suggested that we � t A inswarice p�poses. The c� contact RaY Wolfe as he evaivated general]y felt that the use �ent fee struct�. is one �e buiid� poli produced by p�� � R for liability �Y might be presented to the Councij ir� �' jt �, In the interir� St� �he fall of 1995. � facility a p1�s for its uontact Up� advi� Pgrade. g °f �e Historic Cornnussion's interest in t The follow� he g stepS � be taken prior to presenting the pro'ect; 1 ' Final.ize a use � policy. 2 � Proceed with National Register no ' m�nat�on. HISTORIC p�S�VATION CO u � � D �m� $> 1994 - P.� �SSION F • � � 3. Assessment of program of stabilization and restoration. At the next meeting of the Commission we will discuss what needs to be done physically to the ' building to make it a viable proposition. When the weather imprQVes we should be able to get inside the building, possibly with the building inspector, and evaluate the possibilities. It was agreed to make a decision on the project on the March 25,1995, after the building has been inspected to see what needs to be done to maintain and stabilize it. However, the consensus of the Commission at this time is to ensure that the building particularly the e�cterior is properly maintained. Elaine Carpenter will meanwhile contact Donna at Parks and Recreation and let her know of our interest in the facility, since it is their responsibility at fihe moment. Tom Ensley offered a formal motion to have sta�lay out the steps and the use policy and bring it back to the next meeting. Roy Payne seconded the Motion wluch passed unanimously. At the conclusion of the meeting, Elaine Leppert explained that she has a conflict with Library business for the next five months. After some discussion, Elaine Leppert offered a Motion for the meeting to be moved to the second Thursday of each month. Tom Ensley seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The ne�t meeting will be on January 12, 1995. With no fiuther business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m Respectfizlly submitted, f - Liz Yeary, Secretary `'t � � � f � I �. HISTORIC PRESERVATION CO1vIlvIISSION , Minutes - December 8, 1994 - P.3 � y b